
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Confess All the Truth (Part 2)

"Then what, and how did you die?"

Compared to Lu Haixuan and others, who had so much hatred in their heard that the only thing they wanted was revenge, Shen Rui and his people were a bit calmer, but only a bit. After all, Yun Che was the love of their boss, their trusted partner.

"Then I found Chenchen, in the Capital Base. When I entered the Capital Base, I inadvertently saw those search notices distributed by Zhou Zhijun. When I found him, he told me that my sister was bitten to death by zombies. In the doomsday, it was such a normal thing for someone to be bitten to death by zombies that I did not suspect at all, still trusting him as my brother-in-law. I stayed in the capital for Chenchen but because the Zhou Family always felt that I would take advantage of them, I didn't live in their house but in Section B that Zhou Zhijun arranged for me. In my previous life, I was a dual superfunction possessor of thunder and space. In the late doomsday, the resources were scarce so most of the pure superfunction possessors of space were abandoned. However, I didn't need others to protect me and I was excellent in combat, so I managed to have a pretty good life. Many superfunction squads and even the army wanted me to join them but I turned down them all, because I didn't want to be bound. However, what I failed to realize was that when I refused to be bound, I also lost the chance to make friends. In the doomsday, if you didn't belong to a squad, who would sincerely treat you as their friend?

At this point, Yun Che stopped to take a breath, fished out a bottle of water from the Space and tilted his head to drink it down. No one urged him because they knew that he needed to organize his words as the latter part was the most critical one. Without the acute pain and resignation that he suffered, how could he distort time and Space, returning from four years after the doomsday to before the doomsday to have the chance to start all over again?

"In the previous life, I just drifted along. Even when Chenchen was so skinny that he looked like a four- or five- year-old boy when he was already six, I didn't suspect that the Zhou Family might have been abusing him, until that day when I woke up to find that I was injected with drugs that suppressed my superfunction and was tied to an operating table in the basement of a small institute and Chenchen, who was only six years old, was tied beside me. Only by then did I realize that Han Mingzhe, the professor that had been standing by my side and also my lover, had been colluding with Zhou Ting for a long time. Zhou Ting told me that Zhou Zhijun had planned all of this and they scalped Chenchen's skull right in front of my eyes, taking his brain marrows. I was so resentful and angry that my superfunction reached level 7 and I was able to release myself from the restriction of the inhibitor. In the end, I turned Chenchen into ashes and used all my superfunction to destroy the institute, killing everyone to be buried with us."

He hated them, right? Until now, Yun Che's heart was still full of resentment. His nephew's cries before he died, as well as the acute pain and the reluctance to die had been tormenting him for a long time after his rebirth. At the very beginning, all of these memories came back to him every time he saw Chenchen, then he would desperately tell himself that he must be extra good to Chenchen to make up for what he owed him in his previous life. But there are some things that were destined to be healed only by blood, and the Zhou Family must pay the price!

"Woo – how could – how could – woo –"

The truth was cruel beyond Yun Yao's imagination. She never dreamed that her brother and son had suffered something like that. The Zhou Family… how could Zhou Zhijun do this to them? Chenchen was his own son!

Those kind people would never understand how those cold-hearted people managed to be so cruel, just as those who were cruel didn't even known how to the word kind was spelt. Being in the doomsday for more than half a year, Yun Yao had changed, and she had turned into a strong and brave woman, but she was still kind, unable to understand why people could be so cruel to their relatives that they didn't approve.

Gu Mingxuan felt heartache and hugged her tightly. His sadness was no less than Yun Yao. Yun Che was both the love of their boss and their recognized partner, and he always treated Chenchen like his own son. Zhou Zhijun and his sister treated them so, and he would revenge it even if it was happened in another life. No one was allowed to bully their friends like this!



Zhou Zeyu kicked over the coffee table. The omnipotent boss of Peak was so miserably victimized in his previous life. The little prince that all of them treasured was actually killed by someone by taking out his brain marrow alive. Now they finally understood why Yun Che had been stubbornly telling Chenchen that he was not fat, and that he was just baby fat. It was because he had been feeling guilty in his heart, so he wanted to raise his little nephew to be a perfectly healthy and happy kid to make up for his negligence and carelessness in his previous life.

"We must take revenge."

Ye Xingchen, who had always loved Chenchen and respected Yun Yao the most, clenched his fists, his nails sticking deep into his flesh. No matter it happened in the previous life or the current life, they would revenge whoever hurt their loved ones.

"Yeah, we will take revenge."

Sitting with him, Jiang Shang's handsome face also showed no expression and his eyes filled with hatred. The cuteness he displayed when he kept calling Senior was now nowhere to be seen.

"Damn, we will spare no one in the Zhou Family, especially Zhou Ting."

Meng Gang was a rough guy, and now he couldn't stop cursing. Although Lu Haixuan and Meng Xu said nothing, everyone could see that they were trying hard to suppress their anger and they might explode at any moment. Everyone in Chaoyang felt the as same as them. They were a little older than the members of Peak, but it didn't mean they were good at endurance. It was only that they knew someone felt more heartache and angry than they did.

"There is no need to rush. None of them will get away."

With one arm around Yun Che, Xing Feng was weirdly calm. Yun Che had told him about this before, but he was only mentioning it and didn't explain as clearly as he did this time. He finally knew why his Che hated researchers and soldiers so much.The feud of the previous life must be revenged in the present life. Since the Zhou Family was the culprit, he would not let them get away. He would treat the Zhou Family exactly the same way they treated Che and Chenchen in their past life. No one would be spared.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry. When the child is born, I will go to the capital to settle the score with them. Now let them enjoy their lives for the last few months."

Closing his eyes to calm down from all the sadness and anger he felt, Yun Che's lips hooked slightly, a smile, like a flower of death, bloomed on his face. He never considered himself as a good man and never took the initiative to provoke anyone. His feud with the Zhou Family started in his previous life. In this life, they still mistreated his sister and nephew, and they even hired killers to kill him so that they wouldn't have anyone to rely on. He, Yun Che, would not deserve to live if he did not revenge this.

"Well, let's seize the time to train ourselves in these few months. We must become stronger."

Leng Yehan looked deeply into Yun Che's eyes, and then swept over Zhou Zeyu and the others one by one. Even if they were only a little bit stronger, the chances of successful revenge would be a little higher. The capital was not like the Southwest Base, so the revenge would be so much difficult than they could imagine.


Zhou Zeyu and the others clenched their fists and nodded firmly. They still had to become stronger and stronger.

"Che – I'm sorry, if it's not for me –"

"No, sis, it has nothing to do with you. I'm not telling you this to make you feel guilty. I want to tell you that Zhou Zhijun is really not a man who can protect you and he is not someone you can rely on. Even if he really loves you, you will never be suitable for each other as long as he can't let go of his family. Love is between two people. That's true, but marriage is a matter for two families. If two families are destined to be incompatible, then there must be a trade-off. If he refuses to give up either side, it will only make everyone suffer. Sis, forget about him, they don't want us to be their family, neither do I. One day, I will make them regret having treated you that way."

Trying to stop his sister from feeling guilty, Yun Che leaned over and wiped away her tears with a tissue. This was the last time, and he hoped that from now on, his sister would never shed a tear for those people again. He would make her the queen of Peak, the woman who no one could bully.


Yun Yao nodded heavily with tears. She understood what her brother meant. Even if he didn't tell her the truth, she had already made up her mind that she wanted nothing to do with Zhou Zhijun. After learning about these things, she would never allow herself to be so pathetic. She had died too soon and miserable in her previous life, but she was well alive now and two of her brothers and her son were still with her. They would have a happy life, and… She tightened her grip on Gu Mingxuan's hand. Now she had a better man, and Zhou Zhijun could kiss her ass now. She wished that she had never ever met him.

"Now stop crying. Those people don't worth your tears!"

Patting his sister's shoulder again, Yun Che threw Gu Mingxuan a look. After Gu Mingxuan hugged his sister and soothed her, Yun Che turned over and said, "Let's put the revenge aside for now. I'm pregnant with a child, so it's impossible to travel all the way to the capital. Peak will encircle the land and train newcomers in these months. At the time of my labor, I want them all to reach level 5. "

There were still six months, so time was not a problem. They had laid a good foundation and their cultivation would be assisted, so level 5 was already a low requirement.

"No problem, but Che, I heard from Heiyu that many beasts in the Space have been cultivated into demons. So can we practice with them? After all, zombies are thoughtless. We can train our superfunction with them, but they are not useful in terms of cultivation. Our cultivation will be more solid if we improve it through actual combat than only improve it by meditation, won't it?"

During this period of time, they also reached the peak of the cultivation of qi and they would soon be able to reach the foundation building stage. They did not have a life divine body like Yun Che, who would not encounter bottlenecks. Therefore, instead of solving problems when they encountered one, it would be better to solve them in the process of cultivation, so that they could avoid bottlenecks as best as they could so as to improve their cultivation in a quick and steady manner.

"That's a good idea. I'll ask Heiyu about it later. It's about time. Let's go to the Space."

As the words fell, the door of Space opened. In the blink of an eye, they had entered the Space. The newly recruited members of Peak were all in the room meditating, only Yun Cheng, who couldn't cultivate, and Heiyu, who did not need to meditate to absorb the aura, stared at each other outside the room. Surprisingly, Chenchen was not with them.

"What are you doing here? Where is Chenchen?"

Yun Che led them over, only to see Heiyu and Yun Cheng playing Chinese checkers. Everyone was confused as how Heiyu was supposed to move the glass marbles with his paw?

"Stop making noise. I'm about to win."

Heiyu waved his paw without raising his head and their doubts were answered. The glass marbles actually jumped to the position Heiyu wanted it to be. Everyone could not help but find it funny. Outside the Space, Heiyu usually fight using his physical strength and he was the boss in the Space so no beasts dared to make a fuss with him. Therefore, they almost forgot that Heiyu was a true divine beast with divine power, whose cultivation was so much higher than theirs.