
MHA; The Gomu Gomu Boy

It all started when he noticed something shining in the waters of the beach, and found a strange-looking fruit with a bad taste. Then everything started to take a different turn. The rubber boy had registered his entry into the world of My Hero Academia. ~More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Chapter 3: Hina.

Yahari Kyoujiro walked into his classroom and took his seat by the window. He stared out at the peaceful scene outside, the school courtyard bathed in the soft morning light. The sky was a clear, pale blue, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees lining the paths. Birds chirped melodiously, flitting from branch to branch. The serenity of the moment contrasted starkly with the chaos that had engulfed his morning. Yahari let out a quiet sigh, trying to find some solace in the tranquil view.

The hum of students talking and settling into their seats was a familiar backdrop. Yahari had always found a strange comfort in the predictability of these mornings. Yet today, his mind was anything but calm. The bizarre incident from earlier gnawed at his thoughts, casting a shadow over the usual routine.

"Why do you look like you've been through a battle this early in the morning?" a familiar voice broke through his reverie.

Yahari turned his gaze from the window to see a girl preparing to sit next to him. She was beautiful, with silky blue hair and matching eyes that sparkled with curiosity. She moved with a grace that made her seem almost regal. Yahari couldn't help but smile at her, though his expression was more tired than usual.

"I had a strange accident," Yahari replied nonchalantly. "And now I'm wondering why I didn't die."

The girl, Hina, raised an eyebrow, her eyes widening in concern. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small first aid kit. "Really? It's not like you to lie to me about a fight," she said, her tone both gentle and probing.

"I'm serious, Hina. You know I'm terrible at telling jokes," Yahari said, his voice steady.

Hina opened the kit, taking out some cotton and antiseptic. She carefully dabbed at the wound on Yahari's head, which was hidden just under his black hair on the right side of his face. "Alright, I'll believe you. Hold still."

Yahari winced slightly as she cleaned the cut, but her touch was practiced and soothing. She applied a small adhesive bandage over the wound and packed up her kit. "There you go," she said with a satisfied smile. "So, what's your theory?"

Yahari touched the bandage gingerly. "I'll be jealous when you become a doctor," he teased.

Hina rolled her eyes playfully. "Thanks, but we're talking about your accident."

Yahari's expression turned serious as he looked at his hand. "I think... I might have awakened my quirk."

A strange silence fell over the classroom. Every student who overheard him burst into laughter, filling the room with a cacophony of mirth. Yahari's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized how absurd his claim sounded. But Hina remained calm, her gaze shifting to the teacher who had just entered the room.

"Well, that would be interesting," she murmured.

Yahari lowered his voice, watching the teacher begin the lesson. "Wait, do you believe me?"

The presence of the teacher silenced the room instantly. As the lesson started, Hina leaned in slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why not? I don't remember Yahari Kyoujiro being foolish enough to make a theory that isn't at least somewhat plausible."

Yahari smiled, feeling a surge of relief. Hina's trust meant a lot to him, and her support was comforting. The rest of the class proceeded in a blur. Yahari's mind was elsewhere, contemplating the morning's events and Hina's unwavering belief in him.

The class ended, and a group of girls approached Hina, chatting excitedly as they led her out to the student cafeteria. Yahari watched them go, feeling a twinge of jealousy at their easy camaraderie. "So, it's time for the daily routine," he muttered to himself.

No sooner had he spoken than three boys stepped in front of him, their expressions serious. Yahari recognized the leader immediately – a boy with spiky blonde hair who always seemed to be looking for trouble.

"Yahari, you never learn, do you?" the blonde boy sneered. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Hina?"

The tension in the classroom was palpable. Everyone's eyes were on Yahari and the three boys, waiting to see what would happen next. The students had seen this confrontation play out before, and they knew it was never pleasant.

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