
MHA: Karna

What is after death? It's a question asked by many, but doesn't have any answer. Here is Jōichirō Saiba who got reborn in the world of My Hero Academia, after his death. He have the meta knowledge of this world thanks to it being a manga and anime in his previous world. Thanks to the meta knowledge of his, Jōichirō knew that it's going to be rough ride, but he didn't think much about it as he just wanted to do what he likes in his new life, which is cooking. But, fate have other decisions for his life. He met with important people who would become a villain or a hero in the future and he started to change their life for good, unintentionally. The butterfly started to flap it's wings and changes started to take place, his meta knowledge advantage started to be a waste. Did he despair knowing that? Not at all, because he didn't want to be the hero of this world. That decision was also thawed thanks to someone else, and he decided to be hero even for one day. This is his story, the story of Jōichirō Saiba, it showcases how Jōichirō became The Greatest Hero Karna.

EchoFrost · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 17: A Day Off

A day off from UA, just for lazing around. The media has started to report about the attack on USJ. They tried their best to butcher UA as much as they could, but couldn't. Why? Well I don't know why, they just couldn't.

Switching off the TV, I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. There are different things that I have to think about, especially what's going to happen. After living here for fifteen years, my memories of this world have started to fade. I do remember some of the important events that would happen here, and I had written it down about those, so that's safe.

From what I remember, the next event will be the sports festival. It would be a breeze for me, and first place is like taking toys from children, it's that easy.

The thing I have to keep in mind is the butterfly effect that I have caused. If there is an attack at the sports festival, it will be their win. But, I'm pretty sure that if they tried anything funny, they will get folded thanks to the Pro Heroes that's going to be present there for scouting.

If All For One has some semblance of his manipulative personality, then Tomura will be held back. But, Kurogiri left with an unconscious Tomura, so what happened to them is unknown for me too.

They will try to target me, that's for sure. But the moment they target my family, well... let's just say that All For One would have to find another protege or another host to take over. Should I just go and give them a warning? Nah, it's not worth it.

I'll just make sure that they won't be even able to look towards my family as a target. So what should I do for that? Good for thought.

Anyway, what should I do now? Looking around I saw that I'm near a mall, so I decided to do window shopping as time passed.

As I was window shopping from the lowest floor to the highest floor, I saw my classmate Shoto Todoroki along with his family, right? I can see his sister, his two brothers and his mother. Father is not present among them, so I decided to join them.

Walking slowly towards them I tapped on the shoulder of the eldest son. He turned around to look at who had tapped him, and as soon as he saw my face his eyes went wide and his face lit up. Without any delay, he hugged me as tight as he could shouting "SAIBA!!!"

I just returned the hug, and patted on his back. His two brothers looked at me with confusion, his mother had an epiphany and his sister was just looking at me. I smiled towards them as I spoke to Touya "Touya, can you let go. Your family is in a confused state right now."

"Right!" Turning around he addressed the four of them "Guys, this is Saiba, the one who saved me when my quirk got out of control. Saiba, my mom Rei Todoroki, my sister Fuyumi Todoroki, my brothers Natsuo Todoroki and Shoto Todoroki."

He introduced them to me respectively, and I bowed towards them as a greeting and said "My name is Jōichirō Saiba, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Saiba-kun." Rei greeted me back, and the rest followed suit.

Looking at them I said "I can see that you guys have a lot to ask, so let's go and sit down in some place that has privacy."

They all nodded at my suggestion and we went towards a restaurant inside the mall and went to a private booth for six people.

Getting inside the booth, we all sat down with Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi sitting opposite to Shoto, Touya and me respectively.

Looking at me Rei was the one who spoke first "Saiba-kun, thanks for saving my son on that day. Thanks to that, my son didn't have to meet the creator."

I glanced at Touya and I could see that he was embarrassed about it. Patting on his shoulder I said "Well, I saw someone losing control of their quirk and I kinda wanted to help. I didn't know at that time that I would be saving his life."

"Will you have done differently now?" This question was asked by Fuyumi.

Eyeing her I said "I'm sure that you know about the USJ incident, I was there with your brother Shoto. We're classmates, and I saw that our sensei needed our help to take down the villains and I helped. So to answer your question, yes I'll do the same."

Fuyumi smiled at that, and Rei asked me another question "Why didn't you inform Shoto if you knew who he was?"

"That's complicated. I wanted to surprise Touya? I don't know, I just didn't think about it."

"So how exactly did you save Touya-nii?" Natsuo asked me and three of them looked at me for answers.

Chuckling at that memory, I said "Well, I was just going for a walk, and I saw a kid murmuring about wanting to become the No. 1 hero and all. And then suddenly his quirk got out of control, so I absorbed the excess fire and made him go unconscious. Then your father found him passed out in the ground that was scorched. You know the rest, which I don't. So what happened with Endeavor?" The question was for Touya, and without wasting time he told his friend "He's trying to reconcile with mom and us."

"Did it work?"

"Not at all, I mean, just apologizing thinking that they will disappear."

Right then, Fuyumi stood up and walked out saying "I have to use the loo."

Couple of seconds later I also told them that I want to use the loo too.

As soon as I reached near the loo, I was pulled away by Fuyumi and the first thing she asked after looking at me was "Why didn't you tell me about knowing my elder brother."

I just said " It's not like you were going to believe me. Right? Well, I wanted to keep it a secret." Shaking her head she hugged me and said "Don't make me worry Jo."

"Don't worry, I' won't." Saying that I kissed her forehead.

Then we walked back to the booth separately.

Now you must be asking how? Well, I met her when she was a high school student and she was about to be attacked by some villain, I took them down pretty easily. After that we became friends and at last she became my girlfriend.