
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 1: Jinko Kasayami Origins

A young lad screamed out in pain as a group of boys hit him and kicked him. Blood flew as the boys kept beating him up in a playground.

"Stop…please stop." (bullied kid)

Right as he said this one of the boys kicked him right in the jaw knocking out some of his teeth.

"Shut up, animal trash!" (bully 1/leader)

The boys continued to kick and punch him with smiles on their faces when suddenly a voice told the boys to stop. They stopped kicking the boy and looked in the direction where they heard the voice coming from. In front of them was a boy looking around the same age as them wearing red shorts, a black t- shirt that had plus ultra written on it and black sneakers.

"Leave him alone." (random kid)

One of the bullies got up from on top of the beaten up boy. He walked away from the boy and towards this random kid.

"Who the hell are you?" (bully 1/Leader)

"Are you his pal or something" (bully 2)

He stood there silent for a while with his hands in his pocket before repeating.

"What if we don't?" (Bully 3)

The boy didn't respond again and just stood there menacingly. The leader of the group smirked before telling one of his friends to deal with the boy. Cocky as ever, the bully walked towards the boy with a grin on his face before making his hands turn to metal. The bully charged at the boy with his fingers folded up making fists. When he got close enough he tried to punch the boy but he dodged his attack. Surprised he paused for a second before continuing to punch with all his might. Even when he was trying his hardest none of them hit.

With all this punching he started to get worn out. Now that his stamina was drained his metal arms changed back to normal. His ability was now disabled allowing the boy to get the chance to attack. The boy punched the bully in the face knocking him to the floor. The other bullies were shocked that this random kid defeated one of there own but there was no time to freak out now since the boy was approaching them.

The second bully charged at him but with one swift kick he fell like the other. Only the leader was left and he was shaken up by the defeat of his friends but nevertheless he prepared to attack. Tiny canons formed on his fingertips as he activated his power.


He pointed the cannons at the boy before firing it at full power. Ten tiny laser beams flew straight at the boy. The beams exploded as they hit their target creating a big cloud of smoke. A large smile appeared on the kids face, thinking he hit his target. The smoke cleared revealing a scorch mark on the ground and nothing else. 


Confused, he looked left and right and saw nothing before suddenly feeling a shadow lurking over his head. He looked up and saw the boy with a purple substance covering his entire left arm. Slowly he came falling down with his hand opened. The bully didn't know what to do and stood there in shock before being grabbed by the boy's left arm which he used to slam him into the ground. 

Dust flew in the air when he landed. It slowly cleared out the air revealing the boy grabbing the bullies head with the substance still on his arm. The bully tried to talk but it was muffled and while talking the substance went into his body. The boy looked straight at the bully with a straight face, terrifying the bully. He couldnt move since he was being pinned to the ground and he couldnt call for help since his mouth was covered. Now he was the one that was helpless.


With that one command the bullies entire body completely shut down. His pupils largened and his body went numb, he couldn't move a single muscle at all. The boy got up off the bully and made his way towards the injured lad. As he walked towards the boy one of the other bullies who was on the floor yelled out "Monster!" before getting up and running away. 

The boy continued walking towards the injured lad when he heard him yell out.

"Don't come near me, Monster!"

Those words froze the boy for a second. He sighed and pulled his hand in before walking away from him. The boy left the playground as silently as he entered.


 In our world there are extraordinary abilities called Quirks. The first appearance of a quirk appeared centuries ago in a hospital in Keikei City. A baby was born that emitted a bright light from its body who was known as the "shining baby". All around the planet more cases of people with supernatural abilities started to pop up. No one knows where it came from or who it came from but the extraordinary soon became normal to society. Now 90% of the human population has a quirk with the remaining 10% being quirkless. The streets now looked like a page you would see in a comic book but with anything new comes confusion and fear which leads to chaos. Though normal citizens and law abiders have quirks the same can be said for the criminals. With these new powers they had gained an upper hand against the justice system. They used their powers to kill, steal and commit several other grusome crimes. With the sudden rise of crime the government decided to use the very same thing these criminals were using against them, starting "The Age Of Heroes".

These heroes were people who stepped up to protect and serve their country by using their quirks. With heroes crime was being dealt with until the worst villain of all made his debut in Japan. He was a menacing villain with the ability to give and take quirks from people. It was said that everytime he walked the earth shook and if you were in his presence you would faint.

His name was ALL FOR ONE.

He was known as the villain overlord, the shadow of death, the personification of evil, etc. He controlled the criminal underworld and over world, his name was known by all. For centuries he destroyed and brought pain to many until one day a hero whose presence brought smiles to many came and rid the world of this villain by the name of All might. He was the symbol of peace, the number one hero and an inspiration to many. Sadly he was put into retirement because of the villain he thought he had defeated but he didn't go out without a fight. All Might stood his ground and defeated him once again for the world to see. A.F.O was arrested and put in the most secure prison and a new number one was chosen. With the resignation of All Might, villains took the chance to rise again, increasing the crime rate once more. 

A.F.O's protege Tomura Shigaraki/ the leader of the league of villains went through extensive torture to receive his masters power and using it he started a war and killed many civilians and heroes. He even managed to break out his master and several other terrifying villains out of Japan's most secure prison, Tartarus . Chaos broke out in Japan, everyone worried about their safety, many heroes resigned and villains were running rampant on the streets. When it seemed like all hope was lost, a young hero stood up and fought the villains who were destroying their country.

He was a 15 year old boy who was a student at U.A highschool. The boys strength came from a hero who lost his and his name was known by every country on the planet. His name was Deku.

He lost many battles to grow and with the help of his friends he accomplished many things and with his quirk he defeated Shigaraki ending the centuries long battle for good. After he graduated from U.A he quickly rose in rank due to his actions. Now he's the number one hero and the world's new symbol of peace.

It was a hot afternoon and a teenage boy was casually walking down the sidewalk with his earphones plugged in. He was wearing a basic black uniform, some black shoes and he had purple hair. As he walked he saw people running towards something. More and more people came running with smiles on their faces including reporters. He started to wonder what was going on and decided to take off his earphones. He'd hear roars and explosions so he decided to follow the crowd and find out what was going on. He walked a bit before turning a corner.

Around the corner stood a 20 foot tall giant man with a mane and two chains on his hands. Surrounding him were heroes trying to keep the situation under control. Yellow tape and a few heroes surrounded the area to keep civilians away from the villain. The villain took off the top of a burning building and threw it at the heroes.

"Somebody stop that thing!" (Random hero)

No one could stop it because most of the remaining heroes were busy keeping the civilians off and trying to knock the villain out. The giant chunck of the building came flying towards the civilians. One of the heroes keeping the civilians away saw it coming but couldn't do anything to stop it due to their type of quirk. The civilians started to run as they saw it coming which accidentally led them to knock over a  girl. She was on the ground completely helpless as the chunk came flying towards her. She closed her eyes and covered her face thinking that she was completely done for. She was waiting for her demise and didn't feel any pain at all and decided to open her eyes. In front of her was a giant wall of ice and the number three hero "Shoto".

[Character Analysis]✨

Name: Shoto Todoroki❄️

Hero name: Shoto

Quirk: Half Hot, Half Cold❄️🔥

He emits fire from his left side and ice from his right side

"Are you ok mam?" (Shoto)

The girl simply nodded her head as her cheeks slowly turned red. Shoto grabbed her hand and pulled her up before telling her to go somewhere safe. The girl nodded again before running off while smiling. Shoto looked at a nearby building before launching himself in the air with fire. He'd land on the building before sending a massive ice wave at the villain freezing him in place. He'd press a com in his ear before saying:

"Your up" (Shoto)

A mysterious person ran on top of a roof with sounds of tiny explosions behind them. The person got closer to the edge of the building but kept running. When they arrived at the edge an explosion was set off launching them in the air making them visible to onlookers.

"Wait I know that guy, that's number two hero dynamight!" (Random onlooker)

The hero was wearing a black sleeveless tank top with several gun ammo all over his chest forming an X, a black pointy mask and grenade-like gloves on his arms. He was directly above the villain with a giant grin on his face. Sparks flew from his hands before a giant explosion was released.

"Die!!!" (Dynamight)


💥Character Analysis💥

Name: Katsuki Bakugou✨

Hero name: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight/ Dynamight

Quirk: Explosion💥

He can secrete nitroglycerin from his palms and ignite it on command creating strong explosions.


The attack would hit the villain making him feel an immense amount of pain. The villain grabbed his head in pain before lifting up his leg, breaking the ice holding him in place. Dynamight flew straight towards Shoto and landed safely on the same building. 

"Took you long enough" (Shoto)

"Shut up Icy Hot‼️" (Bakugo/Dynamight)

"By the way, where is he?" (Shoto)

"You know he likes a dramatic entrance" (Bakugo/Dyanmight)

On the same roof Dynamight came from someone who was running at extreme speeds. They were much faster than a car or jet. The person clenched their fist and crouched down before launching themself straight into the air cracking the surface they were standing on. The villain took his hands off his face and saw a figure in the sky. 

"Is that…" ( Random Onlooker #45)

"It's the number one hero!" (Random Onlooker #234)

"Deku!!!" (Random Onlooker #97)

✨Character Analysis✨

Name: Izuku Midoriya✨

Hero name: Deku

Quirk: OFA 💯💪

His quirk gives him super speed and strength along with 6 other quirks.

The villain's eyes widened as he realized who it was and quickly tried to flee but the area he was in was too compact. Deku smiled at the villain before winding his leg back.

"One For All: Full Cowling, Shoot Style" (Deku)

The villain yelled out "Noooo" as Deku came closer.

"Texas…Smash!!!!!!!" (Deku)

Deku kicked the villain with his left leg right in his face. The impact from the kick shook the villain's body making him fall. His body was falling straight on the building Shoto and Dynamight were on. Dynamight quickly blasted himself to the side and Shoto used his ice to slide to the opposite side. The villain's body landed on the building, crushing it a bit. Deku landed on the ground right in front of the crowd who gathered before raising his arm into the air and creating a fist. The crowd cheered before Shoto and Dynamight came down beside him. In the crowd stood the boy. His eyes were sparkling like a star and his mouth was widened.

That moment would be the moment that a boy truly decided what he wanted to do in the world, a moment that he would remember for the rest of his life.

I am Jinko Kasayami and this is the story of how I became the world's strongest hero.