
MHA; The Gomu Gomu Boy

It all started when he noticed something shining in the waters of the beach, and found a strange-looking fruit with a bad taste. Then everything started to take a different turn. The rubber boy had registered his entry into the world of My Hero Academia. ~More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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Sea Fruit

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon. The beach was serene, with gentle waves lapping against the shore, creating a soothing symphony that blended with the occasional call of distant seagulls. The sky was a canvas of brilliant hues, transitioning from deep oranges to purples as the sun dipped lower. The air was cool, with a slight breeze carrying the scent of saltwater and seaweed.

Lying on the golden sands was a boy, his body adorned with numerous bruises and scratches, clear evidence of a recent brawl. Despite his battered appearance, he lay there with a calm, almost serene expression, his eyes fixated on the vibrant sky above. His skin was pale, contrasting sharply with the dark hair that framed his face, speckled with grains of sand. He appeared to be around fourteen years old, with a lean build that suggested both agility and resilience.

He wore a faded yellow pair of shorts, almost white from repeated washes and exposure to the sun. His red t-shirt was slightly torn, hinting at the rough encounter he had endured. On his feet were simple white school shoes, now scuffed and stained from the sand and the fight. Beside him, partially buried in the sand, was his school backpack, the fabric worn but sturdy.

As the boy lay there, taking in the tranquil scene, he slowly clenched his fists, summoning the strength to sit up. A grimace crossed his face as he did so, the pain from his injuries flaring up. "Those idiots don't understand anything," he muttered to himself, wincing slightly. "Even with their flashy quirks, someone like me, with no powers, was able to fight and beat all three of them."

With a determined look, he placed his hands on his knees and pushed himself up, wobbling slightly as he stood. He began to brush the sand off his clothes and skin, each movement deliberate and careful. He then bent down to pick up his backpack, shaking off the sand before slinging it over his shoulder. The weight of the bag was a familiar comfort, grounding him as he took a few tentative steps toward the water.

Reaching the water's edge, he paused, gazing out at the endless expanse of the ocean. The waves shimmered in the fading light, creating an almost magical effect. "I envy the droplets of the sea," he said softly, more to himself than anyone else. "They have no color of their own, yet together they form a perfect blue. Why can't humans be like that? Why do the strong always have to flaunt their power? I..."

His voice trailed off as something caught his eye. A brief, shimmering light beneath the surface of the water, like a star momentarily breaking through the depths. It was gone almost as quickly as it appeared, but it was enough to pique his curiosity. Without hesitation, he removed his shoes and socks, leaving them on the shore before wading into the water.

The coolness of the water was refreshing against his skin as he took about eight steps in, his eyes scanning the area where he had seen the light. Reaching down, he plunged his hand into the water, feeling around until his fingers closed around something smooth and solid. He pulled it out and found himself holding a peculiar purple fruit, unlike anything he had ever seen before.

"What is this? Sea fruit?" he wondered aloud, examining the strange object. It looked clean and fresh, almost inviting. Driven by a mix of curiosity and hunger, he took a bite. Instantly, his face contorted in disgust as he spat out the pulp, the taste vile and revolting. "How can something that looks so fresh taste so awful?" he exclaimed, rinsing his mouth out with seawater. "And what kind of fruit grows in the sea, anyway? I just hope it isn't poisonous or something."

He threw the remainder of the fruit back into the water, the remnants disappearing beneath the waves. With a sigh, he retrieved his shoes and socks, taking his time to put them back on before heading home. The walk to the bus stop was uneventful, the boy lost in thought as the evening grew darker. The streets were relatively empty, and the bus ride was quiet, allowing him to reflect on the day's strange events.

When he finally arrived at his house, a modest two-story home in a quiet neighborhood, he greeted his parents briefly before heading to his room. Dinner was a simple affair, and he barely noticed the taste of the food as he ate, his mind still preoccupied with the mysterious fruit and the odd taste it left in his mouth.

After dinner, he took a quick shower, washing away the sand and grime of the day. Dressed in his pajamas, he collapsed onto his bed, exhaustion overtaking him almost immediately. He fell asleep quickly, unaware of the subtle changes beginning to take place within his body, changes that would soon turn his world upside down.

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