
MHA: The Quick Silver

Adrian always dream of being fast or having super power that makes you super fast, but one day while he was Jogging a truck That he evades passes him and he curse at it the *Boom*.... Please Donate Power Stones No Pressure and Enjoy My FanFic.

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Plan.

"Ok Everyone the Meeting starts"

"Silent, do the trick" said Adrian

[Silent- Can make the sound can't go to the outside of a room but it's only for the room]

"Hiso, blank our face"

Hiso Taps the head of the each Individuals.

"Now that the meeting will start I would like to thank you Mr.Yaoyorozu for giving us funds, and for supporting this raid, and because of you we could make this happen" said Adrian.

"Your welcome, if not because of you, our daughter will not be here today" said Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"Well The criminals really planned it carefully, I can't believe it, they just want Momo only" said Adrian.

"When I was In the Meeting I left her into my wife, but the criminals are smart they deceived my girl, they escaped, but we got the rest and only one member remained" said Mr. Yaoyorozu.


While Adrian was getting home he heard a girls yelp.

"Get your hands of me, *scream* Help Me!, Help Me!, Help M-" shouted a girl from the alleyway.

"Shhh, Nobody will save you this alleyway stinks so not many people will go here" said the Disgusting Individual.

"Please Help Me!, Mom!, Dad!. I Don't Want to die, please help me!" Cried the helpless girl.

In the corner of the alleyway you could see a silhouette walking to the Disgusting Individual.

"Hey!, Get your filthy hands of her!" shouted Adrian.

"Wha!?, Go away kid If you don't want to get hurt" said The Disgusting! Individual

"Let her go" said Adrian again.

"You know what, I'm gonn-"

Adrian Activates his Quirk and Punches the left stomach of the Disgusting Individual.

-Ughhh!-yelped the Disgusting Individual.

Adrian take the hair of the Disgusting Individual and Knee's the left Disgusting Individuals face hard, and while the knee is in the face, Adrian right Kicks the chest of the Disgusting Individual upward and puts his feet down and while the Disgusting Individual is falling Adrian left kicks the face of the Disgusting Individual.

The Disgusting Individual got beaten until it lost consciousness and Adrian stops and look at the girl that is blocking her face with her hands and sobbing.

"It's alright the guys is gone, Shh, shh, shh, Don't cry I'll get you to your mommy ok?"

"Mmm" Mumbled the Girl.

Adrian called the Hero's and tied the Disgusting Individual and Adrian talked to the girl to lighten up the mood.

"Are you ok?, I'm Adrian Silver by the way. What's your name?"

"I'm ok *sob*, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, Thank you for helping me *sob*"

Adrian takes a critical hit!.


"We need a medic Adrian got hit!" Said the Sergeant

"Sir, but there are no wound!" said the Private

The Sergeant smacked his companion and says.

"What do you mean nothing? Right there!"

"Ohh, his heart is, turned into a mush we can't save him Sir!"

"*sigh* Salute for our fallen Brother!"


(End Of Imagination)

"Ohh you are rich!, where is your body guards?"

"I don't know!, but I'm jealous of you!"


"Because your brave like a hero you go baam, and the boom, and then bang, and you beat the Bad guy, And your just my age"

"HAHAHAHA!,l You are right because I am strong and no one will beat me Muahahahaha!. I'm brave because I have to, for the future"

Adrian clenches is hand thinking about something.

"Are you ok?" said Momo.

"I'm ok, look It's your house!, Good bye! Meet you later" said Adrian.

"No don't go, eat here first and let my family thank you before you go"

Adrian tries to get away but Momo won't budge.



Adrian ring a the doorbell of the mansion and a bodyguard goes and see who it is and when he saw it he rushes to the gate like his life is on the line (but it is) and quickly ask some question.

"Young Lady Are you ok?, Are you hurt?, Who is this kid?, did you get scratched?"

"I'm ok! I'm saved by him, and can you let us in we need to talk to my parents"

"Yes young lady"

The guard opens the gate and you could see many guards pacing around in a hurry and some got closed to Momo and made sure she's safe some asked Adrian to but Momo defended Adrian by saying he saved her.

They got to the front door and knocked.

*Knock* Knock*

Ms. Yaoyorozu is shocked, her daughter is back and safe with another kid. Ms Yaoyorozu runs and hugs Momo and Momo cried, and Ms. Yaoyoruzo got a little bit emotional and started asking question about her and Adrian.

Mr. Yaoyorozu came and got shocked to and hugged Momo to and Ms. Yayorozu thanked me and asked me for dinner, Adrian want's to refuse but Mr. Yayorosu glared at him and he accepted.

While Momo's mom is cooking for dinner Momo's Dad asked me to follow him to the living room and they will discuss some matters.

When they got there Momo's dad sat and looked serious and asked.

"Who are you?" Momo's Dad

"Adrian Silver" said Adrian.

"How old are you?"

"9 years old"

'He doesn't look like one' thought Momo's Dad

"Well you look mature for your age"

"Well I do because my quirk lets me think fast so my thought process is above my peers"

"Well I'm gonna straight to the point"

Momo's Dad got of the chair and bowed and said.

"Thank you!, Without you we never get's to see my daughter, our competitor for resources wants my daughter dead because she could create materials expensive one's, and they want my family to go down and make their reputation in the market go up"

"Mr. Yaoyoruzo don't bow I did it because I was there anyone would do that"

"Yes anyone, but they will ask for marriage after that"

"Why are you trusting me?"

"When you look at my daughter you only saw a sister that you want to protect, So thank you"

"Well, No problem. I don't want to let you keep bowing so I would like something"

"What is it?"

"I would like support about our club in the making we got funds, but no one supports it, so can you support our Kendo Club? and you will be our member, but your just going to be our support when big people want to destroy us, in return we will help your security and will always priority your safety"

"Who would want to destroy your club no one will mess with you if you are just a club"

"Well we are punishing bullies specially the one with humongous Ego that goes to every part of their family and we will ask for compensation for them, but they won't do that because they think they can and we don't have the support if we got support many people will support, teachers and parents and some rich families"

"Ohh that is a big problem well I will help you with that I will get some recommendations to some rich people around the your school"

"Thank you sir"

When the letter spread around more people got into this club and supported it and money came in and Mr. Yaoyorozu got a good reputation for some quirk less and got people intrigued and many people bought materials from The Yaoyorozu so Mr. Yaoyorozu kept into the talk and they agreed onto some thing that brought the their friendship even though Adrian is just 9.

*End Of Flash Back*

"Now our plan is to fish out the traitors by baiting the with money and anything they want and when we get their trust they will tell their schemes and blackmail them"

"Some people will show up in something that will make them come what do you guys think?"

"Well we could create some kind of ceremony which will intrigue them" said Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"Hmm, I think I got it I will be graduating soon and I think we need some kind of New President to mask our schemes"

"Excellent that could work!" said Mr. Yaoyorozu

"Well now that is done, what do we do about some of them that raped and killed?" Asked Hiso

"Well we will kill them, but it will be just your illusion and make it good I will make some plan to make it real"


"Now the ones that is just doing abuse we will just take them down by supporting their competitions and making some agreement and taking their assets some will piss and vomit in this venue and we will get them good"

"What happens if they don't believe the act?"

"Get some criminals that does some disgusting things and put the to sleep and make them act by asking some puppet quirk in our club and Execute them"

"What about the police?" Asked Silent

"Well I could take care of that" Said Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"Thank yo again Mr. Momo"

"Well no problem some of them I hate too"

"Well we continue this tomorrow"

They got home and pondered for some things and they discussed it over the phone on how to approach the problem...

End Of The Chaps XD

Wow a long chapter heers me up by giving me some stones next chapter will be more detail about the raid the -The Plan 2-

Enjoy the chaps

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