
Hero Battle Training!

Bullet came to class and sat down, looking at his blank notebook and blinking. He really felt like he learned a lot today!

And the day was half over already!

Suddenly, Izuku leaned over and looked at the notebook, saying "AH! You didn't write anything?" Bullet was shocked and the notebook flew out of his hands in fright! This guy came out of nowhere!

Izuku was startled and waved his hands, apologizing, "Oh my god, I'm sorry for scaring you!" Bullet swallowed and held his chest, letting out a breath, really scared him silly! Izuku smiled and said "I'm Izuku, by the way! Thanks for yesterday! I didn't get to thank you since I was at the nurse…"

Bullet nodded and opened his mouth but Izuku continued talking endlessly, "Really i was shocked by your physical strength, I thought you had a strength enhancing quirk, but I was completely wrong! I mean I know what Professor Aizawa said but I still have a hard time believing that it's true.. You seem to have been training your body for a really long time, not to mention you keep weights on your limbs at all times, is this how you train all the time because that must be really rough. I only started training 10 months ago, I can understand the grind. It seems that we're not too different. You know, my Quirk is a strengthening quirk as well but it's too strong for me, so I had to strengthen my body with a strict regimen…"

Bullet stared at him in a daze as Izuku went on and on without stopping! Bullet's eyes turned into spirals as he was getting dizzy listening to so many words…

As Izuku continued talking and Bullet sat there in a daze, All-Might walked in, shouting "I AM… COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" He grinned and saw Izuku chattering endlessly. He looked at Bullet, who had black smoke coming out of his head.

All-Might clapped and shouted "ALRIGHT!" getting everyone's attention.

Izuku stopped and his eyes sparkled, "All-Might!" Bullet turned to All-Might stiffly, his hands were shaking as he made a thumbs up, "Bon appetit." All-Might pointed at him, shouting "Excellent!"

Before continuing, "Hero Basic Training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into Heroes! It's also worth a ton of credits." he held out a plaque that said 'Battle' as he laughed, "No time to dally! Today's activity is this! Battle Training!"

He waved to the side and grinned, "And for that you need this!" sections of the wall jutted out, revealing suitcases with numbers, but there were only 17.

Tenya raised his hand and shouted "Sir! There are only 17 Suits! One is missing!" All-Might pointed at him and shouted "That's right! One of you didn't submit a costume! However, after finding out who it was, it was revealed that he already had one! But it's problematic! Anyway! Get dressed and meet me at Ground Beta!"

The class seemed excited and All-Might walked to Bullet, grinning "Young Bullet! Come with me!" Bullet looked up and followed him stiffly, still overwhelmed by Izuku…

The duo left the class and Katsuki snorted "Quirkless trash!" Izuku frowned slightly, saying "That's not nice…" Katsuki's hands exploded as he shouted "YOU GOT A PROBLEM, NERD?!" Izuku froze and shivered "Ah…"

Aizawa stopped them from leaving, saying "Hold on. There's something I have to tell you." the Class looked at him in confusion. Aizawa walked to the podium and said "I'll explain your Hero Activity now. You'll be teaming up in pairs fighting against another pair as Heroes and Villains. All-Might will explain in more detail, but there is something important I want you all to know."

They looked at him and Aizawa frowned slightly, "Under no circumstances are you to make Bullet angry." The class was stunned and Katsuki shouted "What the hell?! Is this favoritism?!"

Aizawa shook his head and explained "For your own safety… I wanted to postpone this activity… but I was refused. However, All-Might is talking to Bullet at the moment. It may sound hypocritical, but if you're against him, I suggest you give up directly."

The class was stunned and Momo asked in confusion "Why, Aizawa-sensei?" Aizawa sighed and said directly, "Because you might end up in the infirmary… Or in the worst case, dead."

The class froze and Aizawa scratched his neck and sighed, "Not like Katsuki's claims, but really seriously injured… In my personal opinion, none of you can match up with Bullet. He'll be told to hold back and wear suppressors but even then you should just give up."

The class fell silent and Tenya stood up, asking angrily "Then why allow him into UA? This is unacceptable! Such a liability that is bordering on being a villain!" Aizawa replied slowly "Because he has the most potential to be a hero out of all of you right now. If you meet him, just give up."

Actually, there was another reason.

Aizawa and All-Might came to the conclusion that the Mask was too dangerous. Bullet was fine, but the Mask was really a vigilante! These students really couldn't compete at all! Not to mention, the Mask was very brutal.

Aizawa wanted to curb the Mask before allowing Bullet to participate in class activities but Nezu rejected him. Aizawa didn't know what Nezu was thinking, but he was very worried.

Mainly because Nezu didn't want Bullet in UA at all. He felt that since Bullet was Quirkless, even if he became a Hero, he would die on the job while facing villains! It had nothing to do with the school reputation, Nezu didn't want Bullet to die.

However, Aizawa insisted because this was the only way to force Bullet to learn. Essentially, he was stalling to see if he could grind down the Mask personality… Otherwise, he wouldn't be a Hero or a Vigilante, but a Villain!

Aizawa knew it was unfair but he had no choice! Bullet was really talented in the first place and Aizawa didn't want to see him get hunted down by Heroes. Not to mention, the Villains might even use Bullet and twist his personality, using him as a villain for real.

This was something Aizawa didn't want to see no matter what.

He dug into Bullet before, finding out that Bullet had no records, nothing. He checked on Kaina and found out it was Lady Nagant, who was imprisoned in Tartarus. Plus, his favorite Hero was Knuckleduster!

Bullet was a powder keg waiting to explode and Aizawa wanted to turn the explosion from a self-destruction to a gentle firework.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the kids didn't believe him at all.

He sighed to himself, hoping that there wouldn't be an accident.

On the flip side~

All-Might was drawing, showing Bullet.

Bullet looked at the drawing of himself and the rest of class. All-Might pointed at him, saying "Strong!" Bullet nodded and All-Might pointed at the rest of the class, saying "Weak." Bullet was shocked and nodded again.

All-Might pointed at Bullet, saying "Hold back." Bullet scratched his head, not understanding what that meant. All-Might rubbed his chin and said "You Strong. Use less Strength."

Bullet held his chin and said with uncertainty "Not strong?" All-Might clapped, giving him a thumbs up, "Yes! Not strong." Bullet snorted smoke from his nose and smiled happily "Okay! Help weak!"

All-Might let out a breath and smiled, "Good!" Bullet followed him happily.

They arrived at the Beta Zone.

Bullet was wearing his class uniform with the mask in his coat front pocket. He checked his knives and sword as the rest of the class walked over, looking at him strangely. Bullet was startled and looked at them, smiling kindly as he waved.

They looked away and Bullet froze, looking at the ground sadly.

All-Might sighed and grinned, "Shall we begin?!" before looking at Izuku's costume. He covered his mouth, so obvious!

Izuku ran over to Bullet, saying "Hey! Where's your costume!? Are you the guy that didn't get one-" Bullet's head was already smoking and All-Might pinched Izuku's lips, laughing "You'll kill him! Anyway!"

He turned to the rest, flexing "Today, we'll be doing Indoor Anti-Personell training!"

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