A 20-year-old young man is reincarnated in the world of MHA. As he knows the future events, he begins his journey of getting stronger to protect himself and his family from future dangers. I am writing this fanfic because I feel like it. I thought that someone else might like it and posted it here. I am open to taking suggestions. I will make a few grammatical mistakes as English isn't my first language. I hope you enjoy it. I became really busy with my life and can't set aside time for writing. So I won't be continuing this. Thank you for everyone who was even remotely interested in this. i didn't put much thought when I started this as I only wanted to get an idea on how much work it takes before actually starting some proper work. But I am really interested in writing a Naruto fanfic I have this whole map of the story set up in my mind. I also have some chapters of the beginning of the story, I will publish them and see the response. Even if it gets a good response I won't be able to actually write anything as I am working and studying but I will give it a try anyway as I am really interested in writing this one.