
MHA: Scorching Void

A child born to suffer in a scorched world, forced to live out his days until his demise and now upon reaching a new world he must find either purpose or entertainment. Shall his power be used for good or perhaps something far more twisted and sinister?

Apocryphage · Anime & Comics
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New World(repost)

(Alex Flint POV)

I'm confused.

The world I've been sent to is just darkness and nothing else? Kinda like pre-F.L.A.R.E Africa now that I think about it. I've been sent from a completely white space to a completely black one with some muffled sounds in the background and appear to be covered in some sort of liquid.


'Wait, warm liquid, no light, muffled sounds...oh no, oh god no. Please say it isn't what I think it is', I think to myself in mild panic. If it is indeed what I think it is then I'ma be stuck here for a while. Guess I could take a nap or something.

(About 9 Months Later)

Not much has happened while I had been here. I have been receiving the needed nutrients and oxygen through what I assume to be the umbilical cord and let me tell ya what, it feels wierd as hell to just have blood pumped straight into your liver. Trust me, I know.

Just as I was thinking about my current predicament a screen that looks akin to something from an old school RPG pops up infront of me.


Sufficient energy has been stored, Quirk may now be utilised... Merging adaptation and energy stockpiling Quirks...

New Quirk: Evolution

Allows the host to adapt to outside stimulis while also allowing selective changes to their body with sufficient amounts of energy.


Needless to say I was ecstatic. A Quirk like this would allow me to easily protect myself while also giving me amazing offensive capabilities.


The host has leftover energy. Would the host like to make a minor selective change to their body?


Some contemplating later and I decide on increasing my flexibility and elasticity. After choosing what I want I feel a small shock travel down my spine and throughout the rest of my body. When I stopped feeling what I assume to be Quirk-enhanced bioelectricity course through my body I could feel it become much looser and supple.

It felt incredible, almost addicting and I wanted more...This what drugs feel like?

I am snapped out of my thoughts by a sudden uncomfortable pressure coming from all around me and start freaking out until I realise I am currently being born. Mind you I am still very much freaked out by this fact but alot less than before now that I know what's going on.

'Time to get birthed', I pause 'God I hope I never have to say that again', I think to myself with minor disgust.

( Some Time Later)

0 out of 10 would never want to do again.

When people think of the whole being reborn thing I very much doubt they take into account for the actual being born part. It sucks. It sucks alot.

After coming out of my mother's vagina. 'Again something I thought I'd never say'. I am picked up by who I assume to be one of the nurses and handed over into my mother's waiting arms.

She looks down with a warm smile on her tired face.

She has a dark shade of purple hair and sapphire blue eyes. In my previous world this would be considered to be extremely unique but I'm guessing here it's just a regular occurrence to be born with wierdy coloured hair.

Some words are exchanged between my mother and one of the nurses in a language I don't quite understand. Guessing it's Japanese because so far my life has just been a bizarre anime plot.

My mother turns back to me with the same smile as before and for some reason I understand exactly what she says.

"Kaen. My little Kaen Kurayami "


I'll be uploading on the weekends from now on in order to hopefully increase the writing quality seeing as I can take more time with it.

And school sucks.

Can't forget that