
MHA: Sovereign of shadows

This story is about a young man who couldn't live a normal life due to heart problems, spending almost all his time on anime and manga. Unfortunately, his heart stopped beating while watching solo leveling. But his story does not end there. There will be many adventures on his way, let's watch him together with the mysterious 4th dimension. ******* [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. *******

LuckyDemi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Dungeon boss

My eyes are wide open.

All attention is concentrated and directed towards my opponent. My heart sank and my breathing stopped.

An adrenaline rush that seemed to stop time itself.

The blood is pulsating in the temples and...

["Ruler of the swamps, Blue Poison Kasaka."

Red danger level

Active Skill: Tail Strike, Poison Spit

Weak points: eyes.

A mob created by the system in a dungeon.]

It was a creature incomparably faster and tougher than those whose names were written in orange.

-"Even if I use a shadow sword, it's not a fact that if I break through this defense, it will break like this..."

He swallowed nervously and carefully looked at the boss monster named Kasaka.

The blue scales covering his entire body glistened oilily. It was as if he was wearing thick armor; there were no holes to speak of in those scales.

Sword strikes didn't work at all. The same can be said about the other blows, you need to hit vulnerable places.

When he came to this thought, Kasaka must have finished analyzing his prey.

The snake opened its mouth wide and tried to swallow him, quickly stepping aside and allowing the attack to pass by.

But at the same time, touching the fang of the snake, I plunged my sword into the flesh of its open mouth.

My hand was burned by the creature's spit.

And the next moment, when the snake closed its jaws, it itself drove the blade even deeper, piercing the bone, but this caused the blade to break.

I barely had time to grab the hilt with the chipped blade in order to make a dash in the next moment and plunge the shadow sword into the monster's eye.

Now let's jump back!

- "Hhhhh..."

The massive carcass of the monster rushed past. Thrashing in agony, the monster crashed headfirst into the wall. But at the same time he touched me with his body and threw me forcefully into another wall.

- "Kha..."

It was painful…

But I felt that this blow did not cause me significant damage, since I managed to clothe my body with shadow. And, descending to the floor, I looked at my hand, shaking off the purple bubbling snake saliva from it. An obviously poisonous infection burned the shadow, but never got inside. And even remembering the effect of longevity, which neutralizes poisons, seeing that the monster collapsed on the floor and no longer moved, I breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to get rid of the poison.

- "Fast…"

The boss fight was very intense. But just as fast.

I really felt like an equilibrist on a thin rope. One mistake and this thing could kill me. My heart almost stopped when the monster's fangs flashed a couple of centimeters from my hand. A furious battle, the outcome of which is decided in seconds. And, I honestly don't want to take that risk anymore!

It took me some time to come to my senses. I just needed to catch my breath.


You have killed "Ruler of the swamps, Blue Poison Kasaka."]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

As expected from the boss.

I felt myself getting stronger. And then came another pleasant part of defeating the monster.

Collecting loot!

With an expression of delight, he reached out to the spots of light.

[You have discovered "Item: Kasaki's Poison Fang." Take it?]

[You have discovered "Item: Kasaka's Poison Bag". Take it?]

"Take them all."

As soon as he said these words, a dagger made of bone and a small bag of liquid appeared on his palms.

[Item: Kasaka's Poison Fang

Rarity: C

Type: Dagger

Attack +25

A dagger made from Kasaka's poisonous fang. It has traces of Kasaki's poison on it, so when attacked it will cause the status effects "Paralysis" and "Bleeding". Can be stored in Inventory or sold in the Store.

Status effect "Paralysis": the target will not be able to move.

Status effect "Bleeding": the target's stamina will decrease by 1% per second.]

- A dagger made not of bone, but of fang, yes. With options like these, it's not a bad thing, right?]

Next was the pouch.

[Item: Kasaki's Poison Bag

Rarity: A

Type: Medicine

A bag of purified Kasaki poison. It is found very rarely when hunting for Kasakov. Consuming this poison will make your skin strong, but the toxicity will permanently damage your muscles.

Effect of "Iron Scales of Kasaka": reduction of physical damage by 20%.

Side effect "Damaged Muscles": Strength -35.]

Kasaka's Poison Fang was a good alternative to a broken longsword. Not only did he have twice the attack power, but he also really liked two status effects: paralysis and bleeding.

"However, this poisonous bag is a little..."

At first he was very happy to find an item with an "A" rarity rating, but after reading the description, he realized that it was not something he could be completely excited about.

Of course, the effect of reducing all physical damage taken by 20% was an excellent option suitable for an A-rank item. However, this also carried the fatal penalty of reducing his Strength score by 35.

This would be a truly painful loss for him, especially considering that he had invested all his points into increasing his Strength stat.

Was this the famous double-edged sword?

Perhaps he would only be able to use this thing when his Strength score rose so high that losing 35 points would not affect him in the slightest, which should be in the distant future. It was impossible to drink it now.

"…..I should just hold it for now."

And he hid both in his inventory.

And then a new message appeared.

[The boss is dead, get to the dungeon exit within 10 minutes or you will be stuck here



I stretched my neck and looked at myself.

A torn sweatshirt, cuts on the pant leg. In general, I didn't look very good.

And at this time, the space around was distorted. The snake's body disintegrated into particles of light and disappeared.

I have to hurry or I'll stay here forever....

When I got up, I discovered that it was already night around me, and the cool night air hit my face.

Taking a deep breath, I looked around.

And not noticing anything, I decided to go back to rest.

But as it turned out, my adventures were not over yet.