
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Desire to Live & A Bloody Revenge

"Mm… I think I'm just too excited."

Yun Che gradually calmed down. Holding back the overwhelming disappointment in his heart, he forced a mocking smile. He took out a small glass bottle out of the void, and pierced Yun Cheng's finger with an embroidery needle. Yun Cheng's pale skin was pressed, but the needle didn't puncture through it. Yun Che thought about it and then he injected some lightening power into the needle. This time, he succeeded. Yet Yun Cheng still felt no pain. CLAK! He kept chewing the crystal nuclei. What Yun Che just had done seemed to be transient and meaningless.

"I have to go today. I'll spend more time with you next time. Be good, okay?"

Having collected one drop of blood from his younger brother, Yun Che stood up and rubbed his brother's hair. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the space. Soon, a dark little dog jumped out of the mountains of resources and floated to Yun Cheng. The dog sprawled on the sofa indolently and said, "Look how lucky you are. Whenever Master comes in, he talks with you. But look at me. How dare I show up in front of him? Or I'll make him sad. He seems to be cold-blooded. But when he recognizes someone, he'll take care of him whole-heartedly. See? He always complains about me. But he also gets me a lot of energy bars. Such good luck to have a master like him! So, every day I eat a lot to get full. After I recover, I'll go find him right away. I'm sure he misses me. I miss him, too… How I wish I could always stay with him!"

In recent days, this happened frequently. Heiyu didn't dare to show up in front of Yun Che. He only came out when Yun Che was away. Sure, he chattered and chatted while Yun Cheng never responded.

When Yun Che was in his space, no one else was in the tent, except Zhan Tianlong. Even Xing Feng had left. Zhan Tianlong, alone, lay on the ground and could barely breathe. With the blood from Yun Cheng, Yun Che walked up and crouched in front of Zhan Tianlong. He said, "Uncle Zhan, I'm Yun Che, a friend of Yafei's. I know you can hear me. You'll be suffering, but do hang in there! Don't forget, your wife and daughter are waiting for you."

Willpower was also a key factor deciding if Zhan Tianlong would become a zombie or activate his superfunction. Zhan Tianlong refused to breathe his last because he didn't see his daughter before he died. Yun Che believed that a man like him must have extraordinary willpower. But as he saw his daughter, he kind of gave up his struggle. Yun Che said that to him so that he would have the desire to live again.

Zhan Tianlong, as a matter of fact, heard Yun Che. Instead of looking with blank eyes, Zhan Tianlong suddenly stared. He didn't regain consciousness yet, but his desire to live was already aroused.

Upon seeing that, Yun Che no longer hesitated. He took up Zhan Tianlong's arm and cut his skin with a knife. Then he took up the glass bottle with Yun Cheng's blood in it and dropped the blood on the cut. The scarlet blood turned black right away. The zombie virus went all over his body through the cut.


Zhan Tianlong, who didn't manage to utter a sound, suddenly whimpered in pain! His body also wriggled and twitched on the ground.

Upon seeing his struggle, Yun Che held up the back of his head and took the spring water he had prepared to his mouth. Then he forcibly poured the water into Zhan Tianlong's mouth. Most of the water was spattered, yet Zhan Tianlong still swallowed a little. Yun Che stopped feeding him. He would observe for a moment before he decided if he would keep feeding him.

Waiting was not only a real torment to Yun Che, but also to people outside of the tent. God knew how Zhan Yafei wanted to rush in when she heard her father's distressful groans! But she couldn't. She already had a nervous breakdown. She could no longer do that again. When she couldn't stand it, she had to hug her mother tightly so that they could warm each other.

"Could that man really save Uncle Zhan? He's dying…"

The woman, who looked as young as Zhan Yafei, gave a worried look at the tent and whispered when holding the arm of the middle-aged woman fearfully. But before she finished, everyone else glared at her! She was too scared to finish her words. She was stunned, and she cringed behind the middle-aged woman. Her eyes were red with tears as if she suffered from great injustice.

"Shut up if you don't know what to say. We won't take you as a mute."

The middle-aged woman pushed the young woman aside and said in a disgusted tone. Then she strode along to Zhan Yafei and her mother, saying, "Wang, Fei, don't worry. Zhan makes his own luck. He'll be all right. Your family finally get back to each other after all the trouble. He loves you. He won't let you down."

Well, she didn't find her words convincing. But at this moment, what else could she say?

"Mm, thank you, Aunt Wan. We're okay. Dad is going to be fine, too. Che is a great man. He will save my father."

Still holding her mother in her arms, Zhan Yafei forced herself to keep up her spirit and replied as calmly as she could. This was an answer to everyone else and to herself. They didn't use to ask things, but they sometimes wondered and they knew something. Yun Che had a lot of secrets. After Zhan Yafei calmed down, she remembered that. Since Yun Che dared to infect her father with the zombie virous so that her father could activate his superfunction and survive, he must be sure about it. The odd would at least be higher than 50%. Therefore, her father stood a chance.

"Yafei, are they your friends?"

Zhan Yafei was much stronger than the middle-aged woman could imagine. In case such a discussion hurt Zhan Yafei's confidence, the woman changed the subject cleverly.

"Mm. We're from two superfunction teams. The man who is helping my father is our team leader Yun Che. I adapted to the life in doomsday quickly and survived due to his help. This time, they came all the way with me to look for my parents. We didn't know they came here with you until we saw the note my father left me yesterday."

The middle-aged woman Aunt Wan and her husband Uncle Lin were friends of Zhan Yafei's parents, so Zhan Yafei didn't hide the truth. She explained simply, not because she didn't trust them, but because of… Zhan Yafei cast a glance at the young man over there. She was Jiang Qi, the girlfriend of Uncle Lin's son Lin Yin. In Zhan Yafei's memory, Jiang Qi was a material girl and she didn't love Lin Yin for real. All she wanted was the wealth of the Lin family. Now, Zhan Yafei still thought so. A woman like Jiang Qi couldn't be trusted at all. As a social climber, once she found a richer man, she could certainly break up with Lin Yin. She stayed here, possibly because she hadn't found a richer man yet. From the clean dress on her, it wasn't difficult to imagine how Lin Yin cherished her as his goddess.

"I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're back…"

Holding Zhan Yafei's hand, Wan Xiangfang nodded with tears in her eyes. She also watched Zhan Yafei grow up, and she didn't have a daughter. Consequently, she used to regard Zhan Yafei as her own daughter. She even wanted her to be Lin Yin's girlfriend. Unfortunately, Lin Yin had such a girlfriend long ago.

"Move fucking faster!"


Suddenly, there came a rude curse. After that, four men were thrown over whose hands were tied behind their backs. Chu Haoling walked behind them and still cursed, "You son of bitch! Shame on you! How dared you fight me!"

"Ah… stop beating me! Stop…"

As Chu Haoling cursed, he kicked one of the men twice with full strength. The man wept with pain and begged piteously! People around, however, remained poker-faced. Among them, Zhan Yafei looked furious, killing intention welling up on her face.

"Yafei, here they are. They punched your father."

BAH! Chu Haoling raised his hand as a greeting to Zhan Yafei before he backed away to where Xing Feng stood with an upset look. Xing Feng took out a bag of air-dried sliced beef to Chu Haoling as a reward as if he were amusing a pet. But Chu Haoling liked that. He took over the snack, tore it open and enjoyed it. If they weren't in such a serious condition, others would have teased him again.

"Aunt Wan, please take care of my mom."

Glaring at these men with hateful eyes, Zhan Yafei suddenly pushed her crying mother to Wan Xiangfang's arms.




Before Wang Suhua managed to finish her words, Zhan Yafei kicked away the four men within seconds. The men, one after another, wailed mournfully! Everyone, except Zhan Yafei's partners, was utterly dumbfounded! Before this moment, none of them could expect such a beautiful woman like Zhan Yafei to be so violent.

The Lin family and Wang Suhua were especially shocked. In their memories, Zhan Yafei wasn't that violent. Soon, some other emotion welled up in Wang Suhua's tearful eyes. All her life, she was protected by her husband. Never did she suffer or bear hardships. Though she was in middle age, she was still spoilt like a princess. Yet it didn't mean she was too stupid or naïve. After the doomsday, she had seen widespread apathy and inconstancy of humans. Perhaps, only in this way could her daughter live a better life!


"Ah! She killed him!"

Ignoring the gaze of people, Zhan Yafei picked up the watermelon knife and rushed towards the men. As she brandished the knife, she directly cut off the head of one man. Drops of blood sprayed all over her. As the dead man fell, there came trembling squeals!

"No! Don't kill us! We didn't mean that. Please spare us…"

With the bloody knife in her hand, Zhan Yafei turned to another man. Thanks to Yun Che's instruction, she thought of nothing else, except killing these men to revenge her father. She didn't feel scared at all! The man, who was fated to die, wriggled his body with fear and begged for mercy.

"Did you show any mercy when you mauled my father?

"No… Ah…

As his voice died down, his chest was pierced by the knife. Lookers-on were scared away. The other young woman Jiang Qi was so frightened that she shivered in Lin Yin's arms. No one knew if she feared the blood or if she feared her lie would be exposed.

"No! No! Missy! We didn't mean that. The girl… she seduced us! Your father saw us and thought we raped her! You father started the fight!"

"Yes! Please trust us! We explained to your father, but that girl only cried. She didn't help to explain at all! We couldn't just be punched and do nothing!"

The remaining two men explained hurriedly as they stared at Jiang Qi who curled herself in Lin Yin's arms. The men were nearly scared out of their pants! If they had known Zhan Tianlong's daughter was so violent, they wouldn't have fought him, however reckless they were. No! They wouldn't have been seduced by Jiang Qi either so that they wouldn't have got in such trouble!