
MHA: Karna

What is after death? It's a question asked by many, but doesn't have any answer. Here is Jōichirō Saiba who got reborn in the world of My Hero Academia, after his death. He have the meta knowledge of this world thanks to it being a manga and anime in his previous world. Thanks to the meta knowledge of his, Jōichirō knew that it's going to be rough ride, but he didn't think much about it as he just wanted to do what he likes in his new life, which is cooking. But, fate have other decisions for his life. He met with important people who would become a villain or a hero in the future and he started to change their life for good, unintentionally. The butterfly started to flap it's wings and changes started to take place, his meta knowledge advantage started to be a waste. Did he despair knowing that? Not at all, because he didn't want to be the hero of this world. That decision was also thawed thanks to someone else, and he decided to be hero even for one day. This is his story, the story of Jōichirō Saiba, it showcases how Jōichirō became The Greatest Hero Karna.

EchoFrost · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 16: Aftermath

Inside the conference hall of UA, the UA staff had gathered for discussion of what happened at USJ that evening. Nezu was sitting at the head of the table patiently waiting for the last member of the UA staff to enter.

As soon as Aizawa entered the hall, Nezu said "I believe that you all know why I have called for this meeting."

Noddings of affirmation was given by the staff members.

"Well, a group of villains calling themselves " League of Villains " have attacked USJ. What was their goal will be covered by Aizawa." Saying that, Nezu looked at Aizawa.

With his iconic tired eyes, Aizawa said "The leader wanted to end All Might. He also had a thing called Nomu which is a perfect counter for All Might, by his words. The Nomu is strong, it has multiple quirks with it, Super Strength, Shock Absorption, Regeneration and many more that we haven't seen. I believe they were the ones who broke into UA and started the commotion with the media. In that confused state of UA, someone had obtained the information about All Might being at USJ."

"Thank you Aizawa." Nezu said, and he looked at the staff who all had the same expression, suspicious.

Nezu organized his thoughts and addressed them "I have come to believe that there is a traitor among us."

Hearing that, all of them had a surprised expression, except for Aizawa.

Present Mic was the first one to object "But Sir! I'm sure that none of the staff will betray UA as their only goal is to raise aspiring heroes."

"I know, but we're not the only ones inside of UA right?"

"Principal, are you implying that one of our students could be the traitor?"

Sighing, Nezu spoke "It could be or it couldn't be one of the students, same goes for the staff. We have to doubt anyone because of today's incident."

"Couldn't it be someone who entered UA during the time the media invaded? Not the students. We do know that they created that commotion." Midnight said.

"I hope so, Midnight. I don't want to be suspicious of our students, and want to believe that it's done by this league of villains personally." Nezu said.

"I believe that the one who attacked us at USJ is the one who got into UA and stole the information about All Might. But, I don't believe that this will be the last time we see them." Aizawa said.

"Why do you think so, Aizawa?" Snipe asked.

"For starters, they are after All Might. As long as he is in UA, they will try anything in their hand to get him, even going after the students may not be out of the question."

The teachers nodded at Aizawa, agreeing with what he said.

Yawning a little bit, Aizawa continued "Besides, I don't think the one who led the attack is their leader. Because he had been bragging about the Nomu for a while, like a child would if it got a new toy."

"Are you saying that a man with a childish mentality is the one who attacked USJ?" Nezu asked.

"Yes and no. He attacked USJ, that is true. But no he's not the mastermind. The mastermind behind this is someone who knows how to rile up or calm down someone like that man-child."

Hearing that everyone's face grimaced as it implied that someone is out there controlling this man-child on the whim.

All Might who had been silent throughout the meeting thought about his old foe, but he erased that thought by thinking 'He's no more. I made sure that day, and I had to sacrifice my boy to make sure that All For One was no more.'


In a damp dimly lit bar, the light from a TV can be seen. Its screen only showed "NO VIDEO" in bright red color.

In front of the TV was Kurogiri standing or in his case floating behind the counter.

The silence was broken by the sound coming from the TV [So you're saying that someone, a kid, was able to destroy the upper portion of the Nomu, which was made to withstand All Might?]

"Yes, Master."

[Mmmm.... What do you think doctor?]

Another voice was the one who answered the Master's question [I believe that it is possible for All Might to surpass the shock absorption, he might be able to destroy it. But a kid doing that? Not possible unless he is... ]

[Yes, he could be the successor. But I believe that he is not. From what Kurogiri said, there was another student who could do something similar. And my bets are on him.] Stopping there, the Master addressed Kurogiri [Anyway Kurogiri, Tomura is unconscious now. When he wakes up call me. And is there anything else that you have to report?]

"Yes Master. That kid took the full strength punch of Nomu and came out unscathed."

[Interesting... He has piqued my interest. Hahahahahah]

With a laugh the TV turned off.

Kurogiri bowed towards the TV and started to clean the utensils in the bar, even though no one was present for a drink.


As soon as I reached home, mom and Yuki hugged me as if I would disappear if they didn't hold me tighter. I looked at my dad in confusion, seeing my confusion present on my face he said "The school informed us about the incident."

With that I understood why my mom and sister were hugging me out of the blue.

Smiling at their love towards me, I slowly patted both of their backs and picked up Yuki. She hid her face on the crook of my neck and I could feel wetness on my neck and my chest.

I understood that they were crying so I tried my best to cheer them up.

After some time they calmed down and we went to my room to speak.

Mom and dad asked about my safety and my classmates safety, after telling them that the teachers arrived in time to save us they calmed down. But Yuki was still in my hands hugging me.

Patting her head I asked her "What's wrong Yuki?"

With a cracked voice she said "I'm... sor...y..."

Slowly creasing her back I asked "What for?"

Still, sobbing she said "Brother.... is becoming... hero... because Yuki asked to.... But my brother will get.... hurt... Yuki doesn't want.. brother hurt."

"Awwww.. ... My baby sister is worried about me?" I asked in a playful tone.

She nodded her head in affirmation, so I kissed her forehead and said "No one can beat your brother and I'll be careful out there so that I won't get hurt and worry Yuki okay?"

She still nodded, without saying anything.

Just then, my phone rang, picking it up from my phone I looked at the caller ID. Seeing the name, I showed it to Yuki, seeing the ID she smiled and said "It's big sister!"

"Yeah... so I'll talk to her first, then I'll give you the phone okay?"

This time she nodded with a lot of enthusiasm. Seeing that, mom and dad left my room to give me some privacy.

"Hello, Jōichirō Saiba at your service. What can I do for you Madam?"

[Cut the cap Jōichirō.]

"Wow... someone is in a bad mood."

[Ah.... Don't start with me.]

"Mmmhmmm.... so a free-spirited girl like you can blow the lid too huh? Noted."

[Argh..... Jo, please. Cut me some slack.]

Chuckling a bit I asked her "Alright, so what's up?"

The other side was silent for a moment, but she spoke to me [Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?]

"No. I'm not hurt nor my classmates. But the villains didn't go unscathed. But how did you know?"

[Good to know. Well, I have my own source. Don't worry it's not illegal or something.]

"Alright, I believe you. So.... Where are you now?"

[Me? I'm at home. Where else will I be.]

"No, just asking. Anyway, Yuki is here and she wants to talk with you."

[Alright, give her the phone.]

"Here Yuki." I gave the phone to Yuki and she talked with her for a long time. I didn't get my phone back until dinner.


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