
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

The Capital Base, the Gathering Place of Tycoons

The successful development of the antidote and the nutrient stunned not only the Southwest Base but other bases in the whole the nation. The bases made calls in succession to inquire which were controlled by major army groups under the leadership of the Capital Base. But the research program of the antidote and the nutrient was granted to no one, except for the Coast Base which rarely conducted exchanges with other bases these days. The request of Xing Feng to have a talk with the base commander of the Southwest Base turned the base upside down, which was known to be governed together by the three armies and the government. In other words, the base had to decide on the real commander.

Currently speaking, the government was certainly not competitive for the base commander; the three armies were neck and neck in terms of military strength alone. But the Mo Army, the governor of the superfunction association, won the support of a crowd of superfunction possessors. The Mo Army also gained the assistance of the Chaoyang District of Xing Feng, the third son of the Xing family in the capital, and Yun Che whose base was known to have the best fighting force. That intangibly made the Mo Army much stronger.

On the reputation side, the Wei Army had still worked to redeem its reputation ever since the invisible superfunction possessor event. Even the construction of their school barely helped. As for the Wang Army, its reputation had nosedived since the scandal in which Chief Commander Wang Wei attended Xing Yun's wedding ceremony with Qian. As a result of that, Wang Wei had been ill in bed. By contrast, the Mo Army gave first-time rescue in the rat plague and the snow disaster. Moreover, the antidote and the nutrient were developed by the superfunction association in the charge of Mo Wenyang, under the strong support of Chaoyang and Peak. If the survivors voted for the base commander, without a doubt, the Mo Army would absolutely won by an overwhelming majority.

So the other two armies and the government would not agree to select the base commander at this moment. But Xing Feng wouldn't say a word about the research program, and Mo Wenyang obviously stayed aloof from the affair. Wei Kan and other members were terribly plagued, bombarded with the incessant calls from the Capital Base and other major bases. But Xing Feng who started all this was just enclosing lands with a bang. Everyday, he personally took the superfunction possessors of earth to the Yonghe Town to build enclosure walls and clear zombies.

The Capital Base

"Senior Xing, could you please give a call to to Xing Feng? It's said that their antidote can not only inhibit zombie viruses 100% but also possibly stimulate the superfunction in ordinary people and that the nutrient allows the superfunction possessors to ignore the grades of crystal nucleus. The antidote and the nutrient were totally the savior. If they are shared, we can see the future of human beings. For the sake of thousands of survivors, Senior Xing, please help us. We'll deeply appreciate it."

In the well-lit, spacious meeting room, a man in his 50s said sincerely, looking at the man in his 70s on the left. With that said, the middle-aged man stood up and bowed deeply to the old man. The middle-aged man was no one but the president of the nation, Liu Xizhao. Before the doomsday, the president could simply issue an edict; after that, he had certain discourse right at most, only under the premise that he owned an army. Otherwise, he probably could only sit on the fence like the official regional representatives.

The old man whom the middle-aged man treated with such a manner and respect must not be someone ordinary but Xing Feng's grandfather Xing Wanxin, the real top dog of the Xing family. Xing Wanxin, an emaciated old man aged over 70 with gray hair and aged spots in his navy blue Chinese tunic suit, stood there with a common cane in his dry hands. He looked just like an ordinary old man at the first sight. But it could be seen with careful observation that his aged deep-set eyes were as sharp as a blade. It seemed he could read a soul with just a glance. Time had been mercilessly ruining his health, but all of his wisdom was locked inside his abstruse eyes.

Apart from him, there were other tough old men at his age in the meeting room. They were all top dogs of big families and awe-inspiring military tycoons. Even the lieutenant generals and senior generals present were not worth mentioning in front of these old men. As for the major generals, they even had no quality to sit. Zhou Zhijun who had performed many exploits since the doomsday and won the support and esteem of quite many people could only stand behind the president.

"Feng told you that we want a talk with the base commander, didn't he?"

With his eyes slightly raised, Xing Wanxin said in a medium thick voice. He could tell at once that Liu Xizhao exerted pressure on him with human beings and tried to hide his schemes under the respectful attitude. Even if Xing Feng hadn't given Xing Wanxin a heads up, Xing Wanxin couldn't order Xing Feng to do anything as his grandpa. Moreover, it was rather apparent that Xing Feng did all this just to fight for the control over the Southwest Base for the Mo Army, the army commander and the commissar of which were Xing Wanxin's daughter and son-in-law. As a father, how could it be possible for Xing Wanxin to destroy their business? First and last, the world had changed and therefore the spirit of one for all was gone. If Xing Wanxin treated people with conscience, that was no different from digging his own grave.

"Well, he did. But the Southwest Base has no base commander."

Liu Xizhao looked embarrassed but was still willing to give up persuading Xing Wanxin. Among a dozen of bases controlled by the military nationwide, only the Southwest Base was controlled by the three armies and the government and hadn't decided on the base commander till now. Before the doomsday, Liu Xizhao could have nominated one just by issuing an order; but now, if he hardened his attitude, the Southwest Base might even proclaim its independence anytime. By then, he would be accused of splitting the state and the government would be also suspected. Definitely, the result would be beyond imagination.

"Can't they choose one? Are they really performing their duties? Or none of the three armies is qualified to be the base commander? If they can't make the choice, I'll be the base commander of the Southwest Base myself!"

With a piercing look flashing in his eyes, Xing Wanxin flew into a rage suddenly. Now he finally projected himself as a Chinese mighty old general, scared by which the young men around shrank their necks and lowered their heads. Liu Xizhao was also taken back for a short moment, and then responded, with cold sweats oozing, "Yes, you're right, Senior Xing. Allow me to urge them after the meeting to choose a base commander ASAP."

Soon after Senior Xing lost his temper, Liu Xizhao had no choice but to give up persuading him, since the revolutionists of the old generation were all unreasonable. If Liu Xizhao really annoyed Xing Wanxin, the one who would get it in the neck would only be the president.

"Senior Xing, chill out. Mr. President was right. It's not a big deal to call Xing Feng. What's the point of getting so angry?"

No one dared to continue the conversation, except another old men in the meeting. The one who spoke was Senior Xiao Guoquan, the father-in-law of Liu Xizhao.

"Guoquan, easier said than done. If you think you're capable, why don't you give Feng a call for me? You're his senior too, aren't you?"

Xing Wanxin lifted his lips with his anger still lingering. His retort made Xiao Guoquan speechless. If Xiao Guoquan called other young men, he could make use of seniority; if he called Xing Feng, that couldn't work. Xing Feng, born with no fear of anyone, never showed any respect to those who offended him. Xiao Guoquan would never want to get rebuffed.

"Wanxin, I heard that Feng is married and he is so nice to his spouse. Why don't we start from his spouse?"

Senior Ye Qishan interrupted in time and switched the topic in some way. As was known to all, Xing Wanxin didn't call Xing Feng just because Xing Feng never answered his call. Of the reason behind this, everyone preset was well-aware, but no one dared to bring it up.

"Seems you care about Xing Feng a lot. Why don't you care more about your own eldest grandson? Others know nothing about him but we do, don't we? Xingchen is also a member of the Southwest Base."

Xing Wanxin just couldn't stop taunting, sparing no chance to cut whoever retorted to the quick. Seeing the gloomy face of Senior Ye, Senior Shu said resignedly, "It would help if we can get in touch with Xingchen. I heard that he's a friend of Feng's spouse."

In the past, the Ye family had attached no importance to Ye Xingchen who had worked as an actor. After the doomsday, they just looked for him symbolically. However, they discovered in surprise that Ye Xingchen was a member of the superfunction squad, ranking the second in size in the Southwest Base, and that he was a friend of Xing Feng's spouse. This relationship made Ye Xingchen special to the Ye family. In the future, the Xing family was likely to make the eldest son the top dog. But these old men knew clearly who was the preference of Senior Xing. Once Xing Feng came back, chances were he would wear the pants. As a friend of Xing Feng's spouse, Xingchen might become the bond between the Ye and Xing families. However, the satellite phone could only reach all the military zones and Xing Feng's place, so there was no way to contact Ye Xingchen.

Senior Xiao, flipping through the file in front of him, asked curiously, "Who on earth is Yun Che? How could he make Feng hold a big ceremony to marry him in the doomsday?"

"Yun Che?"

Out of blue, Zhou Zhijun exclaimed, who stood silently behind the president. All eyes in the meeting room were bent on him. Seeing his widened eyes and astonished face, Liu Xizhao asked with wonders, "What? You know Yun Che?"

According to the file, Yun Che was the captain of superfunction squad ranking the second in the Southwest Base; he was a superfunction possessor of polysystem, whose base was known to have the best fighting strength; and he had an elder sister, a younger brother, a nephew and a talking dog. That was all the information about him. After the doomsday, most internet data got crashed, so nothing about him before the doomsday could be searched on the internet.

"Well, can I read it?"

Zhou Zhijun said almost with excitement but tried his best to regain his composure when sensing everyone's eyes on him. He pointed at the file in front of them, which actually had been delivered to his office a couple of days ago. But a large group of level-5 zombies appeared outside the Capital Base, so he had to clear the zombies with his army all these days. He had had no time to come back until this morning. So he was in great shock to hear the name of Yun Che.


Liu Xizhao didn't turn down Zhou Zhijun's request. After all, Zhou Zhijun was the general under Liu Xizhao's command who won the hearts and minds of most people. It had been in Liu Xizhao's mind that he would promote and pass his army to Zhou Zhijun once Zhou Zhijun became Liu Xizhao's son-in-law. But the expression on Zhou Zhijun's face which suggested an indecent relationship between Zhou Zhijun and Yun Che brought doubts and discontent to Liu Xizhao.

"Thank you, President."

Heedless of people's doubtful gaze at him, Zhou Zhijun came up with excitement and picked up the file. When he came across Yun Yao and Yun Cheng on the file, his hand with the file in it couldn't help trembling violently. It couldn't go wrong. It was Yao. She was still alive. Yao, Che, Cheng and Chenchen were all fine in the Southwest Base.

Instantly, Zhou Zhijun was overwhelmed with great joy. He totally couldn't believe all this. Yao was still alive!