
MHA: Izumi Adachi (Dropped)

A 20-year-old young man is reincarnated in the world of MHA. As he knows the future events, he begins his journey of getting stronger to protect himself and his family from future dangers. I am writing this fanfic because I feel like it. I thought that someone else might like it and posted it here. I am open to taking suggestions. I will make a few grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language. I hope you enjoy it. I became really busy with my life and can't set aside time for writing. So I won't be continuing this. Thank you for everyone who was even remotely interested in this. i didn't put much thought when I started this as I only wanted to get an idea on how much work it takes before actually starting some proper work. But I am really interested in writing a Naruto fanfic I have this whole map of the story set up in my mind. I also have some chapters of the beginning of the story, I will publish them and see the response. Even if it gets a good response I won't be able to actually write anything as I am working and studying but I will give it a try anyway as I am really interested in writing this one.

Reader_132 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Sports Festival


///Writer's Note///


I wanted to tell the people who are reading this fanfic that from this chapter the quality will increase.

I was using my mobile (instead of my PC as it was being repaired) to write the chapters which lead to a lot of mistakes.

I still don't have a schedule, sorry about that.

I will correct the previous chapter and also notify you about it.

Happy reading! (I think? I haven't left a writer's note before.)



|| Ayaka's POV ||

I knocked on the door.

After waiting for a few seconds, I sighed.

I didn't get the response I was hoping for and entered the room.

I look at my brother sleeping peacefully on his bed with medical devices connected to him.

I walk to the bed and sit in the seat beside his bed.

"Today is the day of the sports festival, brother. I practiced a lot in the past weeks. I have gotten stronger. I can probably kick your butt when you wake up. I will try my best to win the top spot. You can watch the recording later when you wake up."

I look at my brother's face for a few seconds.

"Since you aren't with me, I am a little nervous, brother."

I said as my hands' shivered.

After a few seconds of silence, I clench my fists.

"But I will win, no matter what. I will beat all the other students."

"You will be jealous of me when you see the recording and the list of pro heroes who invite me to intern at their agency."

"I also hope that you will be proud of me."

I reach out to hold my brother's hand.

After holding my brother's hand, the nervousness I had reduced.

After a few minutes, I look at my sleeping brother's face, "I will be leaving, brother."

I let go of my brother's hand and leave his room.

I make my way toward the entrance of the house while responding to the maids who wish me good luck.

Walking out the entrance door, I see my father and mother waiting for me by the car that will take me to U.A.

I nod at my mother and father, "I am ready, mom and dad."

"Alright. Shall we get going?"

My mother asks me.


While my mother gets in the car, I hug my father.

"Good luck! I know that you will do great. But don't hurt the other kids too badly. You and your brother have a tendency for violence. I will be watching the live stream and cheering for you."

My father speaks as he gently pats my back.

"Uh-huh. We will be leaving. Bye!"

I reply to my father's sarcastic but true remark.

"Bye. Stay safe, both of you."

I waved my father goodbye as the car began its journey toward U.A. High.


We reached U.A. after a few minutes.

I said goodbye to my mother and made my way to my classroom.

I enter the classroom and find nearly all the students talking with each other.

The students looked in my direction as they heard the door opening.

"Hey, guys!"

I greet them and walk to my seat.

"How are you, Ayaka?"

Momo asks me just as I reach my seat.

"I am excited!"

"What about you?"

"I am excited as well but also nervous. I don't want to waste this opportunity."

"You don't have to worry about a useless thing like that. You will do great. I am certain of it."

I reassure her by squeezing her hand.

She smiles at me and nods.

Time passed, and all the students excitedly chattered.

The bell indicating the start of homeroom rang.

All the students sat in their respective chairs.

After a minute, Mr. Aizawa entered the class.

"Good morning, students."

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa."

Mr. Aizawa gave a speech about the opportunities to come because of the festival and wished us good luck.

"Alright, change into gym clothes and wait in your designated waiting room."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Aizawa left the classroom.

All the students went to the waiting room of Class 1-A after changing into their gym clothes.


"Man, I wanted to wear my costume."

"To keep everything fair, we can't."

"I wonder what the first round's gonna be..."

"No matter what comes, we have no choice but to deal with it."

I looked at my classmates discussing with each other.

I was just about to speak to Momo when Ida entered the room.

"Everyone, are you ready? We will be entering the arena soon."

Ida shouted.

Quite a few of the students became nervous, while some were indifferent.

After some time, I exited the room and walked toward the arena alongside my classmates.

I could hear Present Mic's voice and the audience's cheers as I walked toward the large entrance.

"It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!"

Present Mic announced as we entered the stadium.

I look around the arena.

Fireworks filled the sky above the stadium. Music rang through the numerous speaker around the stadium. Present Mic's commentary. And most importantly, a large crowd gathered in the stadium. The people cheered and shouted with enthusiasm. The whole arena was filled with shouts from the audience.

The only word that comes to my mind is "Overwhelming".

[The U.A. sports festival! The battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year.]

[Now for the introductions, the miraculous new stars who overcame villain attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course, Class 1-A.]

Present Mic introduced us to the audience.

"Th-Th-There are so many people..."

"Will we be able to give our best performance being watched by so many people? This is also part of the training required to become a hero."

"Man, Present Mic's going overboard with that praise! I am getting nervous."

[They haven't been getting as much airtime, but don't overlook them as this class is full of talent! Hero course, Class 1-B!]

[Next up, general studies Classes C, D, and E!]

[Support course, Classes F, G, and H!]

[And business course, Classes I, J, and K!]

[Give it up for all of U.A.'s first-year contestants!]

All the students gathered in the center of the stadium in front of a stage.

"Time for the player pledge!"

Midnight spoke from the top of the stage.

The people started discussing Midnight and her costume.

After some time, "Silence, everyone!"

Midnight shouted quieting everyone.

"Now, for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A!"

"Wait, is Bakugo the representative because he finished first in the entrance exam?"

I asked wondering why Midnight or the school chose Bakugo.

"Yes, probably."

Momo answered my question.

"But isn't that unfair for the other course students and people who took the recommendation exam?"

"Yes. I guess not all the students from Class 1-A are arrogant."

One of the girls from the general Classes answered.

I looked at her and smiled, "Yes, we aren't arrogant. You guys should ignore Bakugo's rambling if you don't want to get annoyed."

The faces of the girl who answered me, and the students around her turned red.


The girl stuttered and accepted my suggestion.

"Are you guys alright? Your faces are turning red."

I asked as I wondered if they got a fever or something.

Before they could answer, Bakugo started his speech.

"I will beat anyone who stands in my way and win. I will be the number 1."

Bakugo spoke in an indifferent tone.

All the students became angry and started to boo him.

"Stop messing around!"

"What the heck!"

"Don't be so full of yourselves, Class A!"

Bakugo walked down the stage and back to his previous place.

"Now, let's get started right away. The first game is what you would call a qualifier! Every year, many drink tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!"

Midnight spoke as she pointed toward the large screen behind her.

"This year, it's... Obstacle Race!"

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium, about four kilometers. Our school's selling point is freedom. As long as you stay on the course, you are free to do whatever your heart desires."

The audience cheers rang through the stadium.

"Now, take your places, everyone!"

We started to gather in front of the starting line, one of the exits/entrances of the arena.

"Get ready, everyone!"

As Midnight warned, the lights above the exit started to blink indicating the start of the countdown.

Midnight shouted when the last light switched off.


I watch the students as they run into the exit.

Present Mic started his commentary.

I didn't follow the students and just analyzed the exit.

'I can get out of the exit after two blinks.'

I look at the crowd of students struggling to get out of the exit.

"I should get going."

I activate my quirk.

I blink in the air above the crowd of students, making it halfway through the exit.

Before anyone could realize I was above them, I disappear again after using one of the student's heads as a foothold to push myself into the air.

I reappear outside the exit and continue to use my quirk to blink toward the next segment of the course.



The students run toward the long exit tunnel.

Present Mic starts his commentary.

[Alright! The race begins. Are you ready to do the commentary, sleeping bag?"

Present Mic asked Aizawa, beside him in a sleeping bag.

[You're the one who forced me to come.]

[Let's get started right away! What do you think we should pay attention to in the early stages of the race?]

[The doorway.]

Aizawa answers Present Mic.

Since the exit is too narrow, it causes quite a few problems for the students trying to get out of the arena and start the course.

Most students remained in the same place they started because of the large crowd.

The students push each other, hoping to get an opportunity to get out.

"Hey! Hey! Move!"

"This is too narrow!"

"Watch where you are stepping, you bastard!"

The students continue to shout and curse at each other while struggling to walk out of the narrow exit.

[What's this?! A student has exited the tunnel and is rapidly progressing toward the next segment.]

Present Mic comments as he looks at the screens showing a beautiful tall girl with silver hair, continuously blinking from one place to another on the race course as she moves toward the next segment.

[The student is making frightening progress. She has nearly completed the first segment while the other students are stills struggling at the exit. But will it be that easy?]

As Present Mic comments, three robots attack the silver-haired girl who reappeared at the end of the first segment.

The girl dodges the attacks by floating herself out of their range.

She speaks in a calm but chilling tone.

"I don't have time for this."

She slashes her right hand toward the three Zero pointers and disappears.

She reappears behind the robots and continues on her way, ignoring the three robots.

[The first barrier! Robo Inferno! But she just avoided them and continued on her way.]

[No, she didn't avoid them.]

As Aizawa finishes speaking, the three Zero pointers' heads fall to the ground.

The bodies of the three robots fall to the ground following their heads.

[That's Ayaka from Class 1-A! She destroyed them all with just a gesture! She takes the lead! Amazing! She is frightening! It almost seems unfair!]

[She didn't want to waste her time and ended things quickly. She displayed her strength to the pros watching while also leaving the other robots untouched for the students behind her as an obstacle. That was certainly a great plan.]

[As expected of someone who got in through recommendations. Ayaka had never even fought them before, but those Robo Infernos didn't stand a chance.]

As Ayaka reached the robots, her classmates exited the arena and started their journey toward the first obstacle.

Todoroki freezes the ground while also freezing the other student's feet to the ground.

Midoriya, Bakugo, Momo, and the other students use their quirk to avoid the ice and follow after Todoroki.

After some time, Todoroki and the other students reach the first obstacle, Robo Inferno.

Todoroki freezes one of the Zero pointers and runs through the gap between its legs, continuing to run the course.

[Another frightening student. Todoroki from Class 1-A. He is also a student who got in through recommendations.]

The other students used their quirks to either avoid the robots or destroy them to continue running.

Bakugo destroyed some robots and continued blasting toward Todoroki while screaming.

Midoriya used his quirk to avoid the robots and rapidly ran alongside Bakugo toward Todoroki.

Juzo softened the ground and swam through.

Shihai used his quirk to constantly switch between shadows and gain the lead on the other students.

The other students also used their quirk to destroy or avoid the robots and continued the course.

[Hey, Hey! For those of you who thought that the first obstacle was easy? What about the second one? If you fall, you are out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl. It's The Fall!]

[Well, except for Ayaka, who is blinking from one platform to another and is already near the end. Eraser Head, don't you think it feels like her difficulty is on very easy mode in this game?]

[That might be what it looks like to you. But Ayaka had to work hard to become that strong and skilled at using her quirk. It is the result of her hard work. Not just her quirk.]

Ayaka completes The Fall and reaches the next course, a minefield.

[Ayaka has already reached the last obstacle, a minefield! It's set up so you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So keep your eyes open. By the way, those landmines are for games, so they are not that powerful, but they are loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants!]

[That depends on the person. Get a hold of yourself.]

"What! She already reached the final obstacle?!"

Todoroki paused when he heard Present Mic over the speakers.

'It seems like Ayaka will take the lead. Should I increase the output of OFA and try to catch up to her? No, there are other games after this.'

Midoriya thought and continued to jump from one platform to another.

"That girl!"

Bakugo became angry and blasted his way past Todoroki while screaming Ayaka's name.

Todoroki and others in the lead finish The Fall and reach the next course.

[The other students have just reached the minefield while Ayaka is already at the end of this obstacle! It seems like she will take first place.]

Todoroki and the others grit their teeth and ignore Present Mic's commentary as they run over the minefield.

Bakugo barely completes the minefield halfway when he hears Present Mic screaming over the speakers.

[The first place of this year's U.A. sports festival, the first game, the first-year stage is Ayaka Adachi!]

Bakugo gets shocked and horrified when he hears Present Mic's voice and the audience's cheers coming from the stadium.

"She already completed it?!"

[Ayaka Adachi is our winner, folks! She has broken the previous record for the fastest completion of the Obstacle Race by a large margin! We have our winner!]

Ayaka looks around at the audience that cheers and applauds her for a few seconds.

Ayaka begins to search for someone in the audience. After a few seconds of searching, she turns her head in a certain direction when she hears a very familiar voice, her mother's voice.

She was cheering in unison with the audience.

"That's my daughter!"

Ayaka faintly heard her mother shout.

Ayaka brightly smiles at her mother as she raises her clenched fist in the air.

The audience was in an uproar after seeing Ayaka posing like All Might.

"That girl was amazing! "

"She completed this game like it was nothing."

"She is so pretty!"


"You are so strong!"

Ayaka continued smiling when she heard people praising her.

After some time, the other students ran into the stadium.


"The first game of the first-year stage is finally over. Now, let's take a look at the results!"

1-Ayaka Adachi

2-Katsuki Bakugo

3-Shoto Todoroki

4-Isuku Midoriya

5-Juzo Honenuki

6-Setsuna Tokage

7-Tenya Ida

8-Ibara Shiozaki

9-Shihai Kuroiro

10-Fumikage Tokoyami


"The top 50 will advance to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry, even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine."

"Now, the real competition is about to begin! This will be a great opportunity for publicity. Give it your best!"

"Now then, here is the second game."

"I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be?"

'All Out Battle'


I included the stronger students from Class-B as well since the students of Class-A didn't get any experience fighting villains which means both the classes have the same starting line.

Do you feel that there have been any improvements in the writing in this chapter?

Please share your thoughts on both the story and the writing.

Reader_132creators' thoughts