
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Jiang Qi’s Chicanery, Zhan Tianlong Woke Up

"No! That's not true. They really tried to rape me. Uncle Zhan was injured because of me. I feel awfully sorry. But trust me! I didn't seduce them."

When everyone else stared at her, Jiang Qi struggled out of Lin Yin's arms and explained with tears rolling down her cheeks. She realized that Zhan Yafei could act like queen only because of the men around her. The Lin family were friends of Zhan Yafei's family and had been close to each other. Now, Zhan Yafei found them, and she would certainly take them out of the filthy place. "When I vindicate myself, I'll get various ways to attract every man around Zhan Yafei. Why can Zhan Yafei be the queen alone? I won't lose to her!" thought Jiang Qi.

"Bitch! You said your boyfriend was useless and you couldn't even have enough food. You said you would have sex with us four, as long as we provide you with meals. Damn it! Dare you swear you didn't say that?"

Hearing her lies, the remaining two men went crazy, and they even forgot how Zhan Yafei threatened them for the moment. They looked fiercely and angrily at Jiang Qi. How they wished they could rush to her and bite her head off!

"No! I didn't' say that. Yafei, trust me. I've been in a relationship with Lin Yin for three years. How could I do that for mere meals? Boohoo… No, I didn't do that…"

Looking aggrieved, Jiang Qi rushed up and held Zhan Yafei's hand. As she spoke, tears were rolling down. She was good at pretending. Unfortunately, she was lying to Xing Feng and his men. They joined the army when they were only teenagers, and they had seen countless rascals who were good at chicanery.

When a young woman in her twenties tried to deceive such experienced men, she was just like playing house where there were a lot of loopholes and flaws.

"What do you expect me to say? I believe that you're innocent?"

Zhan Yafei wasn't as sharp-eyed as her partners, but she kind of knew that Jiang Qi might possibly do such a dirty thing. Therefore, Zhan Yafei shot Jiang Qi a piercing glare.


Jiang Qi looked up subconsciously, but she was at a loss what to do upon looking into Zhan Yafei's eyes. Lin Yin suddenly walked up and hugged Jiang Qi, saying, "Fei, I don't believe Qi did that. They must be framing her!"

Staring at Zhan Yafei who still looked beautiful but somehow strange, Lin Yin forced him not to be scared or look away.

"Damn it. You brat! Get back and stand still!"

Lin Guodong burst into a fury. He rushed up and grabbed his son's arm. Everyone else knew that Jiang Qi was unfaithful and had malicious intent. Why was his son as stupid as a goose? His being hell-bent on loving her wasn't a problem before the doomsday. But the doomsday came. When would he stop defending her? To provide for her, it had been days since he last had a full meal. If Lin Guodong and his wife hadn't shared some food with their son, he would have been dead of starvation.

"Son, listen to your dad. Yafei is still asking for the truth. Let's not disturb her. I believe Yafei. She won't wrongly accuse anyone without evidence."

Seeing that, Wan Xiangfang also walked up and seized the other arm of her son. She wasn't afraid if Yafei would hurt her son. They grew up together, anyway, and they were friends. But she was afraid her son would still be stupid. If Zhan Yafei could expose Jiang Qi's lie, Lin Yin would no longer be cheated.

"Mom, I…"

"Don't go, Lin Yin. I'm scared!"

What Lin Yin's mother said convinced him. He looked up at Zhan Yafei and was trying to let go of Jiang Qi when the latter held him by the waist hurriedly. She choked with sobs and her voice even trembled. When she looked up, her bloodshot eyes were pitiful. Lin Yin was softhearted again. He tightened his arms for a second time.

"You… you idiot! How dare you call yourself a well-educated man?"

Lin Guodong was angry with Lin Yin's weakness, and slapped the back of his head! Wan Xiangfang also stared at his son with great disappointment. If Jiang Qi was honest and innocent, why would she fear? Over the days, they had seen so many dead men. How could their son still be so stupid?

"What happened?"

As they were in a stalemate, the Mercedes-Benz drove over. The base commander with the beer belly came with the men they had met before. Seeing the dead bodies on the ground and the remaining two man, whose hands were tied behind their backs, the base commander knitted his thick eyebrows and stared at Xing Feng and his team querulously. The team members could come in and look for someone, yet they were never allowed to kill anyone.


Upon seeing the base commander, Jiang Qi, who shrank in Lin Yin's arms, had a sudden idea. After a quick assessment, she burst out crying.

Everyone else on site frowned as they heard the cry, including Lin Yin. It was already hard to explain when the base commander saw the dead men killed by Zhan Yafei. Whatever Jiang Qi wanted, she would make bigger trouble as she cried out deliberately. She was trying to set Zhan Yafei up.


As expected, the base commander looked obviously impatient. Following the cry, he looked away. By accident or on purpose, Jiang Qi looked up at the same time. She was indeed a pretty girl. After the doomsday, most of the women grew haggard and ugly because of the cruel reality. Jiang Qi, on the contrary, remained almost the same as she was before the doomsday, due to Lin Yin's care and pampering. As she sobbed with tears, she looked more pathetic and pitiful. With a lascivious look, the base commander couldn't shift his gaze.

As a man, Lin Yin sensed the commander's lascivious look. He wanted to pull Jiang Qi behind him hurriedly. Unexpectedly, Jiang Qi didn't move at all. No one knew if she was too stupid or what. When his parents were staring, Lin Yin felt embarrassed. He knew his parents didn't like Jiang Qi because they wanted him to be in a relationship with Zhan Yafei. He used to ignore whatever they said about Jiang Qi and he always trusted her. But after he heard too many rumors, especially in such a condition, the seeds of doubt took root and sprouted quickly like weeds. What he didn't use to see through became clearer like the dispersed fog. Lin Yin, before he knew it, let go of his hands that were holding Jiang Qi tightly.

Was Jiang Qi too abrupt or was she already desperate?

Lin Yin's parents, Zhan Yafei, her mother, and friends, who saw exactly what was happening, remained silent. Since Jiang Qi asked for trouble, they wouldn't stop her.

"Ah? Oh… what happened? Didn't you say you were looking for someone? Why didn't you leave after you found them?"

The base commander didn't regain consciousness until the man beside him pushed him. He then asked impatiently. As he spoke, he walked towards Jiang Qi, who was already standing alone.

"What are you rushing for? We will leave when we want to. Do you think I want to stay in this fucking place?"

Chu Haoling replied in an unfriendly tone as he was enjoying the sliced beef. He was already upset. The base commander looked angrier and said, "I allowed you to come in and look for people. But I never allowed you to kill anyone. You're in my base and you can't do whatever you want."

He was a commander, anyway. And he had a bad temper. Though he scrupled about their power and the southwest base behind them, the base commander sounded tougher.

"How about this?"


Zhan Yafei kicked away the two man whose hands were tied behind their backs and stamped her feet. In a matter of seconds, two dead bodies sank into the earth with a rustle. Except her own teammates, everyone else was wide-eyed with disbelief. When they came back to their senses, everything had already returned to normal. There wasn't even a drop of blood on the ground. If they didn't see the clotted blood drops on the knife in Zhan Yafei's hand, her face, or her clothes, they would have suspected if they were in a dream.

"You… You…"

The base commander pointed at her shakily. What kind of superfunction was that? How did she manage to turn the ground into earth and return it to normal? That was super weird. How strong were these men? Was it possible that there were all kinds of freaks like them in the southwest base?

It has to be said that the base commander was being paranoid. The reason why they were considered freaks was that superfunction possessors like them were rarely seen. It was his bad luck, then. Whoever came here today was a freak that couldn't be ordinarily judged. If he knew two super freaks hadn't used their power yet, he would be more scared, wouldn't he?

As people were arguing loudly outside of the tent, Yun Che was paying close attention to the change on Zhan Tianlong inside the tent. The latter didn't stop trembling until Yun Che fed him with the spring water for the third time. Then, he had a high fever and sweated. Realizing Zhan Tianlong had got through the most critical moment and was activating his superfunction, Yun Che let out a sigh of relief.

"Mm, what's wrong with me…"

Another couple of minutes later, Zhan Tianlong's fever was gone. He opened his eyes, touched his forehead, and sat up. The pain all over his body was gone. Even the cut Yun Che made on his arm disappeared as well.

"Congratulations, Uncle Zhan. You defeated the zombie virus and now you're a superfunction possessor."

Finally, Zhan Tianlong got over it. Yun Che, with his face bathed in sweat, burst into laughter. Although more people in his team would bring more burdens to him, he didn't regard Zhan Yafei's parents as a burden, just like Yafei and other teammates never regarded Chenchen as a burden.

"Thank… thank you…"

Zhan Tianlong managed to think again, and he remembered that this man helped him to activate his own superfunction. He expressed his gratitude, sobbing.

"You're welcome. I'm the captain of Yafei's team and I'm a friend of hers. It's my honor to help. Uncle Zhan, don't blame us for coming late."

"No, no, I won't. Thank you. Thank you for protecting my daughter. I owe you big…"

Zhan Tianlong waved his hand repeatedly. He wasn't a stupid man, and he knew what capacity his daughter had. This man in front of him looked gentle and harmless. Zhan Tianlong somehow felt he was powerful. He was sure that his daughter wouldn't have come all the way back alive without this man's help.

"Well, we're a family. Uncle Zhan, you don't have to say thank you. Why don't you check what kind of superfunction you possess now?"

Zhan Yafei's father sounded upright, unlike Zhan Yafei. Yun Che couldn't help laughing and changed the topic naturally.

"Mm, I don't think I feel anything different. I…"


Zhan Tianlong picked himself up and tried. As he was still confused, he stamped his feet and there was a hole on the ground! He was too scared to move an inch. Yun Che realized it and said, "It's strengthened power superfunction. Uncle Zhan, feel it yourself. Do you feel a burning sense in your body? Control it, and no more accident will happen."


According to Yun Che's instruction, Zhan Tianlong could feel abundant superfunction inside his body. A couple of minutes later, he opened his eyes and tried to take a step ahead. As expected, he didn't stamp a hole on the ground as he just did. He spun around a few times where he stood just like a kid and jumped. Confirming that he could successfully control his superfunction, he could finally set his mind at ease.

"Well, why don't you try the other functions later? It's time to go out."

As Yun Che looked away at the entrance of the tent, he gave an evil smile. Just now, he also paid attention to what was happening outside the tent, and he heard everything. It was time to go out and put an end to it.