In this Minecraft based world magic, legends, gods, demigods, and creatures old and new live amongst humans and villagers while trying to survive against dangerous monsters, curses, and plagues waiting and hoping for the struggle between good and evil to end, lives a royal mercenary named Gavin and his cat Aurora with his Alchemist turned ranger sister named River and her cat Cookie. They live together not realizing the dangers they will face in the near future, with the help of friends and family will they overcome their upcomeing misfortunes and stop the orb of dominance from distroying the world as they know it?, who will survive?, who will die? Find out later when you read Minecraftia and The Orb of Dominance(The Arch(1), The King(2), and The Elder(3)) This will be a book trilogy containing references to youtubers, and easter eggs about the Minecraft iceberg(link below, i didn't make it). I will be writing this story with the help of my sister and after we finish with the novel we'll start on a drawn version of it.
There are infinite universes that exist, some are the same as ours, some are the complete opposite, many could have the same laws of phisics as ours, and many will have different laws for different phisics. In this infinite sea of realities that exist there is one reality that holds magic, monsters, gods and god like beings that live in a world of cubes.
This universe is known to our people, as we learned from watching the inhabitants of this universe, as "Minecraftia". Minecraftia had 3 different dimensions the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. The Overworld was a peaceful place in their universe with people making what ever they want as good as they want it becoming legends and myths for later generations, with gods over looking them and demigods running amongst them, playing with friends and family, making friends and finding cute little companions while roaming the forest.
Things stayed like this until a large number of Illagers lead by the Arch Illager started attacking the near by villages. As people started hearing about the raids they stopped going outside scared of meeting with one of the groups, and in doing so let the number of dangerous monsters grow making the Overworld a place of needing to survive instead of adventure and peacefulness.
Since then 15 years have passed people have stopped believing in the gods greatly diminishing their power making them unable to undo what was done and making people having to deal with the problem themselves when a raid happens.
In the Overworld there are kingdoms and the largest of these kingdoms is Levoren, and in its capital, Yule which had its first raid happen 10 years prior and a smaller one few years later , lives Gavin and River in an village lab unaware of any of this, except for the smaller raid.
coming soon