
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Springtime Youth!

After harassing Mirio for a while, making sure he was alright with his new Quirkless self and telling him that he didn't need a Quirk to be a hero, Aizawa came and dragged Bullet away.

Bullet looked at Mirio as he was getting dragged on the ground, giving him a thumbs up and a kind smile, "Mirio still Hero, don't think not! You need help, anything, Bullet help you!" Mirio paused and smiled warmly, nodding at Bullet, saying "Alright!"

Bullet grinned and Aizawa dragged him out of the room with a slight smile on his face.

They went to see everyone one by one.

When they got to Eijiro and Fat Gum, the duo hugged him and laughed "That was so awesome! HAHAHAHA!" Bullet's eyes sparkled and the trio all laughed together while Aizawa watched with twitching lips.

Fat Gum slapped Bullet's shoulders and said "You're the Quirkless guy, right?! I saw you at the Sports Festival! Originally I wasn't too sure but now… If you want a Work Study Pro, just give me a call! A manly guy like you, it's no problem at all! HAHAHA!"

Eijiro latched onto Fat Gum, shouting "FAT! HAHAHA! YOU'RE THE BEST!" Fat Gum grinned and gave him a thumbs up, Bullet smiled happily and gave him a thumbs up, "Thank you, Fat Gum! You very cool! Hahaha! Bullet touched."

Fat Gum ruffled his messy hair and laughed happily, Aizawa surly his lips and said "Come on, we gotta go." Bullet left with Aizawa and waved at the duo, smiling happily "See ya!" the duo waved and grinned, covered in bandages.

Bullet followed Aizawa with his head held high, Aizawa snorted, "You're getting more recognition now." Bullet laughed happily, "Bullet don't know what word mean, but yes!" Aizawa's lips twitched and he grinned evilly, "But you don't think that what you did was okay, do you?" Bullet froze and Aizawa chuckled lowly, "Heheh… If not for Eri, I'd be on the phone with the morgue right now… You're going to pay, big time." Bullet shivered and pleaded "Whatever Aizawa do, leave Drama alone! Please!"

Aizawa laughed evilly and didn't speak. Bullet shivered in fear, anything but taking away the dramas! He'll die!

When Bullet got back to the dorm…

Everyone glared at him and Mina shouted angrily "BEAT THIS BASTARD UP!" Bullet was dumbfounded and the class started beating him up.

A few minutes later, Bullet was face down on the ground as Denki stepped on his back, snorting smoke, "Damn guy! Stupid punk! How could you leave without us?! Damn! Those other punks! Heheh…" his eyes glinted dangerously "They're gonna get it!"

Katsuki kicked Bullet, shouting angrily "AHHH! YOU WENT WITHOUT ME!? ME OF ALL PEOPLE?! I'M SUFFOCATING IN HERE! AHHHHHHHHH!" Momo stopped them saying "Alright, that's enough. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. Bullet you should rest."

Everyone looked at her and she sneered evilly, they all grinned evilly before changing to kind smiles as Bullet looked up, crying "Momo real friend! Aha.." he got up and dragged his body to his room.

They all watched him and chuckled evilly as the door opened.

A hand grabbed Bullet's face and dragged him inside before slamming the door loudly.

The rest all burst into cackles and waited by the door for the rest to show up…

Bullet was tossed to the bed and Mei was exhaling smoke with red eyes.

Bullet was stunned and she was breathing heavily, saying in a growling voice "Almost died, eh?" Bullet shivered and pulled up the covers, saying "Oh no!" Mei cackled and lunged at him, "YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOU WERE DEAD WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU! AHAHAHAHA!"

Everyone else heard a shriek and grinned evilly.

A while later

Bullet's face was covered in bumps and bruises as he sat on his knees, tied up, saying "Shorry…" Mei sat in front of him with her legs crossed, completely naked, as she snorted smoke from her nose with her arms crossed, a glint in her eye.

Ironically, she looked like a Yakuza boss at this moment…

Bullet turned to normal and lunged at her, hugging her tightly, smiling "Mei don't know! Bullet tell you whole story!" Mei was startled and smiled as Bullet brought her to the bed and took off his clothes. He was hiding his arm for a surprise since he never told her.

She was dumbfounded, staring at his human right arm in a daze.

He laid in his bed and put Mei on his chest, stroking down her spine as he started talking, leaving his gear bundled up in a corner of the room.

Mei listened to how Bullet arrived and shot at this huge guy, turns out he didn't know he was still alright after a beating and went forward, he found Suneater and brought him to Fat Gum but he saw Rappa!

Bullet narrated the fight with intense detail, explaining that he saw Knuckleduster beat him with one combo but Bullet was nearly dead after the fight! However he still won, Bullet's tone and face were filled with intense pride!

Mei couldn't be angry at him when he was like this, she stroked her fingertips on his chest and smiled gently as she listened to him talk.

Then he explained everything with Eri and Chisaki, giving her insider information. Then he complained that Maskless tortured Chisaki with the Quirk Destroying stuff, telling Mei that he should've just killed him. This guy sucked so bad!

Bullet was so angry about it and told Mei about Chisaki's Quirk, saying that it would've been so much better with Mei and that if he had a way to transfer Quirks, he would've given it to her! He could just imagine the sort of things she would come up with!

Mei smiled sweetly as he continued with Mirio saying that Fat Gum told him he was awesome! Bullet was very happy and explained everything to the smallest detail.

Mei sat up on his stomach and pressed against his chest, smiling at him, pouting "But I have new arms, what do we do?" she grinned, asking "How about we chop off your arm?!" Bullet was spooked and said quickly "This crazier than drama!" Mei pouted and pulled out a saw from nowhere, asking "Please~?"

Bullet was really scared now! Shaking his head like a rattle, "Nono… Bullet like metal arm! Real arm better!" Mei pouted but what Bullet said next made her freeze, he touched her with his right hand and stroked her soft skin, smiling gently "Bullet feel Mei with right arm now… With metal arm, don't feel anything, make Bullet sad."

Mei teared up and kissed him, intertwining her fingers with his, pinning his arms to the bed as she looked at him lovingly "You are amazing." Bullet blushed shyly but his smile was very sweet, she kissed him and said "Bullet almost die today, Mei really scared." Bullet sighed and Mei nuzzled him, "But Mei happy Bullet hero, very torn. Proud but worried."

Bullet kissed her, smiling "One day Bullet die, just how is. Mie no sad be proud. You know, Bullet want most be hero." Mei smiled slightly, nodding "I know… But…" she sighed and smiled happily, "Mei miss you, you know?" he kissed him and whispered "So scared that Mei don't want regret."

Bullet tilted his head and Mei blushed deeply, "Don't want regret so…" she got off him and locked the doors and windows before closing the blinds, swallowing as she said shyly "Mei want Bullet… Um… make woman."

Bullet was dumbfounded and his brain went blank, he mumbled "Hehaha? Ma-Make woman?" Mei climbed on top of him and swallowed, "Just do! Don't think! Do quickly!" Bullet swallowed before his eyes widened and he groaned.

Mei froze and shivered from head to toe, grunting in pain. She leaned over and sat down, holding his hands. They kissed deeply…