
Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

She is a spy who always hid her real identity in front of everyone that she meets. She may be an assistant. She may be a businesswoman. She may be a student. She may come in anyway possible in front of you but you cannot recognize her the second time you meet her. However she may come, everything is a mask that covers her real identity which is something very mysterious. He is an emperor of the Entertainment Industry but that was just his stress-buster from being the real Emperor of many Industries that were under his name. While acting in his film, he suddenly came across his first love who was supposed to be a poor scholarship student during their school times, now acting as an assistant to his co-star with her real age changed. Why? He didn’t care. He lost her once but wouldn’t the second time. She avoided him but he used the people around her to get more closer. She changed the identity again but he recognized her again too. “So what if you change your identity? You were mine and you would always be mine. The only identity with which I will see you as is my wife.” Read the story to find how she manipulates everyone around her to get her task done while he does everything to get her to his side. A combination of sweet romance, mystery, action, comedy and everything else you need would be presented with a beautifully decorated platter. *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD *** P.S.: The cover do not belong to me. I'll remove it if said to me... *** Want to energize this pitiful author with a cup of coffee? Provide a coffee here: ko-fi.com/leorote

Leorote · Urban
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413 Chs


As Shao Rong took Xiao Cheng to a side and kept chatting with him, she noticed that both the female leads, Cheng ying and Chen guang, already packed up and were about to leave the set along with their people in tow.

Her good mood plummeted immediately watching their departure. She tried so hard and finally made friends with both their assistants today.

Making a friend with Chengyings assistant was really a big hurdle for her. Since she was openly in 'war' with Chengying, talking with her assistant needs so many guts and plans. Can a person easily talk directly with their boss's enemy when they know what would happen when their boss would know about their exchange?

No one would risk having a conversation with a person that jeopardizes their career which does not hold a strong footing. A career like being an assistant is never stable. They could be fired any moment. Hence they should take every step carefully thinking about the consequences.

In such a situation, Shao Rong need to make Changying's assistant believe that talking and being a friend with her would not be harmful to him in any way.

Finally after a long time, when she thought that her mouth was about to fall off by talking too much, she finally caught the sight of him being loosen up.

After a few more words, he started smiling and talking back with her and her difficult hurdle was passed.

Just when she was about to implement her plan, she was interrupted by a childish voice from behind. She was both shocked and surprised at the arrival of Xiao Cheng.

Though she was happy about his visit, she felt a little regretful about her lost opportunity. That was because Xiao Cheng arrived at her perfect moment. All she wished was for him to come just a minute later. Nothing more than that. Still she went to Xiao Cheng, whose company she enjoyed the most and left Chengying's assistant alone.

She thought that she could continue after a few minutes but now, she saw their departure and her mood went down like the water from a waterfall.

She wondered if she should go forward and delay their departure a little and continue with her plan. If she wished, she could do that with a snap of her fingers.

She even came up with an idea within seconds and she was ready to do anything impromptu too. But all her ideas needed her to leave Xiao Cheng, and she was not ready to do that yet.

She looked at her side to see Xiao Cheng munching on cookies that she just gave him, making him look like a squirrel with his cheeks puffed out. He is so cute that she just doesn't want to do anything other than being with him and looking at him.

For the first time in her life, looking at the little kid, she decided to procrastinate her work. She decided to implement her plan on the next day. So what if the work was delayed by a day? It's not like she was in a hurry to complete the work done.

These are the thoughts that ran through her mind and she was surprised by her own thoughts because the Shao Rong that she always was, was never like this before.

Looking at the kid she muttered, "Looks like I always change my plans whenever I am with you."

Yes, that is what always happened. The last time, at the beach, she was just about to go for a stroll and play for a while when she saw a few kids. But Xiao Cheng made her lose temper at an unknown man. He also made her wait until he left before she left. When did she wait for someone to leave before she left? Everyone should always leave only after she leaves. That was the status she had.

Xiao Cheng really looks like an exception in all her plans. She could fight for him. She could wait longer for him. She could procrastinate her work for him. She could do so many such things for him.

All these thoughts sent her into a daze as she looked on at him.

The munching Xiao Cheng stopped his actions at her words and blinked his eyes at her, "Rong Rong, why did you change your plans because of me?" He asked an innocent question with an equal innocence.

Yes, why did she change her plans because of him? She doesn't know. Or does she?

She can not understand if she knows the answer for that question or not. The answer was buzzing around her head but she couldn't grasp it steadily with her hand.

As she came out of the daze and looked at the kid who was still anticipating her answer, she remembered their first interaction. It was different from how he was behaving now.

Yes, she got the answer.

She patted his head with a loving gaze. "Maybe because you remind me too much of someone who was very close to me."