

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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51 Chs

Chapter 10 - Growing Up I

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Ikiru was much calmer when he woke up again. He was still having trouble because his senses were not fully developed. However, the sudden awakening of his bloodline power and Quirk had relieved him a little. The Ackermen bloodline power was developing his whole body. Since Ikiru had awakened this power early, although it would take longer for the power to show its full potential, the upper point of the power would be higher. He had gone from being unable to perceive anything to having a hazy perception. His mother's presence instinctively calmed and comforted him. Mikasa's voice and touch were angelic to Ikiru.

Mikasa had not left Ikiru's side for a second since he was born. She had already reached her physical and mental peak. Mikasa didn't need any more training. Any further training would only sharpen her even more. So Mikasa decided to never leave Ikiru's side, at least until he could walk on his own. The first month of Ikiru's new life was a complete blur. By the end of the first month, he could see and feel properly. The first time he saw Mikasa would be a moment he would never forget for the rest of his life.

He fell in love with Mikasa at first sight. Ikiru could tell that Mikasa was his mother. Over the past month, he had become accustomed to her presence and could feel her. Thanks to his Quirk, he could sense the presence of everything around him within a metre radius. Ikiru was instinctively attuned to Mikasa. However, he could feel and see Mikasa's love and devotion to him thanks to his Quirk. Seeing Mikasa with his eyes made Ikiru smile. Mikasa had prepared a camera to take pictures of Ikiru before he was born. This way, she could take Ikiru's photo whenever she wanted. When she first saw Ikiru smiling at her, she didn't even think of taking a photo.

She was mesmerised by Ikiru's smile and sweetness. Mikasa kissed Ikiru every chance she got. Mikasa was mesmerised by Ikiru's presence. She had wanted a child for years, and with Ikiru's birth, she got her wish. However, even in her dreams, Mikasa never thought she would have a child as sweet as Ikiru. Of course, that wasn't actually the case. Ikiru was a sweet child, but not as sweet as Mikasa exaggerated. Mikasa's obsession with Ikiru made her see him that way.

A month after Ikiru was born, he was able to make sounds and move. Levi regularly checked on Mikasa and Ikiru's condition. He made sure they were healthy. For the past month, Levi had observed Ikiru as much as Mikasa would allow. Since the incident after his birth, Ikiru had never used his Quirk. This was within Levi's expectations. As for his health, Ikiru was more than healthy. With the awakening of the Ackerman bloodline, his metabolism and muscle development had reached superhuman levels.

Since he was not yet old enough to control and test his powers, they did not know their exact limits. Mikasa would not allow Levi to perform any tests on Ikiru. The most he could do was observe. Of course, this was the part Mikasa knew about. Levi had implanted nanobots into Ikiru under the name of nutritional supplements. But for some reason, the nanobots had stopped working after entering Ikiru's body. The Ackermen bloodline didn't have such an effect. Levi believed it was due to Ikiru's Quirk.

Although they still did not know what his Quirk was, they were sure that Ikiru had a powerful Quirk. As a result of Levi's observations, they were also sure that his Quirk did not cause any harm to Ikiru. All this was what Ikiru learnt during the first month of his life. During this month, Ikiru showed an awareness that was unexpected for his age. His mother's caresses would make him smile and he would try to caress her. He struggled because he was not yet in full control of his body, but even this was enough to increase Mikasa's love for Ikiru. Since Ikiru had awakened the Ackerman bloodline, his need for nourishment was very high. Fortunately, he had a mother like Mikasa who had awakened her bloodline power. Thanks to this, Ikiru had access to as much breast milk as he needed. However, Levi had prepared some nutrient solutions to improve Ikiru's muscle development and the function of his organs. Although he had to negotiate with Mikasa for a long time, he was finally able to convince her that it was for Ikiru's development. So Ikiru began to consume nutrient solutions in addition to breast milk.

For normal children, it was impossible for them to digest such nutrient solutions in their first month. However, since Ikiru had awakened his bloodline, it was possible for him. Thanks to these nutrients, Ikiru's internal organs would become stronger. Not only would their resistance to pressure increase, but also their functioning. For his muscles, the situation was much more complex. From the density of the muscles to their capacity, to the rate at which they secrete enzymes. These were not huge benefits in today's world. However, even if these benefits were small, they meant improvements in the person.

These improvements would not be of great benefit to normal people. For someone of the Ackerman bloodline, it was the opposite. A small improvement would be multiplied exponentially by the effect of the bloodline power. Ackermen's bloodline power transformed a person into a kind of super soldier. This transformation, however, was based on one's foundations. Before Quirk, most Ackermen would awaken their bloodline power between the ages of 12 and 16. This caused their powers not to increase much, as their bodies had already completed certain development. After the advent of Quirk, however, most people awakened their bloodline power between the ages of 4-6. This caused the members who awakened their bloodline power to be stronger than the older members, even if they did not have Quirk.

Levi hadn't seen any data in the clan records for someone like Ikiru who had awakened his bloodline. Since bloodline power suppressed Quirk, there was no record in the clan records of anyone who had awakened their Quirk shortly after birth. Ikiru was the first Ackerman to awaken his Quirk and bloodline shortly after his birth. This meant that the awakened bloodline power would continually strengthen Ikiru until he reached adulthood. Clan members who awakened their bloodline power at the age of 4-6 would continue to grow stronger until they reached puberty. So, awakening the bloodline power early was very beneficial for the individual.

With Levi's nutritional supplements and Mikasa's breast milk, the strengthening of Ikiru's bloodline strength would be unprecedented. Levi, like Mikasa, had been very happy lately. Even though he had made calculations before, the realisation of his calculations made him very happy. Ikiru, as Levi had predicted, had a powerful Quirk. Not only that, when Levi made the calculation, he based it on the fact that Ikiru would awaken his Quirk and bloodline power when he was four years old. Ikiru's awakening of his bloodline power at birth had upset all his calculations. However, this only served to increase Levi's happiness.

Because it meant that Ikiru's Quirk had shattered the lineage pressure. This was a sign that Ikiru had a very powerful Quirk. Mikasa already had a powerful Quirk. Even though she was not at the top of the world with her bloodline power, she was one step away from it. Before Ikiru's birth, Levi believed that Ikiru would be one step ahead of Mikasa. However, what he did not expect was that Ikiru would be two steps ahead of Mikasa, not one. Of course, it would take years for Ikiru to reach that power, but now they had that possibility.

This gave Levi the freedom to plan for the clan's restoration. They could stand on top of the world again. For these reasons, Levi had been very happy lately. Even though the AI was doing what it had been coded to do for years with the best of them, it was never reaching the heights it wanted. Fate had never smiled on the Ackerman clan, so there was nothing it could do. But in the future, AI would show this world how powerful it could be. So not only Mikasa, but Levi had developed an obsession with Ikiru. Levi wanted to turn Ikiru into his masterpiece.

He would give Ikiru the best training and resources the world had ever seen. He would make him invincible, impenetrable, untouchable. These were Levi's hopes for Ikiru. Mikasa, on the other hand, wanted Ikiru to be alive and healthy no matter what. She would imprison Ikiru if necessary. Ikiru was hers and hers alone. That's how unhealthy her obsession was. However, Mikasa was no fool. She realised that she was not at the top of this world. So she would make Ikiru strong. She would make him stronger than she was and give herself to him. In every sense, she wanted to become one with Ikiru. It took only a month for Levi and Mikasa to develop such devotion to Ikiru. During that month, Ikiru had done nothing but feed, try to move, make noises and shit himself. But his potential had already captivated the two Ackermen.

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