
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Zhou Zhijun’s Choice

The excessive excitement and repression distorted Zhou Zhijun's handsome. Everyone present was a sly fox and they all knew in their heart that Zhou Zhijun and Yun Che must be somehow related. Liu Xizhao didn't change his expression, but he was increasingly dissatisfied. Zhou Zhijun was his favorable candidate for son-in-law and his daughter liked him. But if he and Yun Che…,

"Zhou, what's wrong? You do know this Yun Che?"


Suddenly hearing himself being named, Zhou Zhijun finally drew himself away from all the information. Meeting everyone's fiery gaze, after he was finally calm down, a happy smile crept onto his face, "Yes, Yun Che… He is my wife's brother."

He had found them. He had finally found them. They were alive. They were all in the Southwest Base. Now Zhou Zhijun just wanted to fly to the southwest immediately to his wife and son.

But what he said made the atmosphere in the conference room instantly gloomy, even Xing Wanxin could not help but take another look at him. Everyone in the Southwest base knew that Zhou Zhijun had a thing with Liu Yuan, Liu Xizhao's daughter, and Liu Xizhao had been treating him like a son-in-law. And now he suddenly had a wife and a son. It would not matter if his wife was only an ordinary woman. But she was Yun Che's sister and Xing Feng had thrown a grand wedding for Yun Che in doomsday. Now the situation was a bit complicated. If it was not dealt carefully, all reputable families in the capital might be involved. A slight move in one part might affect the situation as a whole.

"What's going on? I thought you wife and son are dead?"

The Senior Xiao, who had always spoiled his granddaughter, said in a low voice and his face turned liver. Before this, he was particularly optimistic about the future of this grandson-in-law, and he had also inquired Zhou Zhijun's parents about him. He learned that he was married, but his wife and kid died in the early days of the doomsday. How come he suddenly got a wife and a brother-in-law now? Now everyone knew he was Yuan's man. If word got out, it would be extremely awkward for them Liu Family and Xiao Family.


When he heard that, Zhou Zhijun's eyes darkened, and then he looked at the name of Yun Che's nephew on the file, Yun Zichen. Recalling that his mother, sister-in-law and his little sister all convinced him that his wife and son had been bitten to death by the zombies, Zhou Zhijun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. He knew that his mother had always looked down on Yao and felt that she was not good enough for him. But hadn't his mother's attitude towards Yao improved in the past two years? Why… even if she didn't like Yao, Chenchen was his own son, how could she…

What Zhou Zhijun didn't know was that he used to be in the army in the capital all the time. Though his mother told him over the phone that Yao was fine, she was only trying to repair the damage done between them when Zhou Zhijun and Yun Yao got married. Because of the guilt in his heart, he trusted her without a second thought. Before doomsday, Yun Yao was a gentle woman and was deeply in love with him. Though she knew that his mother would say good things about her only on the phone, she never told him the truth. She didn't want the man she loved to fell apart with his mother for her, and Zhou Zhijun also wanted his families to get along, so he neglected all the details, only wanting to believe his mother's lie and stay in the dream that they were living in a warm and lovable family.

Now he had woken from the dream and returned to the brutal reality. The truth hidden behind the fact that Yun Yao and his son were still alive was too much for him to bear. And he couldn't even imagine how much his mother hated Yun Yao and Chenchen that she would tell him that she watched them being bitten to death by zombies.

"I don't know what's going on. Anyway, Yun Yao is my wife, Yun Che and Yun Cheng are my brothers-in-law, and they are both still alive and safe."

God knows how hard it was for him to suppress the pain in his heart. He raised his head to boldly face the glare of Senior Xiao. It was not like he didn't know about the rumor of him and Liu Yuan, but he thought that his wife and son were dead so even he didn't like Liu Yuan, he didn't bother to explain. Now since he knew that Yun Yao and Chenchen were alive, he had to clear the misunderstanding.

However, Zhou Zhijun might not know that for things between men and women, it would not be easy for him to pull away from this since he chose to let the misunderstanding stand in the beginning, especially when the girl was from a powerful family.

"How dare you!"


Slapping fiercely at the table, Senior Xiao stood up in anger and left. Before leaving, he threw a furious stare at Zhou Zhijun. The atmosphere in the conference room was so weird that it made people suffocate. The representatives of families that had been at odds with the Liu Family and Xiao Family gloated over the situation and those who got along with them felt it was deeply shameful. This had made everyone a bit embarrassed.

"Zhou, you don't have to rush to identify your wife and son. Maybe they just share the same name.

Xing Wanxin, who had been silent, suddenly spoke and broke the silence in the room. He had not met the three siblings of the Yun Family, but since his favorite grandson had married Yun Che, he was one of the Xing Family, so the Xing Family would therefore protect Yun Yao and her son. Zhou Zhijun had been rising rapidly in the capital. In the eyes of the public, he was appreciated by his superiors and was loved by the people, but his wife and son were relying on her brothers in the Southwest Base. Moreover, everyone in the Zhou Family declared that Yun Yao and her son had died. Having lived for so long, he didn't buy a bit that there was nothing suspicious. Even if there was nothing wrong, the man who only focused on his business and ignored his wife and son didn't worth any compliment. Xing Wanxin didn't care about other girls, but the girl of the Xing Family couldn't be humiliated by such a man.

"Senior Xing–"

Turning his head to meet his eyes, Zhou Zhijun had a thousand words to say but he couldn't mutter a word at the moment. He was not stupid, so he sure knew what Senior Xing meant. But he really had no idea that his mother would hate his wife and kid so much that they she dare make up such a lie!

"Today's meeting ends now."

Not wanting to listen to the sophistry of a man who did not even dare to admit his own mistake, Xing Wanxin stood up with his cane. When he passed by Zhou Zhijun, he halted, and pressed his hand that was covered with age pigments heavily on Zhou Zhijun's shoulder, "Zhou, do you know why family is always put before the country and the world? How is a man supposed to protect the country if he couldn't even protect his family?"

Having said that, Xing Wanxin left with the members of the Xing Family. For outsiders, they should always persuad a married couple to stay together rather than to fall apart. Xing Wanxing had no intention to persuade him. He simply felt that a man who was unable to protect his family would not be able to protect the country. They were military men so they had to bear greater responsibility. No matter what achievement he would made in the future, if a man couldn't even be responsible to his wife, he would always be considered as a failure.

The people in the conference room left one by one, and Liu Xizhao and Zhou Zhijun were the only two left. Looking at this young man who he always believed would have a bright future, Liu Xizhao was hesitant. Zhou Zhijun had a good reputation in the army and if he recklessly punished him, the soldiers would not be convinced. And without a man who could manage those insolent soldiers, it would not be easy to control an army that didn't respect him. At the moment, he was at a loss as what to do.

"What the hell is going on? Didn't your parents swear that they were dead?"

A long while later, Liu Xizhao suddenly asked, agitated. His baby daughter had become a home wrecker, and if words got out, the Liu Family would be humiliated.

"I… my mother has never liked Yao, and I didn't expect her to… Chief, please allow me to take a trip to the southwest. I will find a way to take care of the antidote and nutrient, and I want to bring my wife and son here with me."

Halfway through his bitter explanation, Zhou Zhijun suddenly straightened and resolutely requested. His wife and son were still alive. He couldn't wait for another second, and he had to go to the southwest immediately.

"Who will lead the army if you leave?"

Liu Xizhao stared fiercely at him and then left. Zhou Zhijun was started for a little while and then caught up with him. He had to go to the southwest, he couldn't let his wife and son be stranded out there again.

"How dare you? If you dare to go and take back that woman, I'll kill myself if you do."

After he returned home, Zhou Zhijun tiredly explained that he was going to the southwest, not hesitating to leave all the military affairs in the capital. However, his mother was furious, and his father was not happy as well. The younger generation did not have the chance to speak in such a situation, so Zhou Ting could only lower her eyes and stood at the side of her mother. Under her delicate makeup, her eyes were full of malicious resentment.

"Mom, can you be more reasonable? Yao is my legitimate wife, and Chenchen is my son and your grandson. I don't want to bother with the fact that you deliberately lied about them being bitten to death by zombies. Since I know they are still alive and safe, what's wrong with me going to take them home?"

Zhou Zhijun held his head and he was on the verge of collapse. Why was his family like this? They were in doomsday and why was his mother still looking down on Yao and unwilling to accept her?

"When you ask me what's wrong, have you ever thought about what others will think? Yuan is such a good girl, and she is so devoted to you. But all you can think of is that woman and have you ever thought of Yuan? When you happily take them home from the southwest, what will happen to us? Do you think the president will let us get away? Do you want us all to be buried for your love?"

His mother cried heartbrokenly, tears streaming down. Liu Yuan was a princess, and her son was about to be her husband, so how could she allow him to leave everything behind for that bitch?

"Zhijun, you mother is right. The family is counting on you now. You said you'd leave everything in the capital behind to find them, so what about us? I'm not against you going to find them, but at least you have to settle things in the capital first, especially Liu Yuan. We didn't set her up with you, and you are the one got yourself into this situation with her. Shouldn't you take care of it first?

Embracing his wife who was crying, Zhou Zhijun's father raised his head and said in a serious manner. One of them played the good cop and another the bad couple. They made a perfect couple.


"Besides, didn't you say that Yun Che is doing great in the southwest? Even if you go there a few days later, Yao and Chenchen won't be in any danger, then why so rush?"

As soon as Zhou Zhijun opened his mouth, his father hurriedly interjected. After a long silence, Zhou Zhijun finally nodded, "I will arrange everything in the capital before going to find them. But dad, mom, you better not do anything against them behind my back again, otherwise, I will resign from all military affairs and go to the southwest by myself."

Having said that, Zhou Zhijun strode away. However, what he didn't know was that when he accepted his parents' stalling tactics and chose his parents who still hated his wife and son, he lost his final chance to win Yun Yao back. A man who truly loved his wife and kid would not leave their safety in the hands of others. In a doomsday like this, who could guarantee that they wouldn't be in danger the next second? He was the one that renounced his duty to protect Yun Yao and Chenchen and he would never be qualified to guard them ever again.