
MHA: Mirio Grind

I Took just one day off the Grind to hang out with the boys. A drink here and mushroom there and i fucking died. I now feel no remorse for fucking your girlfriend george. Fuck you! Mh... Might as well get back to the Grind in this world as no other than Lemillion himself in My hero academia.

Casual_Raven · Anime & Comics
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You know when i think of an iconic duo my thoughts usually revolve around Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. even if it had its ups and downs through out the show. we, the audience can all somewhat agree that Finn and Jake dynamic was unforgettable. i remember watching it as a kid and dreaming, and i mean really dreaming of having the same dynamic with a person you consider family. no matter the race, place, or in the case of Finn and Jake , specie.

so when me and Mei met each other i really think it was fate. call it lack of hormones ,call its just kids having easier times having fun without the awkwardness. all i can say is that Mei and me got along like a house on fire.

i mean the shit we pulled were legendary!.. and maybe criminal ....Im not sure ? you see while making the grappling hook was easy and fun, and sure it made me giddy for like a week for realizing my dream of being vengeance! being the night! I am Batm-kghpfffffffff... oh god it was awesome. Still on one of my off day of the grind we were hanging out and i remember a Reddit post from my old world on how to make a homemade rail gun.

and do you know who has a freaking ton of money, a mad scientist Trainee , and a healthy disregard of Mortality .well its your friendly neighborhood MIRIO!. so at 10 and a half years of life in this world. me and Mei became Legends for having 11 police cars pulling on her house draveway almost knocking the door off its hinges after we shot our own improved homemade rail-gun at the neighbors cat.

poor Mr. Norris didn't stand a chance. he exploded in a shower of guts and blood. sadly we didn't remember to factor in the noise and it being so loud that the whole neighborhood had to call in a bomb threat; hence the police. still, we manged to hide it pretty fast considering I can turn intangible and all.

oh yeah, i told Mei about my quirk a while ago and she was totally cool about it and me hiding it.

so the cops had nothing on us and believed us when we said It was some villains fighting that caused the mess in the backyard and the unjustly death of Mr. Norris. Forever he will be remembered R.I.P forever and ever sweet prince.

cuz after all im just the poor orphan quirkless boy, and shes just the cute ten year old girl with weird eyes.

so all in all, you can see that our relationship up until U.A. was healthy. especially since i didn't do make the same mistake most anime protagonist make and got dense with each passing year till i became a fucking black hole in-composing every hint i get from a girl and ignore it till it becomes a singularity. so i officially asked her out a couple of months after our 14 birthday. nothing fancy just me being the Alpha male that i wa- OK fine! while gathering the courage to ask her out, i tripped and almost broke my fucking neck.talk about instincts and intangibility and i Had trained balance for years! cuz boys and girl you may have forgot but i have the fucking experience and talent of FUCKING GAROU! so me tripping had to be divine intervention.its fucking bullshit ....;---;. Ahmm as i was saying i asked her out which she accepted. Cuz of-course she`ll accept.Who wouldnt want to date me! IAM ME!


"your having an ego tripe again, aren't you ?" her eyes bore into me zooming in once in every millisecond.

"did you really just slap me woman!?"i questioned her furiously and somewhat amused.

" yes.. now shut up! I love this documentary and you're supposed to be my pillow! pillows don't talk! pillows don't walk. pillows certainly don't squawk! so shut up!"she said snuggling further in my mighty thighs. cuz you boy aint no Wimp! years of hard work, dedaction, and how to's from garou experience made me achieve Miro original physique way sooner than him but don't let appearances fool you while a may resemble original build my muscle are 14 times denser! plus im taller at 14 im sitting at 6.1. and im still growing so Kudos to me for my brilliant mind..


" Oh god! Wtf woman." i said while glaring at her for slapping me. AGAIN!

and she had the gall to giggle while clutching her stomach.

"oh its war bitch" while starting to furiously tickling her.

so yeah. life till U.A was fun.

"oooo nuuuu! stop damn you!"

im gonna make U.A my bitch.

still. we have about 4 more months left till then. so im just gonna keep grinding, and pass my free time with my mad genius of a girlfriend who is totally not freaking adorable and hot.

might work harder on my Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and Whirlwind Iron Cutting . i pretty much perfected it. but the grind is a cruel mistress. Never stop grinding or the grind will fail you!

Oh and maybe just maybe focus a little more on my intangiblity. I can pretty much maintain it for an hour now. But theres Still room for improvement!

please share with me your comments i would love to hear from you bastards. with love from your ever so Casual Raven.

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