
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Tool Refining and the Visit of Wan Guoqiang

It turned out that Chenchen didn't come with them because he had made another breakthrough in the foundation building stage. At present, he reached phase 2, very close to Xing Feng in phase 4, while Yun Che had already reached phase 6 long time ago. However, most of other people were far behind that kid, for they were just about to begin their foundation building stage. How lashed out they might feel! Main squads of Peak and Chaoyang went back spontaneously to cultivate their foundation building in their rooms, before Yun Che and Xing Feng asked them to.

"Why bother? They can cultivate with me."

Heiyu said very boldly when hearing Yun Che talk about Leng Yehan and other people fighting with the space beasts to accumulate experience and improve strength. Xing Feng and Yun Che were embarrassed to hear Heiyu's words. Fortunately, Leng Yehan and others were gone. Otherwise, Heiyu would have been drowned by their spittle. Damn it! How could they defeat a beast at the stage of cultivation of qi? Heiyu would go way too far to abuse such green hands in this way.

"You go cultivate. I need to talk to Heiyu."

Yun Che already had no words to roast that moron, so he just urged Xing Feng to cultivate. As was known to Yun Che, it had bothered Xing Feng that his phase was lower than that of Yun Che, of which Xing Feng was not jealous. He just worried that he couldn't protect Yun Che if their phase gap widened. First and last, Xing Feng was in deep love with Yun Che and hated to see him work too hard.


Xing Feng nodded and bent down to kiss on Yun Che's forehead before going back to their room. Yun Che walked past the stone desk and took the opposite seat. "You take care of the fight with the beasts. Pick those at low levels. New guys also need to join in the cultivation. One more thing, can you make a space container?"

Xing Feng had talked about the space container with Yun Che before their marriage. At that time, Yun Che was going to ask Heiyu about it. But it slipped Yun Che's mind totally when he was occupied.

"For what? You wanna equip everyone with space?"

Heiyu said as he ate a pile of energy bars, lying face downwards. As a rich man now, Heiyu had more energy bars than he could eat. Thus, he didn't need to eat sparingly as before.

"Not for every one of them but at least a squad, okay? It's inconvenient to go out on duties without space. As for materials, we don't have to have them since I have saved quite a lot of them. If we kill a mutant beast or something, isn't it a waste to throw it away?"

The death of a mutant beast must arouse a bloody battle. If the dead mutant beast was placed in the car, its blood would drop to the ground along the way, which could attract zombies from several kilometers away. In that case, they would never live in peace. It would save a lot of trouble if they had space which could not only block the smell of blood but also contain the huge mutant beast.

"Cut it out. Be frank with me. Did anything happen outside? When you guys came in, Yao's and Yafei's eyes were swollen. I'm not blind."

Heiyu took a bite of the crisp energy bar and sat straight with his legs crossed in an annoying way. He held the energy bar with his two front paws and ate without stop. Yun Che tried his best to stop himself from looking at Heiyu's annoying posture. "It was not a big deal. Just Zhou Zeyu found out that we are in the southwest. I told my sister about that and my rebirth. My sister's eyes swelled because she cried too much out of guilt. The Zhou family occasionally show up and do something disgusting. To be honest, that's quite annoying. After the baby is born, I'll pay a visit to the capital. Before then, I hope they can all upgrade a phase and the new guys can at least reach phase 5. If Yehan works hard, he should be able to reach phase 6."

Heiyu stopped chewing and lowered his eyes. "Okay, you can count on me. I promise they'll reach your standard and they'll all reach the stage of core formation at least."

Heiyu knew more or less about the rebirth of Yun Che. Since Heiyu was anxious to revenge, he should make some contribution. Moreover, the guarding beast outside was a hidden peril after all. If possible, Heiyu also hoped that they could grow as stronger as possible.

"You sure you're not gonna ruin them, huh?"

With his slightly narrowed eyes squinting at Heiyu, Yun Che expressed his strong doubt. The new guys had been tortured almost to death in just a few days under Heiyu's training. They had only not required to change the coach. Whenever they saw Heiyu, only one request was reflected on their eyes: You're too fierce. Please spare us!

"Get out of here! I don't want to talk to you."

Heiyu glowered with his eyes widened at Yun Che for quite a moment, and then fastened its teeth in the energy bar angrily. What a stupid master Yun Che was! Heiyu was even thinking about doing him a favor. What a super fool!

"Huh… Come on. I was just kidding. What about the space container? Don't try to fool me."

Yun Che burst into laughter and reached out to poke Heiyu's small body. Heiyu then said with satisfaction, "I forgive you then. I don't have the space container, but you can have that."


Pointing at himself, Yun Che came up with a lot of questions. Was Heiyu trying to say that Yun Che's space was dividable?

"What are you thinking? I'm talking about refining tools. Any idea of that? Refining tools means refining weapons in unique ways. The space container is also a kind of weapons like space ring, necklace or something else. You can just wear the man-made space container but you can't hide it, so you may lose it. What's more, space can't grow like superfunction possessors of space, unless the space container gets upgraded. But it's nothing easy. With the spiritual root of fire, you are qualified to become a tool refiner, but it's not certain whether you could refine one. If you couldn't, you can try other spiritual root of fire. There must be one that could work."

Heiyu immediately realized that his master made a silly mistake again. Heiyu rolled his eyes with a disgusted look on his face. Even Xing Feng had asked Heiyu about cultivation when he began his cultivation. Only Yun Che who was beyond lazy never remembered to ask Heiyu when Yun Che didn't need Heiyu. But when Yun Che needed him, Yun Che would get to the root of the matter. Heiyu felt embarrassed to roast him.

"Well, Yehan can have a try."

Heiyu, stroking his jaw, couldn't believe that Yun Che just gave up his chance to become a tool refiner. Heiyu asked in surprise, "Why? Don't you want to be a tool refiner?"

It should be known that tool refiners and elixir refiners were very rare occupations, those in high levels in particular. But Yun Che wasn't even willing to give it a shot.

"It's not that I don't want to. But the more skills one masters, the more spirit one has to spend, right? I'm not in the status to fight right now, so I need to spend extra hours in improving my strength. If I learn to refine tools at the same time, I'm afraid I would confront the crisis which my spirit is unavoidably incapable to handle. As the saying goes, don't bite off more than you can chew. Better leave this chance to other people."

It had been some time since Yun Che started to cultivate, during which he had formed his own thoughts. He realized that he was more of a fighter, so all he needed to do was focus on improving his fighting skills.

"You got a point. Yehan is just a superfunction possessor of fire with the spiritual root of fire. Tool refiner is indeed the better job for him. Then ask him to stay in space tomorrow. I'll teach him to refine tools."

Heiyu nodded to show his agreement. He grabbed another energy bar and tore the bag.

"You should cut back on it before you turn into a fat beast. I'm going to cultivate now. If Cheng or Chenchen comes out, you go have fun with them. By the way, don't forget the beast cultivation thing. Afterwards, they will fight with the beasts before midnight and sit in meditation after midnight."

Patting Heiyu's head, Yun Che said as he stood up. Heiyu bit off the energy bar and said, "Um… Gotcha. Don't forget to replenish some energy. Take good care of my young master."

The young master would definitely be a born divine body. The more energy he was offered in his fetus stage, the stronger he would become in the future, which was the same as in the case that the cultivators with better foundation could reach high levels in the future.

"Got it."

With that said, Yun Che disappeared in a flash from the ground. Heiyu mumbled and then enjoyed his energy bars, lying on the stone desk. It was the happiest thing for him to eat energy bars this way.

The next morning, there came another news from the capital. It said that all the bases in the nation had already decided to work together to suppress the Southwest Base to and require the three armies and the government to choose the base commander. Even the families of Senior Wei and Senior Wang were on the edge of their seats. Certainly, Senior Xing had made contribution. Otherwise, it was impossible that all the bases worked together in such a short time. Upon hearing the news, Yun Che just smiled slightly. A little while later, he gave a call to Chen Hua and Lei Dashan, whose conversation was known to few people. The next day, rumor had it from the base that Wei Kan, Wang Wei and Wan Guoqiang strongly opposed out of their selfish motives that Mo Wenyang took up the post of the base commander of the Southwest Base, heedless of the lives of millions of survivors. As a result, the senior officials of the two armies and the government were instantly pushed to the crest of the storm.

"Uncle, have some soup."

This morning, Xing Feng went to Yonghe Town to build walls and clear zombies with his army. Chenchen who was ordered to stay at home served a bowl of ginseng soup to Yun Che. Instantly, Yun Che found it ironic that his sister left Chenchen at home to supervise him having the soup. Was she so sure that he couldn't turn down his nephew?

"Uncle, have a try. It tastes good."

Chenchen reached out to push the bowl since Yun Che didn't make a move. Yun Che answered impatiently, "Alright, I'll have some now, okay?"

What a boy of no conscience! Yun Che's love of Chenchen was all in vain now that Chenchen suppressed him with his mother.

Even though Yun Che had complaints, he just couldn't reject his nephew and finished all the soup. Gu Mingxuan came in when Yun Che was going to amuse his nephew. Yun Che couldn't help but look at Gu Mingxuan strangely and gave the empty bowl to Chenchen. "Take it to the kitchen. Be careful or you'll smash it."


Chenchen responded obediently. When he looked back, he saw Gu Mingxuan and then greeted to him sweetly, "Hello, Uncle Gu."

"Hello, Chenchen. You ask for a leave from the kindergarten again?"

Stroking his head with love, Gu Mingxuan asked. He knew that Yun Yao had Chenchen urge Yun Che to have the soup. No, to be exact, Gu Mingxuan was the one who came up with this idea for Yun Yao. But of course, Yun Che absolutely couldn't know this. Or else, Gu Mingxuan would be in great trouble.

"Mom said I'll have a little cousin and I have to take care of him so he'll like me in the future."

Chenchen was so happy to talk about his cousin and couldn't wait to see him. But his mother told him that his cousin wouldn't be born until quite a few months later. Chenchen needed to serve his uncle with soup every day. Only in this way would his cousin be born to be an adorable baby like him and be loved by everyone.

"Um, you're gonna be a good cousin. Go put the bowl away."


Praised by Gu Mingxuan, Chenchen ran away proudly. Gu Mingxuan restrained his smile, turned around and said, "Wang Guoqiang is in the next room. He said he wants to meet you."


Yun Che, who was eating a fruit, cast a strange look at Gu Mingxuan with his eyebrows raised. That look seemed to ask the purpose of Wan Guoqiang's visit. Gu Mingxuan shook his head speechlessly. Yun Che devoured the fruit and patted away the juice on his hands before standing up. "Fine. I'll meet him. Let's see what trouble he's gonna make again."

Saying that, Yun Che left, followed by Gu Mingxuan who covered his mouth. He dared to bet that Yun Che was delighted because here finally came the chance for him to have fun.