
Michael and The Four Queens

Michael is just your average guy who used to work as a successful bartender before an incident messed it all up. He helps Alexandria Alexia Demonte one of The Four Queens and in doing so he becomes involved in something far bigger than he ever thought possible when he was living his mundane life. He will learn about The Four Queens, there past and there secret as Michael becomes closer to them and they to him before starting a relationship that if found out will turn the world upside down because of the power The Four Queens hold. Book will contain Yuri though the chapters will have a warning for those who don't like this gene so they can skip. Release schedule of 2 chapters per day. This is my first novel so please go easy on me :) Grammar is improving with each chapter *Artwork is not mine*

Sweeps83 · Urban
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Chapter 6 The superstar and the bartender

Alexia soon recovered from her bought of dizziness, this was not the first time it had happened when she was tired so she just tried to focus on finding her dressing room.

As she walked along a hallway she started to notice that this corridor was unfamiliar and not the one that let to her dressing room.

(Damn did I turn the wrong way when I got dizzy before) Alexi thought.

Just as she was about to turn around and head back the other way she paused as she heard something (wait this song).

As she moved towards the sound of the song she was even more sure that it was her own.

Now normally she would not be bothered about her song being played, after all how many times are her songs played each day by different people.

This song however was special to her, it was not one of her greatest hits but one she wrote very early in her career and had a special place in her heart.

Stepping through the doors she entered a room that was the complete opposite to the Apollo stage where she just played.

While the Apollo stage was full of people dancing to the loud music that was on during her break, this room was empty and had the soft music of song.

As she looked around she noticed the only person in the room was a bartender leaning against the bar apparently absorbed in her song because his finger was tapping against the bar along to the song.

For some reason unknown to Alexia the picture of this long man absorbed in one of her favorite songs made her smile and before she knew it she was approaching the bar.

"Excuse me can I order a drink" she asked as she approached the bar.

Mike turned around to look at Alexia with a professional smile and replied "of course miss what would you like?"

As he moved back around the other side of the bar Alexia stood frozen for a moment as if shocked by something.

As he reached the other side of the bar Mike noticed that the lady looked a bit shocked so he spoke up "Miss?"

"Ah" Alexia responded with slight embarrassment (what was that?)

(He addressed me as miss and not Lexi when he is clearly listening to my music. Why?)

"Sorry I got distracted for a moment, I would like something that will energize me for the next few hours please."

"Hmm" Mike responded while looking at Lexi.

"I would not advise that Miss"

"Excuse me? Lexi responded with a slight frown.

"I mean no offense Miss, I just think that something to energize you is the last thing your body needs." Mike replied while slightly raising his hands in surrender.

"Oh… and why do you say that? What would you suggest then?" Lexi asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Honestly the complete opposite, you need something that will help you sleep seeing how tired you look."

"If only it was that simple" Lexi sighed

"Hmm insomnia correct?"

"Oh what makes you say that?" Lexi replied intrigued.

"No offense but it's not hard to see how tired your body is and that you need a good nights sleep".

"Even if that's the case I still need something to energize me for the next few hours" Lexi sighed

"Can't you cancel the rest of your performance and just explain that you're not feeling well?" Mike asked curiously.

"Wait you recognize me?" Lexi asked surprised.

"Sure why wouldn't I? You're Miss Demonte who is supposed to be performing on the Apollo Stage."

(Miss Demonte? Interesting)

"Indeed so you understand why I need something to perk me up?"

"Hmm" Mike responded as he looked into her eyes and for the briefest of moments he saw her Emerald eyes lose there shimmer.

"Sad eyes" Mike replied without thinking which cause Lexi's eyes open wide as she looked at Mike.

"Pardon?" Lexi replied slightly coldly.

"Ah my apologies that came out without thinking."

"Humph" Lexi scoffed "so my drink please."

"Hmm" Mike said again as he continued to look at Lexi

(Why is he just looking at me like that? It's not the normal look men give me where there is lust or adoration.)

(This seems more sad as if he is struggling with a decision)

Finally Mike closed his eyes and sighed

"Very well I can help you with a drink but it's a bit special"

"Special how" Lexi replied her curiosity peaked.

"It will give you the energy boost you need for the next three to four hours, however after that you body will basically shut down and you will fall asleep for the next 10 hours or so."

"Really? Why have I never heard of such a drink in the past?" Lexi asked suspiciously.

"That's because I am the only one who knows how to make it since it's my own creation" Mike asked as he turned around and started to grab ingredients before mixing a drink.

Lexi watched him as he worked and she had to admit there was something different about the man.

Not only because he addressed her as Miss Demonte when obviously liked her music from how he tapped his finger to the beat when she entered and he knew who she was.

No there was something else she could not quite put her finger on.

"So what's the name of this drink" Lexi asked while watching him work.

"I call it The Good Night Shock" Mike replied.

"Ha ha really?" Lexi laughed at the bad name.

"Well it gives you a good nights sleep after giving your body a shock of energy."

While Lexi watched Mike continue to work she felt her phone vibrate, looking down she saw several missed calls and messages from Jane and Gracie.

As she was about to reply she got a call from Gracie.

"Hello" Lexi answered

"Oh finally you picked up, where are you? Jane said you went back to your dressing room but never showed up." Gracie asked through the phone.

"I am in…. Wait where am I?" Lexi asked confused

"The Artemis Lounge" Lexi heard Mike reply as he continued making her drink.

"Oh thank you" Lexi replied to Mike before continuing to talk to Gracie. " I am in The Artemis Lounge."

"Wait who were you talking to? who are you with?" Gracie asked suspiciously.

"The bartender."

"Ok then get me my drink in I am on my way to join you." Gracie replied before hanging up.

"Sigh can I also get a JD straight on the rocks as well please?"

"No problem."

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