
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Confessing All the Truth

It soon made its way to Yun Che's ears that Zhou Zhijun knew Yun Yao and her son were still alive in the Southwest Base. On reflection, Yun Che still chose to confess all the truth to Yun Yao. Even though Yun Che strongly disapproved that Yun Yao had a connection with Zhou Zhijun, Zhou Zhijun was after all the man Yun Yao had chosen and the father of Chenchen. So Yun Che found it best that his sister made the decision on her own. Only in this way would she not regret or trust Zhou Zhijun any more when she met him in the future.

However, to everyone's surprise, Yun Yao shook her head quite peacefully. It would definitely be a lie to say that she didn't get emotional. But this half a year had already worn away all her feelings and expectations. Even Lin Xiaohan had known the existence of Yun Yao and her son. To put their lives to the end, Lin Xiaohan had even hired a killer from the capital to kill Yun Che in the Southwest Base. But Zhou Zhijun had known nothing about Yun Yao's existence until now. What could Yun Yao expect from him?

"Sis, you sure you wouldn't regret?"

On the balcony on the fourth floor, Yun Che confirmed seriously once again. If it hadn't been true love, his sister wouldn't have married Zhou Zhijun regardless of everything and swallowed all insult and humiliation in his family all these years and even still had hopes for him after the doomsday. Yun Che didn't mean to force his sister to give up on Zhou Zhijun but felt from the bottom of his heart that Zhou Zhijun was not a reliable man. Even casting aside all the grudges in previous life, Yun Che still couldn't accept Zhou Zhijun. If Zhou Zhijun indeed cherished Yun Yao most, there would be no such news as Zhou Zhijun was still in a mission to clear zombies. Zhou Zhijun had made his choice.

"Why would I? I used to think I married for love. But finally I realized love was just the moonlight in the water. If it was in the peaceful era, I could understand his difficulty and I wouldn't mind taking care of my son by myself. But now, after the doomsday, if he does care about me so much, how come he's figured out we are still alive till lately? Peak is rather famous in the Southwest Base. The military should have reported about you to the capital. He's a general in the capital and even Lin Xiaohan knows our existence. What should I expect from him? Love also takes work, otherwise it'll get dry sooner or later. I've already had no love for him."

Looking at her brother calmly, Yun Yao sacrificed her love and marriage with a wry smile. Starting today, she would no longer have any expectations of Zhou Zhijun who became the most familiar stranger to her. She turned around and took a look at Gu Mingxuan who had been by her side. Yun Yao stretched out her hands to hold his. From today on, she would also start a new life. This time put an end to the relationship between Zhou Zhijun and her.

Holding Yun Yao's hands backwards, Gu Mingxuan seemed peaceful on the outside but was actually thrilled on the inside. He realized that Yun Yao, from now on, belonged to him in the true sense rather than in his imagination.

"Um, if you think so, I think I should tell you something."

After a long gaze at her, Yun Che raised his arms to set a layer of border around the balcony with superfunction of air. Responding to his sister's curious eyes, he said seriously, "Sis, do you know why I pretended to be sick and asked you to visit me with Chenchen in Chuan City before the doomsday? That's because I knew when the doomsday would approach and I prepared all the materials before then."

Yun Che had not talked about this with his sister mainly because the Zhou family was involved and Yun Che didn't want his sister to feel more guilty or upset. But now, since his sister had decided to break all her connection with Zhou Zhijun completely, Yun Che wouldn't mind giving her a hand so that she would no longer have any hopes. No matter if Zhou Zhijun knew anything before the doomsday, he was not the man on whom a girl could rely. Even if he didn't, how dare Zhou Ting have attacked Yun Yao and Chenchen without Zhou Zhijun's connivance and the Zhou family's acquiescence?


His words astonished not only Yun Yao but also captains of Chaoyang and Peak present, except Xing Feng and Leng Yehan in the know. It made sense that the military and the government could perceive the approach of the doomsday. But how could Yun Che, an ordinary person, figure that out in advance? Did he also master the superfunction of precognition? That possibility couldn't be ruled out, with all these various kinds of peculiar superfunction after the doomsday. Moreover, that could also explain why Yun Che knew so many things that they didn't know.

"So… why didn't you tell us?"

Yun Yao, still in shock, stammered her question. Her first reaction was that Cheng would not have become a zombie if Yun Che had confessed to them. Even though Cheng, currently adorable and thoughtful, led a happy life after marrying Ye Han, Yun Yao still hoped, if possible, Cheng could turn back to a human. At least, his body wouldn't be cold, he would have breath, he wouldn't have to eat food produced from the space and he wouldn't be estranged from his sister.

"Told you what? That the peaceful world would be destroy soon? That the human beings would be trapped in the horrible hell like the end of the world? Sis, if I really told you that, you might think me as a lunatic, right?"

With that said, Yun Che couldn't help but feel a little upset. How wouldn't he regret that? If he had known his brother would become a zombie, he would have told them the truth even if they would have treated him as a lunatic. However, there were various kinds of medicines in the world but none for regret.

Hearing that, Yun Yao went speechless and others nodded successively. If Yun Che had told them that, they would have indeed treated him as a crazy man. After all, the doomsday approached too suddenly. It had been peaceful the day before, but it changed the next day, which was beyond prediction. Even though the military and the government had made preparations, they had done that just to save against a rainy day. They were not 100% sure that the doomsday would come. Therefore, they hadn't informed the people in advance, which was the primary cause of the mass casualties.

"Then why did you know this before us?"

A while later, this question finally hit Yun Yao's mind. Looking at her wondering eyes, Yun Che said peacefully, "That's because I got reborn in the fourth year after the doomsday and then I came back to my previous life."


They were more than astonished this time. All people widened their eyes unbelievably. Reborn? Would such a thing as happened in novels and televisions happen in real life? This time, even Xing Feng was slightly astounded. According to those things Yun Che had told him, Xing Feng could figure out that Yun Che might have been reborn. But this hadn't been proved after all, so Xing Feng was somewhat shocked to hear that.

"Why… did you die? Did you… "

Grabbing his arms, Yun Yao couldn't help but shed tears. It hit her instantly that Yun Che had possibly been killed by the Zhou family in view of how Yun Che treated the Zhou family. The hatred that the Zhou family had of her might also have transferred to her son and brother. So it was not hard to imagine that the Zhou family would kill Yun Che after the doomsday.


Yun Che immediately saw her through and said in a soft voice, "You, Cheng and I were separated before the doomsday. You… The Zhou family stayed in your residence like they do after the doomsday. But they were forced to leave because of the shortage of food. However, the zombies surrounded them, so they pushed you to feed the zombies and seized the chance to run away with Chenchen. They did that not to save him but to trap the zombies with him. But then Zhou Zhijun made it to the spot. That was why Chenchen didn't die in the early doomsday. When I arrived, only blood and some broken limbs and bones remained on the ground. But I didn't believe you had died, never…"

Saying that, Yun Che choked with sobs. Even now, he still felt painful to think about the past. If his sense hadn't wandered back to his previous life when his new body was forming, he wouldn't have known the Zhou family had treated his sister so cruelly, even till now.

"How come? They…"

Yun Yao covered her mouth. She was too shocked to finish a sentence, with her slim body trembling violently. It was indeed in her guess just now, but… Did the Zhou family really hate her and her son to that extent? They didn't even spare Chenchen. Beside her, Gu Mingxuan reached out to put her into his arms and comforted, "It's fine. Everything's passed. I won't let anyone treat you like that in this life."

"Oh… How could they be so cruel? Oh…"

Yun Yao could no longer bear her sadness and threw herself into his arms, crying desperately. She always thought that the Zhou family would just leave her and Chenchen alone even if they hated her to the extreme. Out of her expectation, they had done such cruel things before the doomsday. No wonder Che had treated them with the least respect and opposed that she had a connection with Zhou Zhijun. The Zhou family were all evils!

How could she be the only one to be upset? Yun Che's words ignited everyone's anger. Grinding their teeth, they all couldn't wait to rush to the capital to torture the Zhou family to death. Fortunately, Yun Che had had Cheng take Chenchen to the space. If Chenchen was informed of how his mother had been treated by his family, how could he stand all this at such a young age?

Xing Feng embraced Yun Che tightly without saying anything. Yun Che looked back at Xing Feng and regained his composure. "After that, I went to look for Cheng. But he was gone with Yehan. They also went to look for us separately. In the next 2 or 3 years, I travelled to all bases in the southwest to look for you. Almost 2 years later, I found Cheng who had already become a zombie… I was the one who killed him and buried him. You guys wondered why I killed people in the devil's den, didn't you? That's because they killed Cheng and turned him into a zombie. Yehan was also killed while protecting Cheng. Even though those people didn't know me in current life, I wouldn't spare them easily."

As Yun Che said that, a horrible look appeared in his eyes. But he would have done the same thing because those people had acted so cruelly, even if those people hadn't killed his brother. Yun Che was not a good man, but a man after all. Monsters without humanity did not deserve to live.

"Yehan, he…"

Zhan Yafei's eyes were red. She covered her mouth hard and struggled to stop tears from trickling down. It never occurred to her that such a thing would have happened to Che. In everyone's heart, Che had been incredibly strong, but that unexpectedly happened to him. Damn it! The Zhou family was to blame for all this. If they had killed Yao, Che might have found Yao and Cheng before the doomsday, in which case neither Yehan or Cheng would become a zombie.

"Yehan and Cheng were lovers before Cheng became a zombie in their previous life."

He repeated this in hope of telling everyone at the spot that Leng Yehan hadn't taken advantage of Cheng. Even if Cheng hadn't become a zombie, they would still be a couple.