
Chapter 25

TITLE: Sports festival (5) – Sora vs. Bakugo

The match was over and Izuku had won.

Everything had gone almost the same way as the canon though Izuku didn't

break his fingers but at the point when both collided, Izuku had won the


Sora immersed greatly into the fight, unlike the anime where almost everything

was cringy, this fight was real as Midoriya only bothered with his last

confession as he pushed Todoroki to use his flames.

Sora sighed as he thought 'with the way things are going, I might meet Izuku in

the finals. I doubt Hana would beat him even with her enhanced strength and

well I doubt anyone will beat me, not pride talking, just being honest.'

He soon stopped bothering with the matter as he rested his head on his palm

and took a nap.


Walking to the stage, Sora looked at his opponent, the black-haired rich girl

Momo Yaoyorozu. She had an anxious look on her face as she eyed Sora, she

knew her chances of winning were slim but at least she had to at least try.


Hearing this, Momo immediately began creating something, Sora watched the

process while thinking 'she takes too long to create stuff, that'll be a serious

drawback in battles, not my prod, wait Wtf!?'

She created a canon… a freaking canon! Was she planning to blow his head,

even Sora wasn't sure but he soon stopped thinking and began dodging as

Momo began firing while creating more balls.

Boom… Boom… Boom

Each shot destroyed a part of the ground but none had touched Sora, which

greatly frustrated Momo, Sora noticing this, sighed before rushing at Momo.

Momo seeing Sora headed her way, grew nervous as she lost control of the

canon but this proved to be a fatal mistake as Sora appeared before her and

stroke her stomach with his open palm, immediately knocking her out.

"Sora Menhera wins the round"

Sora walked out of the field after hearing this while a group of people rushed

in and carried Momo away.

Arriving the students sitting area, Sora was greeted by Hana's face as she said

"so how was it?"

"How was what?"

"The match, you seemed to be enjoying dancing around the stage"

"Hah, says the girls that enjoys beating her opponents up"

"Hahaha that was fun, smashing Iida's face and that other guy, it was pretty


Sora rolled his eyes upon hearing this as he headed to take a seat but his path

was blocked by Bakugo, his hands in his pocket and a serious look on his face

as he called Sora "Sora"

"What's up Bakugo?"

"I just wanted to say, I'm going to win and prove am the best"

"Ok sure. Now will you excuse me?"

Hearing this, Bakugo shifted to the side thus allowing Sora to pass but before

Sora could take a seat he heard "you better give it your all"

"Ok" Sora answered before turning to Hana who was headed to the stage as he

said "good luck"

"Did you say something?" Hana asked as she appeared before him, her face so

close he could feel her breath, her rose like smell filling his nose but he wasn't affected by this as he said "good luck, you'll need it"

"Yeah thanks Sora" Hana gave him a beautiful smile as she headed to the stage.

Sora was a little taken aback by this as he said "yeah…no problem"


Moments later, the fight was over and after struggling, Izuku was able to win

the match.

Though he lacked full control of his power and had less experience than

Hana, his raw power had given him the edge and at the end he had won.

Seeing this Sora sighed, he knew Hana will lose but in a way, he hoped plot

armor won't save the mc like every time he'll fight with them but at the end

their ultimate weapon truly is op.

He stood up and headed to the stage, it was time for his match against Bakugo

and he truly planned to try in this match.


Looking at his opponent, Bakugo groaned. He knew how strong Sora was even

from a young age, the guy seemed unbeatable but now was his chance to end

that, this was his opportunity to prove he was the best.


Immediately, Bakugo propelled himself towards Sora and as soon as he was 3

meters away, he released an explosion with his left hand.

Boom… Sora dodged the attack and tried to counter with a punch but Bakugo

blasted the ground with his right hand and tried blasting Sora's chin.

Whoosh… Boom…

Sora dragged himself away and avoided the attack but he had little breathing

space as Bakugo appeared before, both hands pointed at Sora's face, a crazed

smile on his face. Sora slapped the air creating a blast which when it collided

with Bakugo's caused a shockwave that pushed him away.

Sora immediately shot at Bakugo taking advantage of the screen created by the

shock he flew freely in the stage and in the next second he appeared before

Bakugo, he punched with his hand coated in wind energy.

Bakugo instinctively bent his body backward before blasting at Sora, who

punched the ground thus pushing Bakugo leading to his attack missing but Bakugo

didn't let up as he immediately propelled himself above and used the

technique which he used against Todoroki in the finals (canon).

Sora seeing this took his usual stance, closed his eyes then using his open

palms he stroke forward

"GAW 4th form: Lionne"

Immediately a lion's mouth invisible to the naked eye flew at Bakugo and

when it reached before him,

Whoosh… Boom...

Bakugo's attack met the lion's mouth and vanished but he didn't have a single

scratch on his body as he landed on the ground.

Him, the crowd, everyone who saw that was baffled. That lion's mouth had

destroyed Bakugo's attack but it didn't damage him in anyway nor did it create

a shockwave that blew them away.

Bakugo was trying to figure out what happened and thus he was unable to see

the silhouette headed his way until the last minute where he saw him in front

of him. Bakugo tried to move away but a force seemed to hold him in place

before Sora stroke

1…2…4…8…16… 16 hits!

"GAW 5th form: Eight trigrams sixteen palms"

Sora sighed as Bakugo fell to the ground, his eyes rolled over and one could

easily guess he was unconscious.

"So…ra Menhera wins!"

President Mic after a brief moment of shock, this served as a wake up call as the

crowd filled the stadium with cheers.

"5 mins break before finals"

Hearing this, Sora walked out of the field but before he could do anything

Izuku appeared before him.

'Why am I so unlucky?' Sora asked himself mentally.


"What do you want?"

"We're going to be meeting in the finals, I just want to say I'm going to win the

finals and prove myself to you"

"No, I'm going to win!" Sora said resolve in his eyes


Izuku was shocked by this, the always lazy Sora was serious about winning this

finals maybe he wasn't only lazy.


"Well that's my cue. See ya"

With that Sora walked away, with Izuku following behind.

It was time for the finals and everyone believed it will be one of the most

interesting matches in this tournament.


Who was going to win? The answer is clear, no need to pretend, we all know

the winner or maybe things can change? Who knows

Yeah I'm a huge Neiji fan so it's obvious I'll steal from him. Anyway thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts