
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs


The Raid was over and everyone started tending to the wounded, bringing them to ambulances as the police arrested everyone else.

Bullet held all his things as Fat Gum and Eijiro were escorted to a hospital for their wounds.

Bullet looked at Rappa on a stretcher, this guy was still alive! That was crazy… Bullet was sure he broke at least 7 ribs and shattered his jaw!

Bullet was perfectly healthy, no! Even better than before, he had his arm back… So he was really just standing around in a daze, not really knowing what to do. Everyone else to go help or go to the hospital or talk to their Work Study Hero.

Only Bullet was alone really.

Aizawa was talking to the police about Chisaki's 'accident' asking about the Quirk Erasing bullets, Aizawa told them that Chisaki crushed them before he was captured. Not even blinking as he lied through his teeth, not to mention, he also got stabbed by a certain excitable blonde killer.

She even left the knife in his back, Himiko really didn't like Aizawa it seemed.

Aizawa didn't care that she didn't like him… but he did regret it immensely. He should've been thinking further ahead that day… That poor girl became a villain! He couldn't help but wonder if he took her in, how much better it would've been…

Aizawa wasn't the type to stay on things like that, he sighed that it was a pity and decided that if such a thing were to happen in the future, he would take them both.

Not only that but she was really good at the stealth technique, Bullet was good too but he didn't use it as much, only in a pinch. As for Maskless… That guy was so terrifyingly good at the technique Aizawa lost track of him while staring at him directly!

Aizawa looked at Bullet standing around in a daze before sighing to himself, he didn't like this sign… Fortunately, Bullet regained control this time… But Aizawa felt the need to speed up progress on making a safe environment and handling Maskless once and for all…

This guy… even Aizawa got chills.

He erased Chisaki's Quirk with the bullets then destroyed the bullets entirely!

He was just crazy! He had no reasoning! The Quirk Eraser bullets would've been a powerful weapon for him but he didn't care! He was simply unpredictable! This was never a good thing. These types of villains are the worst kind because you can never know what they're thinking. They just do whatever they feel like without a reason to.

He destroyed Chisaki's Quirk because he wanted to, then he destroyed the rest because he felt like it.

A complete maniac!

Bullet held the MK V on his shoulder and touched his lips, smiling slightly as he judged his work today…

Bullet found out, to his embarrassment, he didn't really do much of anything!

He chuckled softly and sighed helplessly, at least he was here to help…?

He didn't do much for the overall situation, but he permanently ended 4 villains and fought Rappa… For Bullet this was huge progress! You should know, Knuckleduster beat Rappa in one combo! Bullet wasn't anywhere near that level, but!

He indeed won the deathmatch!

If not for the little girl, he would've died… But he still won! This was huge progress! Bullet was happy with how far he's come along… But there was still a massive room for improvement!

As for Maskless, Bullet ignored the scary guy. He didn't hurt anybody yet. Just caused some trouble, luckily he had his friends to help him.

With regards to what happened to Chisaki, Bullet was extremely dissatisfied with Maskless… This kind of bastard, just kill it! Torturing him psychologically… what a waste!

As for Chisaki's Quirk, Bullet was so jealous! What an awesome Quirk! In this particular instance, he agreed with Maskless… This guy! Such an awesome Quirk, not only used it for evil, but still failed?! Come on!

What a waste!

Bullet sighed to himself, he had no quirk but these dumb guys had all kinds of cool ones… Every single one of them lost one after the other!

That guy Shigaraki too!

His Quirk, awesome!

Very dangerous, but Bullet knew that you could train any quirk, they're not evil!

He forgot about it and shook his head with a smile, he did a great job without a Quirk, admiring cool ones is alright but… Bullet pinched himself in admonishment, admiring is okay, jealousy and envy for them is not!

He let out a breath and smiled happily, walking away.

What he didn't know was that someone was extremely, extremely angry with him… Not only one person…

Aizawa grabbed Bullet's shoulder and squeezed as Bullet cried out, shocked and startled.

He turned around to see an eerie grin on Aizawa's face, "So you still came? Even though you knew that they weren't supposed to tell you anything!? Heh heh heh…" Bullet shivered and swallowed, looking around for help.

Aizawa grabbed his face and squeezed his jaw, "Heh heh heh… You're in BIG trouble, pal… REAL BIG." Bullet was starting to sweat in fear as Aizawa chuckled strangely.

Bullet wasn't scared of any villains or danger…

But Aizawa's punishments… They were really terrifying!

You know! One time Bullet wasn't allowed to watch Dramas for a whole month!

Not only that but he was tied up behind the couch and forced to listen instead! This was torture!

A while later

Bullet was informed of everything that he missed. Aizawa gave him the details on just about everything. Bullet was shocked and appalled as they arrived at the hospital. He rushed out and held all his things with his cloth, holding it like a sack as he asked a really beautiful nurse, "Pretty Nurse, where Mirio Togata?!" The outrageously beautiful nurse smiled gently and gave him directions.

Bullet nodded and handed her a number, smiling with a star as he gave her a thumbs up, "You like Eraser Head? Single? Here his number, you call for a date, okay? You're so pretty! Bullet have girlfriend, heart still beating so crazy! Thanks!" before running off.

The Beautiful nurse was startled and looked at the number, covering her mouth and giggling sweetly, "What a cutie…" Aizawa walked to the desk and the nurse looked at him, blushing "Oh, hello." Aizawa was startled and asked "Do I know you?"

The nurse laughed softly and handed him his number, smiling "A cute little boy just came by…" Aizawa looked at the number and his eyes started twitching, she took it and sighed "Thanks for that… I've gotten so many calls, you have no idea…"

She laughed happily and replied with a smile, "You'd be getting another one if I didn't have a fiance. Is he yours?" Aizawa sighed and rubbed his neck, "Adopted." The nurse smiled sweetly, "He's really adorable. He really cares about you too! Good luck, Eraser Head~"

Aizawa sighed to himself and waved over his shoulder, "Thanks, miss."

Bullet kicked open a door and Mirio was sitting there in a daze.

Bullet walked over and slapped him in the face, Mirio was stunned and turned to him as Bullet gave him a big thumbs up, "Hear what do! This real hero! Damn! Mirio so cool! No sad, no Quirk, okay?!"

Mirio looked at him and paused before smiling, laughing "Thanks, Bullet! HAHA!" Bullet was startled, wasn't he supposed to cry and force Bullet to give him a speech? This wasn't according to the script!

Bullet looked at him suspiciously, "Didn't lose Quirk? Everybody fool Bullet or what?" Mirio laughed and asked in disbelief, "You want me to cry or something? Aha?"

Bullet's lips twitched and he patted Mirio's shoulder, saying "Bullet surprise, see many people collapse no Quirk, jump off building! Very hard to clean." Mirio was speechless! He really… He didn't need that extra tidbit… right?

Bullet gave him a thumbs up, a star twinkling at the corner of his mouth as he said "No Fear!" Mirio watched as the metal arm had a little robot hand pop out and grab the star before returning back to the arm…

He smiled at Bullet and nodded, "Alright! POWER! AHAHA!" Bullet smiled happily and cheered "POWER! HAHAH!" Mirio and Bullet laughed before Bullet sat on Mirio's hospital bed, sighing "Tell you, so crazy today! Bullet see many Quirk so cool!"

Mirio tilted his head and asked "Oh yeah?" Bullet sighed at the ceiling before turning to Mirio excitedly, "Yeah! You no think Chisaki Quirk cool?! Destroy and Rebuild bam bam! Imagine, you this Quirk! Bang destroy! But then Villain dead what do? Aha! So simple, remake! Then arrest, super easy. Chisaki, so stupid! Use Quirk do bad thing, still don't succeed! So crazy. Almost like drama!"

He waved his arms and gestured, "Even rebuild rubble, help rescue people trapped! Build stone pillar, hold up rock, but Chisaki no do! Just Quirk make Erase Bullets, so stupid? Idiot for real! Bullet tell you truth, that guy, waste Quirk, so dumb. You think, he rebuild himself, yeah?"

Mirio was just speechless, he was recovering here… But he didn't stop him, just listening.

Bullet waved his arms and said with pity, "Rebuild yourself you take steel, rebuild bones! Steel bones! You take animal muscle, rebuild muscle! Can be stupor strong! Think like fool! Look me hehe I big Yakuza bad guy hur hur Make No Quirk gun change world me emperor heh heh." he waved his arms angrily "So dumb! Emperor world for what! This really just so crazy, Bullet no believe! Strong Quirk no brain!"

Mirio's lips twitched, Bullet's thinking process… Really… It was something else. He wouldn't even think of rebuilding his body with materials to make himself stronger…

Bullet went on with all sorts of ideas, he could modify his body and include animal parts to become a chimera type being. Rabbit type legs, animal muscle fibers, metal bones… He would be invincible!

Not only that but he wouldn't look weird since there were heteromorph Quirks everywhere and even if he wanted to look normal, he could modify his body in different ways.

In Bullet's personal opinion, Chisaki was braindead.

Mirio just sat there in a daze, absorbing information…