
MHA : Light is Everything

You've probably heard such words many times, "Good will come back like a boomerang." Even after your death, it returns. That's what happened to 37-year-old Viktor Bragin. For his actions, he received an interesting gift in heaven. Rebirth. Rebirth or "Reincarnation". In India, it is believed that this will befall everyone after death. Victor himself did not believe it, but he had heard about it more than once and considered this idea absurd. Without expecting it, it turned out to be true. P. S English is not my language, but I wanted to share my work with you and to get your opinion. There will be mistakes, that's for sure, so I'm sorry in advance. I also want to say that this is an unusual excised fanfic, but it is different in general. There will be no strong deviations from the canon.

RockSForD · Action
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25 Chs


𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙖 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣, 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙪

It's a beautiful day, isn't it? For Victor, he is the best (not the best, of course, but also not bad), today the construction of his Agency was completed. At the moment, this is a five-story building that can be called a "glass box", most of the walls are covered with glass and glass is not simple, but bulletproof, well, except for the first floor.

This agency was quite large in width, and therefore it turned out to put a lot of rooms. His agency had a gym, a dining room, a staff room, an office and even a sauna. Ask where so much money comes from? Thanks to his father, the owner of a huge electrical engineering company. His father was only too happy to give him money, his father was the kind of person who would spare no time and money for the family, unless of course these are normal reasons. Victor promised that he would repay his debt, to which his father only laughed.

When the construction was coming to an end, he was recruiting and successfully coped with it, he was surprised that he could get so many people.Perhaps his popularity started here with the UA Sports Festival, after all, popularity is also a weapon and a tool that you need to be able to use. He has already recruited most of them and needs certain positions, and hiring them is today's task.

Sitting in his new office and looking at various documents related to his agency, someone knocked on his door.

« Come in. »— he said so that his voice could be heard from the outside of the door.

As soon as he said that, the door opened and two people entered his office: a man and a woman. Dressed in business suits. Victor lifted his gaze from the papers and looked at the newcomers and he immediately noticed the interesting appearance of the man. Instead of a human head, he had the head of a frog, a pond frog to be more precise.He is a tall man, possibly 23-25 years old with black short-cropped hair and black eyes.

Next to him is a woman who also looks like a frog, but not as much as a man.

She has long dark hair, a face slightly wider than an ordinary person, small eyes in the shape of beads, spaced eyes with long upper eyelashes. She seems to be quite prone to blushing, as there are small pink marks on her cheeks, and she has a small nose located very high on her face. As previously stated, they were both dressed in suits.

-« Good day Mr. Kidzaru, my wife and I have come to see an advertisement for hiring employees.» - the man went straight to the point.

Instantly to the point? Victor likes this and approves of it in his work, professionalism is born here.

-«Very well, please sit down and introduce yourselves. » - Victor invited them.

« Thank you, my name is Ganma, and this is my wife Beru, we work together and would like to get a job with you as lawyers.»- the named Beru introduced himself and handed over a portfolio with a dossier.

Victor immediately recognized them as the parents of Tsuyu Asui, a future UA student. Judging by the portfolio, it is very good to have such qualified experts on hand.

After talking with them about the place of work, offices, shifts of work and salary, Victor accepted them.

« Very well, from now on you will work in my agency, I will be glad to work with you. » - from these words, these two smiled, said goodbye and left in a good mood.

Victor informed his secretary that he was leaving the agency and went outside to get some air.


𝙑𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Damn, now I have Asui's family working for me, to be honest, I didn't expect this, but I always wondered where they worked and what they did, and that's the answer I found myself. I was glad when I found out that Inko had a medical education, she is a nurse.

Well, I have a place for doctors in heroism, and you can't go anywhere without them. I hired a couple of good doctors, and now a nurse is joining them. Damn it, in the anime, Inko looked like a kind and plump mom who wanted to hug and give her all the love you could.

And her young version is just a "bomb", that's the "forms" I understand. Why, the size of her breasts is enough for me to fall asleep on them. 𝙎𝙤, I say all this and you think I liked her and I'm ready to have an affair with her? To hell with it, I praise the forms, without romance, although she's so cute that I'm ready to squeeze her, I just want to touch these cheeks and rub against them… Khem, let's go shorter.

And while I was thinking about Inko's beautiful structure, the sound of gunfire spread next to me. After looking at where the sound was coming from, I realized that it was from a local bank.

Bingo, there is something I can do.


Victor turned his body into photons of light and headed towards the bank at high speed. Having reached the scene of the incident, Victor formed his body back and noticed how the cops had accumulated at the bank and were clearly trying to negotiate with people who had penetrated the bank. Victor approached the captain, who was holding a loudspeaker. He finished his dialogue for a while and turned to Victor, to the tall Victor.

« Kizaru, if I'm not mistaken? It's good that you're here, other heroes can't get inside, these villains are holding hostages at gunpoint, and none of us has the ability to stop them without loss.» - the police captain laid out the situation.

« I understand you, Captain, I will do everything in my power. »- said Victor.

Reporters also joined the cops, and occupied almost the remaining area near the bank. Victor ignored them and directed his gaze to the bank. In a flash of light, he disappeared from the captain's range and appeared on the roof of the bank.

Having made a big hole in it, he instantly appeared in the hall where all the interception took place. No sooner did the criminals come to their senses or pull the triggers of the weapons in their hands, as after the outbreak, all their weapons were broken.

« Are we going to do this in a good way or not in a good way?» - the man who arrived asked a question, looking down at them.

« This is a hero! Take him.» The gang leader shouted .

The villains released the hostages and rushed to the hero in a crowd, believing that he would be able to defeat him with the number.

«Very good. » Kidzaru nodded.

Five people went to him, fulfilling the previously announced order. But they obviously didn't know who he was and what abilities he possessed, so they just couldn't get into him because he just disappeared, which put them at a loss.

« Uuu~ I'm scared» Kidzaru scoffed.

These five turned towards the voice and they wanted to run after him as they were all blinded. Everyone in the audience had to close their eyes because of this. And when they opened them, those guys who wanted to attack the Hero were lying on the floor unconscious.

The happiness of the hostages could not be described in words, a hero appeared and defeated all the villains in a couple of seconds? They've never seen anything like it.

« You bastard-...

But the beam of light that hit his forearm did not let him finish the sentence as he fell to the ground.

« The bastard is not the one who saves lives, but the one who devalues them.»

These were the last words that the criminal heard before losing consciousness from a blow to the head.

Victor immediately turned to the hostages and asked about their condition, the answer came to him positively. He untied the hostages and asked them to follow him to the exit, an offer that was gladly accepted

So Victor was the first to leave the bank and the rescued people followed him, he put his hands in his pockets and looked at the cops, saying:

« Take them away.»

So he was filmed by the camera, from his beginning of appearance and his end of a successful rescue. For them, this is a certain good material for today. After his words, he turned back to the bank's exit so that the cameras could capture his Kanji on the suit, which meant "justice".

The cameras started clicking and capturing this moment. Thanks to the resulting wind, it looked doubly epic. The person with what name the word "justice" itself will be associated has received great respect.