
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2: Jinko Kasaymi Origins pt:2

I was born in a hospital in Dekei city on March 15, 2160. My parents said it was a night during a thunderstorm. It took my mom 16 hours for me to be born and when I was finally out all my veins were visible and I was barely breathing so the doctors took me to try to save my life. Their operation worked but during the operation my quirk activated earlier than many others which killed the doctors. 

Due to my quirk I stayed inside most of my life due to the fear of my quirk accidentally killing someone again. Many of my parents' friends suggested my quirk be removed with the help of the quirk removal serum but my parents refused because they wanted me to have a some what of normal life. They had heard about the struggles of quirkless people and didn't want that for me and wanted to find another way to help me.

Though it wasn't the easiest to raise me they loved me and treated me like any parent would treat their child. I was happy even with this curse of a quirk until they died when I was 4. They were killed by a villain while trying to protect me. The villain broke into our house and killed them but not before my mother hid me in the closet .

I had to be taken care of by a foster family since my parents didn't have any family left.

They abused me and treated me like an animal. Everyday they told me I was a monster and that no one wanted me. They told the only reason they were taking care of me was for money.

I couldn't take this torture anymore so I ran away. I ran as far as my legs could take me without stopping. I ended up on the side of the street in a strange neighborhood and that's where I stayed for 2 weeks. I was hungry, dirty and I had bruises everywhere, just when I thought there was no hope for me a man, a hero, rescued me. He cleaned me, fed me and taught me how to use my quirk. He even adopted me at the age of 6. He's the greatest guy I know.

Back to the present, Jinko sat in a classroom filled with students. They were all chatting with each other and using their quirks while Jinko was in the back of the class doodling. The teacher would slam the table and told them to be quiet.


"Your Final exams are coming up and they will be the hardest exams you have faced so far, this will be your only chance to get into a highschool so make sure you study." (Teacher)

One of the students smirked and told the class he was gonna pass with flying colors

"Anyway, last week I gave you guys a sheet to fill out to tell us what course you guys will be choosing and all of you chose the hero course." (Teacher)

The students cheered but the teacher told them to be quiet.

"Since you all chose the hero course you all are gonna have to work even harder to get into a hero highschool." (Teacher)

The same student from earlier got up and with a grin he yelled out to the class.

"I'm gonna get into U.A ( a prestigious highschool that taught the greatest heroes such as Deku and All Might) with no difficulty and when I do you will all worship me!!"(Cocky Student)

"Jinko don't you wanna go there too." (Teacher)

As soon as the teacher said that all eyes were on him. A girl whispered to her friend and said:

"There's no way the pre villain's gonna get into U.A" (Random Student)

The entire class started gossiping about him. It was starting to get annoying to Jinko so he glared back at them frightening the entire class and making them shut up. Shortly the bell rang and the students quickly left. 

Jinko got up and was packing up his things when his teacher hesitantly  came up to him. 

"Mr Kasayami." (Teacher)

"..." (Jinko)

"Your grades on your midterm exams were terribly low, if you wish to go to U.A high you need to improve them." (Jinko)

"..." (Jinko)

"A word of advice, study and if you need help with something get a tutor." (Teacher)

Without even looking at his teacher or responding once he took up his bag and left the classroom.

Outside some students were gathering and talking on the school compound. As Jinko Left class he plugged in his ear phone and put them in before putting his phone in his pocket and heading towards the school gate. As he walked people started talking about him behind his back.

      "Look it's the pre !!Villain!!"

  "His quirk Is so !!Villainous!! "

            "He makes me so !! Afraid !!"

Even though his earphones were plugged in he could hear everything they said.

"I'm not A villain." (Jinko)

People make their judgements based on appearance. It doesn't matter if you're caring, smart or even generous if you don't look the part their opinions on you will stick.

He was walking home with his earphones in and his drawing book in hand when someone crashed into him making him fall, his book fell and his earphones popped out his ears. After falling he was about to curse at the person for crashing into him but before he did the person held up their head revealing their face. 

It was a girl, not just any girl, a pretty one too. She had beautiful orange and red eyes, her hair was red and it flowed down her back. 

"Are you ok?" (Strange Girl)

"...Yeah I'm fine." (Jinko)

She saw his book in front of her and picked it up as she got up. When she picked it up she managed to see one of his drawings.  

"What's this?" (Strange Girl)

His eyes widened and he suddenly became flustered.

Hurriedly he went to take back the book afraid of being insulted once more today.

💫"This is Amazing!!"💫 (Strange Girl)

As soon as he heard those words he became instantly confused. Who in there right mind would like his stuff.

 "Is this Eraser head, oh that's Noir, Air force, Hellspire and that's Deku. " (Strange Girl)

Her face was lit up with amazement, her reaction was so unexpected Jinko just stood there frozen in confusion.

She'd look at Jinko and saw he was standing there seeming to be waiting for his book.

Her face would reddened, feeling embarrassed for that outburst especially in front of someone she did not know.

She quickly handed him his book before bowing multiple times. 

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!!" (Strange Girl)

Jinko scratched his head confused by her reactions.

"Uhh, it's fine, really,  just stop bowing" (Jinko)

"I'm sorry for that, I just get really excited when it comes to heroes." (Strange Girl)

"hehe…who doesn't" (Jinko)

"Where are my manners, I'm Chanori Kirishima"

"Jinko, Jinko Kasayami" 

A watch on her hand would ring making her look down. "Shoot I need to get going, it was nice talking with you."

As she ran away he silently said "Bye"

Such a strange Girl but the name seemed familiar to Jinko somehow but he didn't seem to care too much.

Shortly after he was back on course and was making his way home with a better attitude after all someone complimented him and not just anyone a beautiful girl.

He'd arrive at the front of his house with a smile on his face. 

He'd open the door and would be greeted by someone floating in the air as several little bits of furniture spun around in mini tornado's.