
MHA: Karna

What is after death? It's a question asked by many, but doesn't have any answer. Here is Jōichirō Saiba who got reborn in the world of My Hero Academia, after his death. He have the meta knowledge of this world thanks to it being a manga and anime in his previous world. Thanks to the meta knowledge of his, Jōichirō knew that it's going to be rough ride, but he didn't think much about it as he just wanted to do what he likes in his new life, which is cooking. But, fate have other decisions for his life. He met with important people who would become a villain or a hero in the future and he started to change their life for good, unintentionally. The butterfly started to flap it's wings and changes started to take place, his meta knowledge advantage started to be a waste. Did he despair knowing that? Not at all, because he didn't want to be the hero of this world. That decision was also thawed thanks to someone else, and he decided to be hero even for one day. This is his story, the story of Jōichirō Saiba, it showcases how Jōichirō became The Greatest Hero Karna.

EchoFrost · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 59: Ultimate Moves

{3rd Person POV}

As a new day, the students of Class 1A went to their class early morning as Aizawa had told them to be there on time.

After everyone was seated, Aizawa entered the class while greeting them "Good morning."

"Good morning, sir." They also greeted him back.

"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses." Aizawa told his students as he stood up on the podium.

"Yes Sir!" They replied.

"A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year." Squinting his eyes, Aizawa continued "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two ultimate moves."

As he finished saying that, the door opened and Midnight along with Cementoss and Ectoplasm entered the class.

""Ultimate"! This means that this move will give you a sure win!" Ectoplasm said.

"A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it. Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent." Cementoss said.

"Your moves will represent you. These days, pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species." Midnight said while posing.

"We will tell you more as we go along. We want to proceed logically. Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma." Aizawa told them as the other three finished what they were saying.

After donning their costumes the students of Class 1A went towards Gym Gamma. On the way, Kaminari, who was talking with Kirishima approached Saiba and asked "Hey Saiba, can you answer my question honestly?"

"Yeah I can, ask away." Saiba replied.

Everyone who knew what Kaminari was going to ask sharpened their ears to listen in.

"Are you in a relationship with Todoroki's sister?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah.... How did you find out?" Saiba asked him.

Jiro who was near them answered his question "We saw her holding your hand tenderly while having tear stains on her face, when you were in your coma."

"Oh, you guys saw her when you visited huh, makes sense." Saiba said.

"Hey Saiba! Why is your whole family at the dorm? I don't buy that warden bullshit." Suddenly Bakugo asked Saiba from the front, turning around.

Raising an eyebrow at the calm demeanor of Bakugo. "Well.... Our home was attacked by a Nomu, it was targeting my family to eliminate. Thanks to that, our house is partially destroyed and U.A offered this job as a protection from the villains." Saiba dropped the bomb to them with a smile on his face.

Everyone who heard what Saiba said was surprised, except for Todoroki who knew about this incident beforehand.

Looking at Saiba, Bakugo said "It's the League."

"Yeah I know. Who else has that abomination?" Saiba asked.

"Specifically, it's Shigaraki. He targeted your family to torment you or something, I don't know anything more as he was secretive about this, even from his companions." Bakugo said as turned around to start walking again.

Again their classmates were surprised by this revelation.

Approaching Bakugo, Saiba asked "What was the atmosphere among them?"

Scowling, Bakugo replied "Only Shigaraki and the mist guy knew about the attack on your family. The others were surprised and only that lizard guy and that man in white coat and red flower shirt had any kind of negative response to that."

'So, there are some cracks thanks to this, huh? Good to know. And the white coat guy might be Akainu. What's his game anyway? He was a villain in One Piece, but he was still doing his job dutifully as an Admiral, no one can deny that. So my question is, whether he is under the HPSC and working undercover to uproot the up and coming league of villains? or is he just a plain villain? Or is he a rogue hero like Lady Nagant? What do you guys think?'

While Saiba was thinking about the possible backstory of Akainu and slightly breaking the 4th Wall, his classmates were making a plan to have a little party at the dorm to cheer up the Saiba family.

A few minutes of walking later, they reached the Gym Gamma. Aizawa along with Midnight, Cementoss and Ectoplasm were waiting for them inside the Gym.

After all of the students entered the Gym, Aizawa spoke up "Gym Gamma, also known as the "Training Dining Land" or TDL."

"Pftt." Saiba controlled his snicker while thinking about the reaction of an intelligent rat after hearing the nickname of Gym.

Aizawa eyed Saiba as he heard the short snicker by Saiba.

Cementoss placed his hands on the floor and made a miniature structure using his quirk while saying "I came up with the idea for these facilities. Terrain and other things can be prepared specifically for each student. That's what the "dining" part refers to."

"I see...." Raising his hand, Iida said "Please allow me to ask a question!"

"Why must we have ultimate moves for our provisional licensing exam? Please tell me your reasoning!"

"I'll tell you everything in order. Calm down." Aizawa told the fired up Iida.

Then, Aizawa started his long explanation about the question of Iida ``The job of a hero is to save people from danger, like crimes, accidents, natural disasters , and man-made disasters. The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are able to do that. Your ability to gather information, make decisions, move and fight, in addition to your ability to communicate, draw people to you, and lead. Every year, a different test is used to look at how well you are able to do those things."

"Of those, your ability to fight is especially important to your futures as heroes. If you are prepared, you won't have to worry. Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether or not you pass." Midnight told the students.

"Not being influenced by circumstances and being able to act consistently will make you a great asset on the front lines." Saying that, Cementoss went to create platforms for each student to practice on.

"Your ultimate moves do not necessarily need to be of the attacking type. For example, Iida's Reciproburst. The temporary burst of speed is enough threat to be worth calling an ultimate move." Ectoplasm said.

Hearing that, Iida was surprised "So that's good enough to be called an ultimate move?"

"I see.... So we need to find something that allows us to feel like "As long as I do this, I have the advantage. I can win."" Sato, who was near Iida said.

"Exactly! Kamui Woods, who played a big part in the fight the other day, has a move called Lacquered Chain Prison that is the perfect example of an ultimate move. It restrains his opponents before they can do anything." Midnight told them.

"The training camp was canceled, but the training you did to develop your Quirks was part of the process to create your ultimate moves. In other words, until the beginning of the next semester, for the ten days or so until the end of summer vacation, you'll be working out your ultimate moves as you develop your Quirks. You will be doing intensive training!" As Aizawa finished saying, Ectoplasm made clones and sent them to each platform that was created by Cementoss.

"In addition, you should think about how you can improve your costumes to work better with your developing Quirks. Get Through this with a "Plus Ultra" mentality. Are you ready?" Aizawa asked his students.

"Yes Sir!"

Saying that, each student went to an elevated platform where clones of Ectoplasm were waiting for them.

As Saiba reached his platform, Ectoplasm asked him "Do you have anything in mind, or do you need help?"

"I do have a few things on my mind, and I would need an energy source." Saiba told him.

Nodding at him, Ectoplasm told Cementoss through comms "Cementoss, I need you to move Kaminari towards Saiba."

[Got it.]

A few seconds later, Kaminari was near Saiba, and he looked surprised as his platform moved on its own.

"You can go all out here, as Saiba will be absorbing your stray electricity." Ectoplasm told Kaminari.

"Cool!" Kaminari was chill about it.

Nodding at that, Ectoplasm told them "You can begin."

Walking towards Kaminari, Saiba said "Attack me with everything you got, but make sure that you don't become an idiot. And after that, try to do the same thing I'm doing, you might be able to pull it off."

"Okay! Thanks man!" Kaminari replied excitedly as he will be getting an ultimate move for free.

Walking back to his position, Saiba signaled Kaminari to attack him. Without a delay, Kaminari sent a large amount of electricity towards Saiba.

As soon as he absorbed it, Saiba told Kaminari "Watch carefully."

Extending his left hand and holding it with his right hand, Saiba shouted "Shiden'issen!"

With that shout, a bolt of purple lightning bolt was fired on to the cement wall, which was destroyed on impact.

Seeing this, Kaminari's eyes went wide and mouth agape. Shaking it off, Kaminari approached Saiba with a sparkle in his eyes and asked "Please teach me, Master!"