
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Zhan Yafei’s Father Was Dying

"Dad? Dad…"

The cry of Zhan Yafei's mother reminded her of her father. As she looked at him, she froze. The next second, she scrambled towards him and shouted, "Dad, what happened? I'm Fei. Here I am! Talk to me, Dad…"

"Honey, our daughter has come! Finally, we see each other again. Don't leave us. I'm begging you…"

Zhan Yafei and her mother were weeping buckets around Zhan Tianlong. The latter's mouth opened and closed several times, yet he failed to say anything. The tears from the corner of his eyes proved that he could hear them, knew his single daughter was safe and she had even found him in the base. Possibly because his last wish was fulfilled, his eyes, which had been open all the time, seemed to be closing.

Yun Che, who had noticed that, strode up, pushed people around aside and bent over to check up on Zhan Tianlong. Zhan Yafei, as if she could clutch at a straw, suddenly grasped his hand, yelling, "Che, please help my father. I'm begging you! Save him! I can't let him die… It took me so much trouble to get back to them… please… Che…"

In their eyes, Yun Che was the most reliable man. Whenever they were in trouble, Yun Che was the only life-saving straw they could think of.

"I know. Let go of me so that I can at least check up on him."

Yun Che understood how anxious Zhan Yafei was. But when she pulled him, he couldn't move freely.

"You can't help. Someone broke two of Tianlong's ribs. His internal organs have been badly hurt. It's been two days. If he hadn't been worried about his daughter, he would have been…"

The middle-aged man, who had been pushed aside by Yun Che explained sadly. This man was also a surgeon just like Zhan Tianlong. Even without necessary instrument, he still managed to give a simple diagnosis.

"You can't help. But it doesn't mean we can't either."

Yun Che gave that man a cold glance, and looked up at Zhou Zeyu, signaling him to pull Zhan Yafei away. Yang Huaien, however, picked her up before Zhou Zeyu. The latter had to take Wang Suhua into his arms in case she added to the trouble.

"Who? Who punched my father?"

In anger, Zhan Yafei struggled to free herself from Yang Huaien's arms and squealed at the middle-aged man! Her face, tear-streaked, was full of killing intention. The man, who nearly watched her grow up, was too shocked to reply. So were the middle-aged woman, the young man and young women in their twenties who stood beside him. As far as they could remember, Zhan Yafei was a beautiful and smart girl. She was sometimes naughty, but always lovely. Yet at this moment, she looked like a maniac killer, with a strong thirst for blood!

"Haoling, go with that man and tie up whoever punched Yafei's father. Huaien, keep an eye on Yafei."

As Xing Feng said in a deep voice, he pointed at the young man opposite them. Everything had already fallen into chaos, and he wouldn't let it continue like that.


"I'm going to kill him!"


Chu Haoling and Yang Huaien nodded. But Zhan Yafei stormed out madly. Unexpectedly, Leng Yehan raced up to stop her. In a spilt second, he raised his hand and slapped her! Her face was knocked askew by the slap. For a moment there was only silence in the tent. Leng Yehan stared at Zhan Yafei and asked coldly, "Have you come back to your senses?"

"I… but I…"

After looking up at him, Zhan Yafei suddenly crouched on the ground and burst into tears. Obviously, Leng Yehan wasn't used to comforting people. Yang Huaien walked up and held Zhan Yafei in his arms gently. They all knew that she was feeling bad. After all the trouble she finally found her father, but he was nearly dying. Anyone else in her shoes would be mad, too. But this wasn't a moment for utter despair.

"I'll take you to them."

The young man, who Xing Feng asked to guide them to find the murderers, pushed away the young woman in his arms and stepped out bravely. Chu Haoling was already full of complaints, and he needed a chance to give vent to sentiment. Instead of arguing, he remained silent and pouted his lips, hinting the young man to show the way. In case of much more trouble, Yu Wenqing, Shen Rui and Lu Haixuan followed up.

"How is he?"

Seemed like the situation was under control. Xing Feng walked up and crouched right opposite Yun Che. He looked down at Zhan Tianlong who might breathe his last at any moment.

"There's only one way to save him."

As Yun Che replied, he stood up and approached Zhan Yafei. Together, he took Zhan Yafei and Xing Feng to the corner. Also, he used the air membrane to wrap them in case.

"Is my father… is he beyond curable?"

From their look, Zhan Yafei knew her father must be in danger. Half of her face swollen, she asked in a hoarse voice. Tears rolled down her face, as if they were conscious.

"Normally, he's dying. I've got a way to save him. But the chance of success is only 50%. The other half may make you suffer millions of times than you do now. Yafei, think carefully about it and decide if you want to try it."

Time was running out, and Yun Che didn't want to chatter. He only fixed him eyes on her.

"I want it! When I try, there's at least a chance. If I don't, I'll have nothing. I'll hold it however miserable it may be."

Zhan Yafei gnashed her teeth and clenched her fists. With tears in her eyes, she still looked resolute. She wouldn't give up, when there was even a slim chance.

"Fine, then. Listen. I don't know if you have noticed. When a normal guy activates his superfunction or a superfunction possessor upgrades his superfunction, however wounded he used to be, he will totally recover right away, providing he is still alive. I mean, we can infect Uncle Zhan with the zombie virus. If he gets over it, he'll recover in no need of medical help. If he doesn't, he'll turn into a zombie. By then, I'm afraid we have to kill him ourselves."

This was somewhat the least-worst option. Yun Che didn't tell them that he found the spring water in his space could improve the odds of activating superfunctions. Surely, it should be used before the virus was mutated. Otherwise, who drank the spring water would suffer just like Yun Cheng. Yet Yun Che hadn't proved it yet. If he was wrong, he would make Zhan Yafei more disappointed.


Zhan Yafei staggered. Luckily, Xing Feng grabbed her arm quickly. Otherwise, she could slump down on the ground. However resolute she looked, she was still hit by a wave of sadness. An unbearable sense of fear possessed her.

"It sounds like a crazy idea. But it's worth trying. Like you said, we have a fifty-fifty chance at least if we try. And if we don't try, there'll be no chance at all. In the worst case, he dies. We just fear that he'll turn into a zombie. But we can kill him before he turns completely. Yafei, time is running out. Make your decision."

If there were another choice, no one wanted to push Zhan Yafei. But her father may die at any minute. If time was out, she would even lose the opportunity to try.

Realizing they were right, Zhan Yafei closed her eyes painfully, tears rolling down her cheeks. It took a while before she replied a hoarse voice, "Please!"

God knew how hard it was to make such a decision. Zhan Yafei had to do it. It was her last chance. Memories when she stayed with her father flashed in her mind. When she opened her eyes again, she looked sadder, but even more resolute. Yun Che and Xing Feng exchanged looks with each other and thought with a sigh, "It's a hard choice to make!" They themselves even found it so difficult to make such a decision.

"I'll ask Wenqing to get back some zombie virus."

Time was ticking. Taking Zhan Tianlong out of the tent was an unrealistic plan. They had to infect him with the zombie virus exactly where he lay.

"No, there's no time. Leave it to me. Get people in the tent out. Don't let them know what we're going to do. Just tell them I'm giving Uncle Zhan an emergent treatment."

Yun Che shook his head and denied Xing Feng's plan. It was hard to tell if Wenqing could come back in again after he went out for the zombie virus. No one even knew if Zhan Tianlong could hold until he came back.


Without asking how Yun Che would get the zombie virus, Xing Feng nodded directly. When Yun Che removed the air membrane, Xing Feng and Zhan Yafei walked up to people in the tent. Based on Yun Che's instruction, Xing Feng asked everyone else out. Zhan Yafei, holding her mother in her arms, also walked out, looking back repeatedly at every step. In case someone might peep, when they went out of the tent, they stood around the tent willingly, stopping anyone else from approaching.

Yun Che, however, used a thick air membrane to wrap himself when Xing Feng and Zhan Yafei turned around, and he sneaked into his space silently.

"Cheng, it's been days since I last came to see you. Today, I come to borrow some blood from you. Sorry, I don't have time to stay. After I go back to the base and tide up our home, I'll take you out. Then our sister and nephew will also keep you company. And Yehan… he misses you! No matter if you will fall in love with him, you should never break his heart. Got it?"

Crouching down in front of his younger brother, Yun Che pressed Yun Cheng's hand against his own cheek. Maybe because of the special environment in the space, Yun Cheng looked kind of different. His skin was still pale, but gradually supple instead of frozen. It felt like cold silica gel. But at least he looked like a normal person. His sharp canines somehow shrank back. Instead of disappearing, the canines seemed to be elastic. What Yun Che saw shocked himself! It was a good thing, anyway. When Yun Cheng got better and went out some day, no one would recognize he wasn't a human if he wore contact lenses or sunglasses to cover his red eyes.

Sure, this was a beautiful dream of Yun Che's. No one could really know what would happen in the future. All he could do was to realize his dream.

"Mm? Cheng?"

As he was lost in thought, a red crystal nucleus as big as a glass bead came into his view. Yun Che, confused at what was happening, looked up, dumbfounded. Yun Cheng was handing the crystal nucleus to him. All the time, Yun Cheng only shoveled crystal nuclei into his mouth mechanically, and didn't reply to whatever Yun Che said or did. For the first time ever, he handed a crystal nucleus to Yun Che. "Is he trying to comfort me?" thought Yun Che.

"Cheng, you heard me, didn't you? Are you recovering, Cheng?"

Thinking of this, Yun Che suddenly stood up and grabbed Yun Cheng's arms. His eyes were wild with joy and excitement. Could he think Yun Cheng was feeling his sadness and comforting him with a crystal nucleus? He was right, wasn't he? Yun Che and Yun Cheng were twins and they had been close since childhood. Yun Che could have skipped a grade in the senior high. But to keep Yun Che company, Yun Cheng still spent three years there. Sometimes he had a spiteful tongue, but Yun Che always understood his gentleness. "Even when he's a zombie, he's still gentle. Am I right? I can expect it, can't I?"

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. However excited he was, Yun Cheng didn't reply further. On his face, which looked the same as Yun Che's, was only blankness and cuteness. His red eyes still looked emotionless. Maybe Yun Cheng had made some progress, but not as much as one could expect. And he hadn't recovered yet.