
MHA: Mirio Grind

I Took just one day off the Grind to hang out with the boys. A drink here and mushroom there and i fucking died. I now feel no remorse for fucking your girlfriend george. Fuck you! Mh... Might as well get back to the Grind in this world as no other than Lemillion himself in My hero academia.

Casual_Raven · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Making dough

Generally speaking scaming was present as a pillar of society since the dawn of time. Coming in many forms : from witch doctors with their full proof cures, to Orginized religion old gimmick of 'gimme your money and pray to our selected deity 3 times a day, oh and i get to fuck your wife on your wedding day and if you dont do or give me what i want you'll burn for all eternity for your supposed sins you inherithed at birth but dont worry god loves, but hes needs your money, as george carlin once said "hes all powerfu, all knowing but hes needs your money! " '.

All working on the simple concept that people would believe anything as long as you make it the slightest bit believable using one's personal details they make the scam appear legitimate, and maybe use counterfeit and official-looking documents and present it with enough confidence. If that doesnt work just maybe scare them abit. But in the online age you can see how these point are easily available for anyone. Thank god for photoshop or atleast this world equivalent of it.

But you might be wondering ' hey Mirio why don't you just go full on Kitty pryde and rob a bank with your quirk' well i say to you my oh so smart friend that i have no fucking clue of the security that this world have against quirks. and that seems way to fucking risky for some cash problem i can just negrian prince my way out of.

So i pretty much spent 7-8 year scaming people from the library computer till i could aford my own pc and when i did, it removed so many restrictions to be able to pull off better scams.

the orphanage tried to question me on how i could afford a computer but in the end their neglect and overall abuse and me being a generally a menace they probably just thought i stole it and stoped giving a fuck all together about my well being.

I also invest smartly using all the data i hacked from some important figuers. I used all this dough in training martial arts, and eating the equivalent of 2 full grown men dietary needs aday, and train my quirk extensively in a nearby abandond factory.

Let me tell you for a quirk that only fucking function is on and off it fucking retardedly hard to maintain. Thank whatever deity i dont have original Mirio weakness of not being able to breathe cuz as long im intangible my body functions on calories hence the amount of food i eat for a kid is absurd. still im pretty sure it'll decrease with more usage.

By the time i was 10 i had enough money to stop scaming and just focus on training and being the top at school which is fucking laughably easy and kinda sad. these fuckers stood no chance. not that there's any fucking pride I take in intellectually stomping kids that think they're smart with there inhanced preception quirk or whatever. no! Not at all. And no i don't take enjoyment in the side characters need to prove dominance to the 'quirkless' kid that does better than them in class. hey more punching ba-i mean friends for me!

Oh i did meet a main character when i was 10 though, and shes probably my favorite. So i was just checking some forum on how to make a grappling hook cuz its a FUCKING grappling hook! Of course i need one for training. And its totally not because i want to recreate Batman 'im the night, im vengeance' speech. And my hooked me up (pun intended) good teen she lives like 15 minutes by train away for me. And thus started a match made in hell.

[Flash back]

After along discussesion over a week period of time we finally decided to meet up. Her dad is usually at work and her mom said she'll be free to supervise us. I had many expection for mei house and especially workshop ansld by god i was not disappointed its was basically a mix between science major, a comic book fan, and a guy obsessed with explosive shared a dorm room that exactly how her garage looked like. By the time i got to her house she was already in a project in there so i just walked in a taped her back.

She squealed "ahhh! Mommmm! I said im cominnnnnnn! Lunch isnt going anywhere, but my baby's are! They'll be sad that mommy isnt here to finish them. Yes you would, yes you would!" gushed Mei.

I tapped again and she finally turned look at me. We both just stared at each other for a while i think its at that moment that we both knew this. Whatever this is. Was meant to be.

"hey, nice to keet you pinky(pff)! Its me Dumb-blonde51. we chated online about the grappling hook." i finally said in my best calm and confident voice only a main character can afford after our little soul mate moment.

"Oh! Your finally here! Well my real name is Hatsume Mei future genuis inventor and owner of the best support gear company! I knew letting mom pick pinkyMechanic was a gonna hunt me" she frowned ".. nice to meet you. Ah.?" her eyes kept zooming in and out on me while her cheeks kept getting redder and redder.

I beamed at her passion and dedication to the Grind. I simply said"Togata. Mirio Togata."i paused for a bit and continued "Mei i can promise you that this is the start of a beautiful friendship"while grinning like a guy that just won the lottery.

[End of Flashback].

Gimme your opinion fuckers! Hate it? like it? Just let me hear your beautiful thought no matter how shitty they are. Love you!

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