
MHA: Scorching Void

A child born to suffer in a scorched world, forced to live out his days until his demise and now upon reaching a new world he must find either purpose or entertainment. Shall his power be used for good or perhaps something far more twisted and sinister?

Apocryphage · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



"Reincarnation. You know being reborn again after you have already died?", he states as if that explains everything.

"I know what reincarnation means. But you can't tell me that it's real", I deny his words to which he gives me a deadpan look and proceeds to rub his temples.

"Kid, you died and are currently talking to a person who for some reason knows exactly why you died, in a completely white room with no sign of an entry point for anyone to enter through or leave, has no lights yet it's still perfectly illuminated and you still question it?", the old guy asks all the while staring at me like an idiot.

"Well when you put it like that", I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my head.

"Now let's get you started", the old man says while gaining a disturbingly enthusiastic look on his face.

"What for?"

"The world you are being sent to has a population of which the majority have some kind of superpower known as a Quirk, my job is to make sure that when you get there you will be able to take care of yourself"

"Wait...like the people that I used to read about in comic books back at the shelter?", I ask with an increasingly excited tone of voice and expression to which he nods.

"What power do I get?", I ask him and he pauses before bringing his hand up to his chin and scratching it with a single finger.

"You know, I haven't put much thought into it", he says after a while to which I give him a deadpan look.

"To make things more interesting you may pick 2 powers that will merge with one another, any you can think of", he says.

After a bit of contemplating I know what I want.

"I would like an energy stockpiling and adaptation power. The energy stockpiling will allow me to store excess energy from nutrients and the adaptation will allow me to adapt to outside stimulis", I answer to which he nods.

"How will you manage all the adaptations you gain?", he asks.

"Can it be displayed on a screen only I can see or something? Kinda like a videogame?", I request to which he again nods.

"Very well, now off you go", he dismisses me and a swirling vortex opens up next to him.

"Well uh... thank you and goodbye old guy"

"No sweat kid, now get lost I'm gonna go binge some MHA", he says.

"What's an MHA?"

"An anime", he states.

"Oh gotcha, welp enjoy", seeing that he's not going to elaborate any further I walk upto the vortex, pausing briefly and turning back to the old man to see him watching something on a TV that just appeared out of nowhere. I turn to the vortex and step through not knowing what to expect on the other side.