
MHA: The Stargazer

Ken Borough was a genius Ophthalmologist, bringing the field to new heights by the year 2050 at the early age of 20. Sadly, this genius died at 25 because of an accident, and some say his obsession with his job caused it. Hence, just like that, he got cut off from whatever futuristic plans he had within the field of optical science. Fear not, however, because it seems like the universe had other plans for this young genius, just that it's in a completely different world. One that he had no idea would become the place where he'd achieve feats more remarkable than he did before. But this time, he'll be known as Ken Hatsume, The Vision Hero.

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Prologue: The Gift of Reincarnation

"___" = Person Dialogue

'___' = Thoughts

[___] = Omnipotent Beings' Dialogue

*___* = SFX, Action, or Something like that...

General POV = Could be a messy 3rd-Person POV...

1st-Person POV = I won't put '___' on thoughts anymore...

Author's POV = A kind of omniscient narration... I don't know (^-^'')


◇General POV◇

In an entirely blank void, a tall naked man with blond hair and blue eyes was seen panicking after having woken up from his slumber. It was as if he did not know how and why he was there.

"What? What's happening!? No... no! my projects... my plans..." said the man.

Then, a gigantic eyeball appeared out of nowhere, followed by a winged cat creature. The eye looked at the man incredulously as if it could not believe what he was saying.

[*Ahem*] the eyeball coughed.

[I am very sorry to break it up to you, but you, Mister Ken Borough, are now dead... as for—]

"What? Dead...? This... this can't be happening right now... I still have a lot left to do..." Ken interrupted.

[*Sigh* Should've brought the calming incense... Ugh! Why am I even the one doing this anyway? Where's that Book of Life bastard!?] the eye complained to the flying cat.

[Uhhh, Sir All-Seeing... Umm, The One Above told me to assign this role to you because he instructed Sir Book of Life on a very important mission, a VERY important mission... Also, you're the one with the closest possible ability to Sir Book... so...] the cat told the eye.

[*Sigh* Alright, alright... Anyways... *AHEM!* Hey you! will you PLEASE shut up, calm down, and let me finish!?] the eye pointed at Ken scarily.

*Gulp* Ken stared at the eye, scared at the impossibility of his situation.

[Okay... Now, as I was saying... As for how you died... uhh... let me project it directly into your mind... In 3, 2, 1!—]



◇Author's POV◇

London, England - November 1, 2055 - 12:00 AM

Inside a large hospital, in one technologically advanced optical laboratory, a blond man wearing a lab coat was seen studying what seemed to be an artificial-looking eye. This is Ken Borough before he died...

Beside him was a beautiful black-haired lady with uniquely-colored eyes that were red, wearing a similar lab coat. This is his girlfr–... uh... I mean his co-worker slash "best friend," Alissa Bolton... She seemed to look irritated at the man in front of him.

"Ken, are you ever going to take a break? At this point, you'll drive yourself crazy!" said Alissa in a worried voice.

"Not when I'm this close to having a huge breakthrough, Alissa!" shouted Ken.

"I'm just worried! You haven't slept properly for a week, Ken! a WEEK! Stupid energy-boosting pill! You do know using that is detrimental to your health, right? They still haven't made a safer version, ugh!" shouted Alissa, irritated. "Ken... just... why won't you listen to me?" she added worryingly before putting her hand on Ken's shoulder.

"You don't understand... this... this project is very important to me... if I can't finish this as soon as possible... then–" said Ken, trembling.

"Why must you have to rush it!? What use is completing this project if you are found dead? Huh? Those people won't know who to thank or gratify but your corpse if you continue with this!" shouted Alissa, sobbing.

"It's not about the fame nor the fortune, Alissa... It's about me using my gifts to help people! It's the only thing I'm worth for!" refuted Ken.

*Door Opening*


"Uhh... Sir Borough, Miss Bolton... I'm going to go first... something urgent came up... so, uhh... bye..." said a random lab assistant, nervously looking at the arguing couple.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" said Alissa before turning back. "I hope you think about yourself too... What you're doing, it's honorable... but you know... some people care and worry about you... so please, take some rest because you're human too... not some robot..." said a downcasted Alissa, waveringly. "I hope you know that... you're worth more than what you think you are... at least, to me, that is..." she added before leaving the room.

"Alissa..." whispered Ken sadly. Then, he continued with his work in silence.

A few minutes later...



◇Alissa's POV◇

I rode a bus home with my co-worker minutes after I left Ken's lab with some advice that I hoped would reach that stubborn head of his... I hoped that it made him realize that his passion should remain a passion and not an obsession... I can't help but worry because he's killing himself for something I don't even think is that urgent! Ugh! Why can't he stop pressuring himself... *Sob T^T*

"Hey, Miss Bolton... you okay?" said the girl beside me, the lab assistant from before.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I weakly replied as I wiped off my tears.

Then... it happened...


I turned my head to the sound, looking at the direction it came from. It was... THE HOSPITAL! Oh no... no... this can't be... no, no, no! Ken! Please, let nothing happen to you... please...

I just knew that my face was panic-stricken right then and there...

"STOP THE BUS!" I shouted as I ran off the bus and called to ride a cab towards the hospital.

After arriving, I rushed towards the crowd that seemed to have quickly gathered after that explosive commotion...

There I saw... his body was being carried out from the building onto a stretcher... he was unrecognizable with all that burnt flesh, but I knew it was him... *Thud* I was there on my knees, crying, as I saw the ambulance rush off to another hospital...

In the hospital...

I ran as fast as I could, hearing my heartbeat in panic.

"Please... not yet... no..." I muttered as I rushed to the ER, ignoring the many personnel who blocked my way...

But it was already too late, as I saw him there, lifeless... the monitor registering not a single rhythm of his heartbeat... I knelt there again, crying with my whole body as I denied it... I couldn't accept that our last goodbye was a fight without even a word of apology or forgiveness.


"Ken, I'm so sorry *Sob* ... and... I love you... I love you so much... why...?" I cried and cried as I tried to gather my bearings. I tried to remember every single memory that I had of him.

I chuckled lightly as I reminisced about the first time we met...

"Hey! I love your eyes! They're so cool... Also, did you know that less than 1 percent of the world's population has red or violet eyes? And..."

He was the only one who never laughed at my red eyes... He was always so knowledgeable about eyes, that it's so dumb... Out of all things, why did he have to obsess about eyes?

I thought of all these things as I began to cry once again...


◇General POV◇


Back in the void, Ken is seen kneeling with tears falling from his eyes as he repeatedly mutters to himself, seemingly ignoring the huge eye and the flying cat near him.

[Aaaand, that's it! Did you like how you died? No? Too bad... we even added a bit more because we thought you might need it...] the eye told Ken condescendingly.

[Interestingly, though, it is a bit too much of a coincidence... but... How come an overly passionate Ophthalmologist is in the process of reincarnating after I was just assigned this temporary role...? Hey, Messenger, do you know anything about this?] Added the eye, with an amused look.

[I know nothing of this... Though, it is indeed an exciting coincidence...] replied the cat as it looked at Ken.

While the beings were talking to themselves, Ken was still kneeling on the ground, muttering his apologies to a person who wouldn't be able to hear him.

"I'm so sorry... so sorry... I'm sorry..." Ken repeated.

[Oy, oy, oy! Please, stop! It's getting annoying!] the eye berated.


Then, Ken stood up and calmed down with a determined look, facing the beings in front of him.

'I can do this, and I must be brave... That way, she might forgive me...'

"What do you want? What are you going to do with me?" He said stoically.

[Feisty~ I like that!] Said the eye, with a glint.

[Okay! Anyways, since you've calmed down now, let me explain what's going to happen to you...

Just kidding! There's no actual explanation here, basically, you're just going to reincarnate] said the eye with a deadpan look...

"Huh?? What?" reacted Ken.

"Also, why are you like this? One minute you're all serious and bored, now you're acting all giddy?" He added.

[You can either choose to reincarnate back to your past world without any of your memories and traits, or you can reincarnate onto a fictional world and still have your memories and features, but you will have to spin a wheel] said the eye, ignoring Ken's questioning look.

[Also, I will gift you some of my powers because I have been interested in you and the coincidence we've been put through... It must be fate!] added the eye with a hopeful look.

"Uhhh... can we spin the wheel now, please? I choose to reincarnate in a fictional world," said Ken, with a weirded-out look.

'This way, I can remember her...' He thought, clenching his fists.

[Okay!] said the eye.

A few seconds later, a colorful wheel with multiple titles of fictional worlds in each segment appeared before Ken's Eyes. He saw a lot of old shows and movies he was familiar with because some of them were subject to some of his studies. One such subject is Naruto because of the Dojutsus and other superhuman films, in general. Such are the perks of an overly obsessive person... They never seem to get satisfied so easily.

[You can spin it now.] said the eye.

After staring at the wheel for a few seconds, Ken decided to spin the wheel...

A few seconds of waiting later, the wheel stopped... It was on an old manga/anime called "My Hero Academia"...

'*Phew* At least I have a good amount of knowledge about this story due to having studied some characters' quirks before...' Ken thought.

[Alrighty then! Here's my gift, and off you go to "My Hero Academia" Goodbye!!] said the eye.

[Adios!] said the cat.

Then, Ken disappeared from the blank void, leaving the eye and the flying cat alone.

A few minutes later...

[Uh oh...] the eye said nervously.

[What is it?] said the cat.

[I might have given him too much of my abilities...] said the eye...

[Oh no, about how much?] replied the cat.

[I think it's about 10%...] said the eye, rubbing the back of its head with its non-existent hands.

[What!? Can that world handle it?] shouted the cat.

[Welp, we'll just have to wait and see... can't do much about it anyway. .. What's done is done... ahaha...] continued the eye.

I am very disappointed in you, Sir Eye...

[Shut up, old fart! This is all your fault anyway!] shouted the eye, seemingly trying to raise fists.

A/N: Are any readers out there? This is my first fanfiction ever. So, please be gentle with your criticisms... (^-^'')

Just so you know, I'm writing this for fun! I hope that by reading this, you may have some fun as well! (^-^ )

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