
MHA : Evolving

this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

MHA : Evolving : Chapter 25

' Aizawa '

"You saw the board first!" Hizashi shouted, his expression not matching his voices energy as he worked to hide his concern over the match up.

"The Gravity Defying Infinity Girl of Class 1-A against the Class 1-B's Furious Kaiser of Demolition! Who will win! Who will go to the next round! Let's find out!" at that, he flipped their microphones off.

"Kan, you've worked with the kid more than we have." Shota turned towards his colleague "And we already know the kid has a grudge against Midoriya. Will he try to take that out on one of Midoriya's friends?"

Kan was silent for a moment before speaking "Bakugo is strong. He's gotten more control of his strength since those first couple Heroics classes, but he still goes as far as he's allowed, pushing that boundary as much as he feels he's able to.

I want one of my students to win but I also know there's a solid chance of him losing control if he's angry enough to make denials of trigger use. Have Midnight and Cementoss ready to intervene as needed."

"On it." Hizashi nodded, pushing a pager as the two faculty on hand by the arena were prepared, the message sent alerting them to why.

As Hizashi handled that, Shota focused on the arena and the two students approaching each other. Ururaka had a determined expression as her friends cheered her on.

Bakugo was glaring at her, eyes occasionally flitting over to Midoriya. Midnight gave the signal to begin as Bakugo blasted forward, the ground shattering behind him from the force of his explosions while Ururaka's eyes widened at the sudden burst of acceleration.

"His arial control is impressive." Shota admitted as he saw the boy fly through the air, "He's shown that in all three challenges so far."

"But I'm not sure if that was the wisest idea for this fight." Hizashi noted as Ururaka managed to do a partial dodge, taking a weakened hit so she could stay close enough to tag Bakugo with her quirk and take away his Gravity.

"Same could be said of Ururaka's idea there." Shota noted as the girl quickly moved, grabbing the rubble from his earlier action while Bakugo learned to orient himself in the air. Given he wasn't touching the ground outside the ring then the blond bomber wasn't out yet.

"True." Kan nodded as they saw Bakugo adapting quickly "Bakugo's brash and angry but he has a talent for combat. He's adapting quicker than Ururaka expected it seems."

They saw her throw the stones at Bakugo, the weightless rocks flying fast, but Bakugo was faster, the missiles unable to keep up with the arial explosion user.

Ururaka kept throwing more and more rocks as Bakugo dodged them and rocketed towards her. At the last moment though, Ururaka returned the gravity and dodged away as Bakugo suddenly wasn't being propelled enough and stumbled, rolling to the ground.

As he fell, Shota saw Bakugo slap a palm to the ground, firing his explosions as he flung it outward, rubble firing at Ururaka like shrapnel as she negated her own gravity and jumped upward, returning her own gravity once she was out of danger from the shrapnel.

"Stop screwing around!" Bakugo's rage was clearly growing at someone using tricky strategies to fight him rather than coming straight at him.

"Make me!" Ururaka shouted back as she landed back on the arena. Still, thanks to her earlier use of missile rocks Bakugo seemed to be more cautious to avoid giving her more ammunition.

"Gladly!" Bakugo's expression was wild, his grin near feral as he shot at Ururaka, spreading his explosions off to the side as well so she couldn't dodge around him.

Once he was close enough, Bakugo spun, slamming his explosion to the ground and sending the concussive force out and knocking Ururaka from the ring as the girl rolled on the ground.

"She was tricky but didn't have the resources of openings to take him out further given the constraints of the challenge." Aizawa noted, fully aware that Bakugo's quirk worked best for this sort of challenge while Ururaka needed something to use her quirk on. She was at a disadvantage going in but had given it her all regardless.

"I'm just glad he didn't go too far." Kan sighed.

"This time." Hizashi commented what they were all thinking.


' Izuku '

"All right everybody!" Present Mic shouted as the next fighters took the stage "Here we are with the President and Vice President of Class 1-A! The Fists of Fury and Master maker! Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo!" at that.

Izuku and his classmates from 1-A, as well as the purple haired Shinso who worked with them in the Calvary battle, cheered for both girls, eager to see what their trusted class reps could do.

"So, Midori-bro." Tetsutetsu drew his attention as Izuku looked at his 1-B friends who were sitting with his group from 1-A, the two classes having a large viewing booth even if most of the classmates were trying to stick with just their own class "Who're you expecting to win?"

"That's honestly a hard one." Izuku admitted as watched the two girls "Kendo is by far the stronger physically. Plus, with her quirk being simpler, she's able to focus on what it can do more.

Yaoyorozu has a much more complicated quirk that, while it gives her the ability to make more items to provide versatility, she has the problem of having to learn more things to utilize it as compared to Kendo. It could honestly go either way."

"Is it wrong that I'm hoping Yaoyorozu would win just so we could see her make a giant fire extinguisher to hose down Bakugo in the next round?" Ururaka asked sheepishly, her clothes singed from the last fight. Her opponent still sending dirty looks their way.

"I don't know, imagining Kendo bitch slapping him with them big 'ol hands sounds funny too." Mina offered with a grin and a bumped shoulder with Ururaka.

"Begin!" Midnight's shout reached their booth as the two girls charged each other, Yaoyorozu drawing a staff from her arm as she swung at Kendo who blocked it, using her hands as a shield.

"Daaaamn, Kendo didn't even budge." Hagakure gaped at Kendo's impressive physical ability.

"Like I said, she's stronger-" Izuku began even as Yaoyorozu prepared a flash bang from her arm "but Yaoyorozu has versatility."

Kendo was staggered back from the blinding light, eyes clenched shut even as she deflected Yaoyorozu's next staff strike, clearly used to fighting even without perfect visibility. Possibly from whatever Dojo she studied in.

"Is…is that a fucking canon?!" Tokage gaped as the Class Rep for 1-A used her opponent's temporary blindness to create a full-sized canon.

"Yep." Izuku, and the rest of his classmates who'd grown used to her making those things, all gave a resigned nod.

"Surrender Kendo!" Yaoyorozu got the canon point blank on her opponent who finally blinked the spots from her eyes, you don't have any room to dodge."

"…I yield." Kendo sighed in resignation as Yaoyorozu was declared the winner.


' Endeavor '

"Come on boy." Endeavor gripped the rail as he stared down into the ring, his youngest child walking out to meet his opponent, a boy named Kosei Tsuburaba "Show them what you can do."

He'd watched Shoto in the first two tasks, using only his ice still but with far more control than he'd shown when he found the boy having a breakdown after the USJ.

The fight began with the Tsuburaba boy making a solid wall of air by expelling his breath, the solid wall pushing closer and closer to Shoto in an attempt to simply shove him out of the ring.

"This…" Shoto snarled as the wall hit, splaying his palms against the wall while digging his feet into the ground, making a platform of ice to push back "wont…stop…me!" rearing back, Shoto threw a punch, shattering the wall with the sound of breaking glass.

"What?!" Tsuburaba looked stunned at someone just punching apart his wall of solid air "How the hell?!"

"I won't let anything stop me!" Shoto shouted, rushing forward on a path of ice, the stone arena freezing over as Tsuburaba started slipping about, unable to keep his own footing.

"Not now, not ever!" rushing closer, Shoto reared his fist back, the ice crawling up Tsuburaba's legs, locking the air user in place, unable to escape Shoto's hard right blow to the face.

The boy from 1-B was at least somewhat creative, using his quirk to make a wall to stop himself from falling out rather than just an attack.

It was a futile effort though, Shoto still moving after him and landing a hard kick on his opponent's chest, this wall of air shattering just as the first had, Tsubaraba falling out of the ring with a hard thud.

"Winner, Shoto Todoroki!" Midnight declared as the crowd cheered, Shoto's gaze finding Endeavor's own.


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