
Chapter 34

TITLE: Finals (2) – Remembrance

"Ok calm down or else I'll change my mind"

Hearing this, Hana immediately sat down and looked at Sora excitedly, he sighed before he began talking.


Minutes later, Hana looked at Sora with a dumbfounded expression which greatly shocked him but what shocked him most was what she said

"Wow I thought something was up but is this why?"


"Then there's really no need to feel bad, you didn't do anything bad"

"But I killed someone"

"That wasn't someone that was a monster. A cold blooded one, responsible for the dead of many and if you didn't kill it, then many others might die because of it. You didn't do anything wrong rather something worth of praise"

At this point Sora's expression turned to a blank one as he looked at Hana he tried to refute but his mouth couldn't find any words to say, he could only look at her before tears began streaming down his eyes

"Thank you"

"It's no problem after all you once saved me"

"Huh? Me? When"

"I'm sure you don't remember since it was 12 years ago so let me remind you"


Inside a police station, a girl with pink hair and red horns could be seen lying on a chair with a blanket drafted over her, this was of course Hana. Moments later she opened her eyes which she shut immediately due to the intense light above her, blinking a couple of times, her eyes finally adjusted to it as she opened her eyes fully and sat up.

"Oh you're awake"

Hana shifted her vision and her eyes met with that of the officer, who had a smile on his face

"… Where am I?"

"You're at the station, a man and his kid brought you here"

Hearing this, images appeared into her head and she immediately remembered what happened and suddenly she jumped to the ground as she asked

"Where are they?"

"Oh they just left a few minutes ago, if you're lucky you might catch them"

Hearing this, Hana immediately rushed out of the station but arriving outside she found nothing, looking left and right she couldn't spot a single car, following her instincts, she turned to her left and began running, she didn't know what she was looking for but one thing was for sure she had to find him. Upon reaching the junction she noticed the many cars on the road, reason being that coincidentally, the red light was up. Mustering any energy she had left she ran to the nearest car and by the time she arrived, the light was already green and all she could do was catch a glimpse of his hair, which was brown in color.

She sighed as now she could only watch the car drive away.

Sora opened his eyes wide as he looked at her


"Yeah, you saved me 12 years ago, thanks again. Because of you, I'm here and have hope for the future"


Sora sighed, everything that happened today was unexpected, from Hana making him realize he didn't do anything wrong to her talking about her past.


"Why what…?"

"Why are you telling me all this…?"

"Because I want you to know, I want you to understand that I care, I worry about you, not only because of my feelings but because I'm your friend. To support you when you're down, to listen to you when you have a problem, that's what friends are for and Sora, I'm your friend so you can talk to me"

"Hahahaha… is that so? Well thanks Hana"

Sora said with a smile on his face, it seemed after hearing Hana; a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, his self-depression all but gone, replaced with a new vigor to protect those dear to him, friends included.

Hana seeing Sora's smile noticed the change in the air around him and a smile bloomed on her face as she said

"Hey teach, no time left let's continue studying"

Sora nodded as he looked at her, his view on her had changed, if before he looked at her like some annoying friend then now she looked like an annoying friend with the potential of a future relationship.

"Yeah let's get back to studying"

Sora said as they returned to studying.


"Holy shit, you're smart!?"

Sora exclaimed as he looked at Hana's solution to the problems he gave her


An embarrassed smile appeared on her face as she scratched her head. The reason behind Sora's surprise was due to how quick Hana understood what he taught her, be it physics, Mathematics or some other subject; she easily grasped the concepts behind the various topics.

'At this rate, she'll be ready for the test in no time'

Sora thought as he looked at his watch and his calm state of mind changed to one of shock as he said

"Wtf, it's already 10 pm"

"Fuck, I gotta go"

Hana hearing this, immediately stood up as she cursed before rushing out of the room.

"Hey wait let me at least escort you out!"

Sora shouted as he rushed out of the room but as soon as he did, he realized Hana was still outside of the room and thus they bumped into each other throwing them to the ground.


Sora felt a soft sensation on his hand, immediately he understood what happened as he opened his eyes and saw his hand on Hana's breast then he looked at her and he noticed her face was flushed red.

Not even a second later, Aiko and Shiro appeared; they rushed up because they heard a loud thud sound but what they saw upon arriving put a smile on both faces

"Oh he finally made a move"

"It's not what it looks like"

Sora immediately said as he removed his hand from her chest, after all his parents easily misunderstood him and this time it was no different as Shiro said

"Let's leave them to their business"

"Okay now, be careful kids and Sora, take it easy on her"

Hana blush intensified upon hearing her words and even the usually nonchalant Sora was slightly blushing.

"Shall we get going?"

Sora said as he stood up and lent her a hand to stand, she gladly took it as she nodded and together they left the house.


1 Week later,

Standing before the class 1A was Sora; he had a lazy expression on his face as he opened the door and walked in. Upon entering the class, he was greeted by Denki, Mina and Kirishima.


"You look different" Denki said

"Really, how…?"

"I don't know, the air around you sort of changed"

"Is that so? Well isn't it good news"

"Yeah now you look approachable"

"*cough* the fuck!?"

Sora almost coughed up blood upon hearing Kaminari's words, he didn't know why but it inexplicably hurt him.

"Yeah, it's like you're a brand new person-"

"Shut up! Go and prepare for the test, we don't want you to disappear before writing anything" Sora said with a smile

A shiver ran down Kaminari's voice as he heard Sora's voice and the sweet smile on his face caused him to back away as he rushed to his seat, Mina and Kirishima following behind him.

Sora seeing this chuckled lightly as he headed to his seat, totally prepared for the exam which was to come.


'Haaa… finally'

Sora sighed as he looked at the teachers, just recently, they had finished the written exam and it was finally time for the practical session of the exam. A few minutes ago, the teachers had explained to them how the villains had grown bolder and stronger thus to train them for the future, the practical exam will be 2 vs. 1. Students vs. teachers, each person's opponent was selected carefully so as to ensure the students find out the shortcomings of their quirk and overcome them during the test.

Sora looked at the fixtures and seeing his opponent, he couldn't help but smile

Sora Menhera and Katsuki Bakugo vs. All might.

Yo, many were thought I won't come back right? Welp sucks I'm back and more strong this year though I won't be releasing as many chapters as usually.

Anyway happy new year and thanks for the support, feels good to be back

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts