
MHA: Sovereign of shadows

This story is about a young man who couldn't live a normal life due to heart problems, spending almost all his time on anime and manga. Unfortunately, his heart stopped beating while watching solo leveling. But his story does not end there. There will be many adventures on his way, let's watch him together with the mysterious 4th dimension. ******* [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. *******

LuckyDemi · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


The system was generous with the message.

I just calmly looked around, seeing how the transparent veil was becoming more cloudy and impenetrable, like a thick layer of ice.


The exit is blocked.

To leave an instant dungeon, kill the dungeon boss or use a return crystal.]

If I had not known that something like this was awaiting me, this message might have seriously disturbed me. Moreover, I didn't have any return crystal with me.

Returning to the dungeon, it looked like a metro station.

The rooms seem to have been abandoned for a long time.

Weed sprouts are growing between the seams of the tiles. Dirty walls, broken rickety lamps and the kingdom of twilight.

Although some lamps were still on, that was the only reason there was any light here.

The steel blade that I took out of my inventory sparkled with a cold shine. A simple sword without any frills. Its weight in my hand gave me some feeling of confidence.

- "Hmm..."

There was no fear.

I felt strong behind me and calmly walked forward.

But only until there was a whiff of threat from the outside. Just a shiver ran down my spine, and I turned around sharply, stepping back. And then I met the beast's furious gaze and scanned with the Evaluation.

[Iron-Fanged Lycan. 

Light-orange level of danger.

Can cause fatal damage if not careful

Active Skill: Bite, Dash.

Passive skill: aura of fear - Affects those with lower intelligence

Weak points: neck, heart and stomach

A mob created by the system in a dungeon.]

Healthy scarlet wolf. He didn't growl or bark, he just looked at me with hatred. But, if earlier he sneaked towards me quietly, now, having seen my eyes, the beast seemed to have sharply increased in size. Its muscles under the fur bulged in tension, visually enlarging the figure of the beast, after which the wolf sharply rushed at me, emitting a half-howl, half-roar.


Even though I was ready for this, this sound chilled me to the very bones. My heart almost stopped, but...

The grip of my hand on the sword did not weaken and, taking a step forward and spending a little strength on forcing the wolf to freeze with the help of a shadow, I delivered a stabbing blow. The beast could no longer evade. He expected to grab me by the throat exactly where I was standing a minute ago.

Approaching him, as if in some kind of daze, he mechanically thrust the blade into his muzzle.

The tip pierced the soft flesh of its open mouth, causing the beast to let out a pitiful whimper. At this moment I noticed a metal structure on his lower jaw, but it did not interfere much. The blade slid past with a clang, slicing through flesh.

A sudden movement and I simply cut the wolf in half.

- "Haa..."

The beast falls to the floor in two separate parts.

And I turned out to be stronger than I thought...


Defeated Iron-Fanged Lycan]

{Your level has increased!}


I hear the sound of claws on the floor and feel the threat emanating from the monsters. When I turn around, I already know what I will see. Two more scarlet beasts, ready to attack.

- "Raahh..." - The one who was closer rushed at me.

- "Khh..."

With a clang, he closed his fangs on my sword. Truly a Iron-Fanged...

But with just a little more effort, I cut the wolf's head. It was only a little more difficult than with the first wolf. But I already felt that I was getting used to it. The roar of animals no longer inspires that piercing fear.

The second wolf, with his ears back, retreats, but...

- "You will not leave."

For a moment I fell into the shadows and appeared behind him and immediately overtook the beast, striking from below and simply blowing off his head with a blow to the neck. The wolf only managed to utter a piercing whine before choking on the sound.

{Your level has increased!}


So far, no new opponents are visible here.

Well, this is the same dungeon that was in the original story. Game scripts...

And lowering the sword, I breathed a sigh of relief. And then, continuing to monitor the situation, he opened the status window. Leveling up gave me 10 new points to distribute. So, it turns out that for each level I get five points.

I immediately pushed my physical strength to the limit.

And then I felt the pulsation of the Lord's power...

This system continues to improve my body and gradually, the power of the Monarch of Shadows passed to me.

Something else…

I approached the bodies of the killed wolves and, touching one, received an item.

[Lycan's Fang

Item rank: F

Can be sold in the store]

 Well, we'll figure it out later. In the meantime...

- "Let's move on."

A sinister grin twisted my lips.

Feeling an increase in strength, I saw more clearly in these terrible terrible monsters - bags of experience. And I didn't have to look for them for long. Soon, having walked only a little, I felt this strange impulse of threat. And then, having made a dash, he suddenly overtook the beast, which was not ready for such a rapid attack. Behind him are several more wolves...

Already having an idea of my strength, I strike with a swift blow, calculating its trajectory so as to catch several opponents. And so I managed to cut two wolves at once.

The third one growled threateningly and even tried to attack me...

There is a flash of steel, and after making a half-turn to cope with the inertia of the sword, I continue the movement of my weapon, striking again. The beast did not even have time to react before the blade cut it.

{Your level has increased!}

The animals were in no hurry to run away.

On the contrary, more and more wolves arrived from other corridors.

More than a dozen...

And without stopping for a second, I continued the fight. I was already overcome by the excitement of battle and, carried away, at some point I stopped feeling the shadows of the wolves and, looking at the status, I saw that my mana had run out, for which I immediately paid with a wound on my thigh.

- "S-shit"

Wincing, I don't allow myself to be distracted by the wound, and sharply bend my leg. A knee to the wolf's jaw is followed by a crushing blow from the sword's hilt to his skull. I can directly feel how his bones break with a wet crunch, and the lifeless body of the wolf falls to the floor.

I only glance down at my leg for a moment to see the bleeding cuts on my thigh.

But I continue the fight until the remaining wolves are killed.

{Your level has increased!}

My breathing became a little labored, I lowered my sword, realizing that I no longer felt the presence of animals. And I began to feel better about everyone present; in battle you get used to and practice your abilities much faster.

- "Hah..."

Tiredly sitting down near the wall, I took out a healing ointment and a mana potion from my inventory.

After processing the edges and drinking the potion, I began to rest.

Although, I must note, although the wound looked threatening, I felt quite normal and stood calmly on my feet.

Nevertheless, I walked further more carefully. But, before that, he examined all the bodies of the defeated monsters in order to collect loot from them. Several wolf fangs. And, to my surprise, when

I touched one of the wolves, a bundle of clothes appeared in my hands. Torn rags, but...

[Traveler's Cape

Rank – F

Stamina + 2]

Not much, but at least something.

The item was immediately equipped through the status window. And I even felt some effect, but the cape itself seemed to simply disappear. While equipped, it did not appear on me in any way.

- "Further…"

A new group of monsters.

{Your level has increased!}

And one more fight.

I felt like I was getting a little stronger with each promotion. And since I gained levels quite quickly, the jump in strength was quite noticeable compared to how I entered this dungeon.

{Your level has increased!}

I didn't pay any more attention to the messages; they flashed somewhere in the background, not particularly interfering with the battle.

The impulse of danger.

Feeling threatened, I created a shadow shield and after receiving the attack, struck without even seeing the target. And then, with lightning speed, he cut in half a large monkey with long claws that had jumped at me from the ceiling.

[You have defeated "Mor Black Shadow"!]

Another type of monster.

I kept killing animals one at a time, several at a time, and I got better each time.

And my feelings identified these monsters in different ways. Their threat impulses became weaker.

The difference in our strengths has changed because I have become noticeably more experienced.

[You got the title!

Beast Slayer

Effectiveness against Animal-type monsters increased by 20%]

Having caught my breath after the next fight, I opened my status and checked the title. It still needed to be activated, which I did. And then I went again for bags of experience. And with the acquisition of the title, the extermination of wolves and monkeys became even easier. Monster hunting has become a cakewalk!


Steel sword already looked a little worn.

You should try the shadow sword, although it will cost mana, but if you share it and drink potions from time to time, then everything is fine, but you need to be careful, since there are only 6 potions left.

While fighting monsters, I had already passed the stairs leading to the lower levels several times. And every time I passed by, I felt impulse of fear. The feeling of threat from there was much stronger than from the local wolves and monkeys. Although now this impulse is no longer so powerful, it is still strong.


I have already reached level six.

Killing wolves became very easy, and I no longer felt growth. And the monsters continue to be reborn again and again, it's just that now I'm making almost no progress at their expense.


Beast Slayer]

Lately, I haven't been using Shadow to immobilize a target since I spent a lot of mana on such weak opponents.

So, my strength was restored. So is health. Wolves only wounded me a couple of times, and I always treated the wounds. But my first thigh wound is almost healed. The regeneration with my stamina level is amazing.

The gloves also fell out, but there was no return stone

[Tattered Hunter Gloves

Rank - E

Speed + 1]

Not a lot, of course, but, again, at least something.

And, it's time to go down to the boss.

Next chapter will be out in 3 days.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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