
MHA: The Dark Angel

Chapter Release | 6th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ Death, changes everyone. The one's who loved you will be sorrowful, the ones who hated you will contemplate. A boy, at the age of five lost two most important people in his life. What can a five year child do in this world where most people have powers but no one was there to save the people important to him. He wanted to go into the path that was filled with death, but he stopped right before crossing that line for another person. But all of that changed one day, and the boy in him died and a beast woke up. A beast that is the best at what it does, but what it does is not the best. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Movies
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9 Chs

1 | The Vigilante Strikes

In Shizuoka Prefecture, we could see the police vehicles going at full speed in the direction of a burning building. The firemen are already at the scene and are trying to subdue the fire as much as possible, they all are frustrated as the fire that they were trying to put out didn't even budge even when the hero Backdraft tried.

Seeing that his water can't do anything to the fire, Backdraft thought 'We will need Endeavor for this one to be put out. But the weird thing is that this fire is not affecting the nearby buildings at all, it's like it has sentience and if it has sentience then it's created using a quick that is unknown to the Hero Association.'

Looking at the policeman that came just then Backdraft said "Call in Endeavor. We won't be able to put this fire out without his help."

The policeman only nodded and relayed the message to the control room. A request was sent to Endeavor Hero Agency for the urgent assistance of the Hero Endeavor.

Since Endeavor Hero Agency is in Musutafu and the place where the fire is going is on the other end of the prefecture it took Endeavor half an hour to reach the spot. In the meantime, everyone tried their best so that the fire wouldn't spread to other buildings.

As soon as Endeavor reached the vicinity of the fire he felt a small connection with it. At first he went into his fight mode, but noticing that no one was attacking him he became visibly confused and thought 'What was that?'

Shaking those thoughts out of his head he moved towards the building where the fire was, and the feeling intensified as he neared the place. When he was right in front of the building, he knew why he had a feeling that something was tingling inside him.

Looking at the fire raging on he had only one thought: ``An unregistered quirk user who has Hellflame as their quirk.'

He didn't speak to anyone, and just extended his hands towards the fire and absorbed it fully. It took five minutes to absorb it fully but instead of being exhausted he became energised. Then looking at the police he said "The fire is out searching for anything that indicates what had happened here."

The police nodded and with some of the heroes they went inside to search for any clue to understand what happened. But all they got was ten to fifteen men burned to death, so they immediately shifted them to the morgue to have an autopsy.

Hearing this Endeavor frowned and said nothing, as he was contemplating something. Then looking at the lead police officer he said "If there are any kind of irregularities in the autopsy inform me immediately." Saying that he turned around and left back to his Hero Agency.

The day after the fire incident, a report was sent to Endeavor and reading through he found two key interesting factors. One, all of the men that were dead had their brains in shambles, two all of them died not due to the fire, but something entirely else. And reading it he had a sour face as he mumbled to himself "It's that guy again."

The news was in uproar too, as the autopsy report was published in the evening to the public. Because this was the fifth case like this one, where the reason for death is unknown to anyone, even the doctors and the hero who could see the past of the person he touched came up blank.

The public is joyful, the police are going crazy, the hero's are frustrated and the Government were trying their best to contain the situation and failing miserably at that.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 1 End❌❌❌❌