this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything
' All for One '
Humming to himself, All for One continued to observe his surroundings, his multitude of quirks still allowing him to 'see' even without a proper face. Currently, the students were on break for lunch and 'relaxation events' before the intense final round.
The phone ringing drew his attention from that screen though as Kurogiri clicked to answer "Giran, I assume you have answers."
"Of course!" the smug drawl of the information broker resonated through the phone "When have I ever failed to come through?"
"Smug little-" Shigaraki growled before Kurogiri cut him off.
"What have you found Giran?" the shadowy Warp Gate user demanded.
"Kid has quite the power, although he's apparently only understood it properly for a little over a year or so." He heard Giran let out a puff from his cigarette as he spoke "Kid's power is called 'Adaptation'.
Anything he survives he becomes more resistant to in his transformed state. His quirk also comes with a healing factor that's deemed as 'minor' due to the fact that it's not rapid regeneration on the part with that 'Nomu' guy you showed before. But so long as he's alive, he'll heal within twenty-four hours."
"Fucking bullshit!" Tomura yelled, smashing the bottles upon the counter of Kurogiri's bar "I'll tear that cheating little shit apart! I'll murder him!" Tomura was breathing heavily, scratching loud enough that All for One could hear it.
"Wait, no, that's too easy. I'll turn him into a Nomu. Yes…yes that'll work perfectly! A brainless little puppet that can never bother me again."
"Master." The voice of one of his acolytes spoke up in his ear "I believe that would be a waste. His quirk would prove quite…advantageous."
"Of course, my friend." All for One gave an unseen nod, silently grateful that this particular quirk was unknown to Shigaraki. This brand of telepathy allowed him to commune with those he connects to it over any distance, but the drawback was that he could only speak to one at once.
He never told Tomura for the sole reason that he'd rather not have the brat pestering his very thoughts every hour of every day. "Tomura." All for One cut off the boy's ranting.
"He will not become a Nomu."
"Uh, who was that?" Giran sounded confused.
"Your payment will be sent though the usual channels Giran." Kurogiri assured the broker, not answering who All for One was as the call ended.
"But…but Master!" Shigaraki sounded utterly confused at being denied.
"No Tomura, I have other plans in mind for this boy and his quirk." All for One's voice was firm, silently noting he might have no choice but to inform Tomura of the other acolytes soon.
"We will discuss this more later, for now I wish you to continue with that little 'homework' assignment I gave you."
"Yes Master." Tomura relented with a petulant sulk.
"My word." Kurogiri sounded stunned as All for One turned to the screen, seeing several of the UA students in skimpy cheerleader outfits, expressions making it clear they were duped and just figuring that out. A small purple boy with balls for hair clearly enjoying themselves.
"It would seem that one of the teachers is quite angry." All for One saw the glowing red eyes of a teacher leading the purple haired boy off while other faculty members escorted the tricked girls out of the camera sight.
' Aizawa '
"Mineta." Aizawa's tone was livid as he glared down at the trembling boy, "As of right now, you are expelled from the U.A. Hero course."
"W-what?!" Mineta looked shocked, "But you said I just had to get a high enough ranking in the Festival to keep my place! I made it to the top forty-two! Did I need to get to the final round?!"
"You're mistaken Mineta." Aizawa's eyes were still glowing red as he spoke, his frustration with the boy bleeding through.
"You were told that you must both impress the faculty and show you deserved to remain in the hero course. It wasn't just a question of placing highly, but if you could fix the issues that caused that ultimatum in the first place.
You've yet to even apologize to those you've harassed, let alone even try to improve your behavior. And here? The second you believed you were safe you tricked several girls into humiliating themselves on live television all so you could leer over them.
As of this moment you're no longer a part of class 1-A, I'll be conferring with Nezu to find out if you're even going to be allowed to stay a student at this academy. For now, I suggest you go home, you've done enough already."
' Hizashi Yamada '
"So, how'd it go?" Hizashi asked as he heard the door open, not even bothering to look over as Aizawa returned from dealing with Mineta.
"Kid apparently thought that just getting to the second round guaranteed he wouldn't be expelled." Aizawa rolled his eyes as he took his seat in the commentator's booth once again.
"Like every other one we've had to give that ultimatum to." Kan sighed, "Think anyone will ever actually grasp that we're looking for more than just punching shit hard if they get put on a chopping block like that?"
"We can hope." Aizawa sighed as he took his seat, Hizashi flipping on the Microphone as the winning sixteen from the Calvary battle lined up for the next round.
"Aaaaand we are back!" Hizashi called out, eager announcer voice back in full "And we're here for the third and final round. This time it'll be a one-on-one elimination tournament! Each round the fights will be randomly selected so our first years won't be able to know in advance who exactly they'll be fighting."
"A Hero must be prepared to fight the unknown, so this is the perfect way to begin to experience this." Aizawa added in helpfully.
"And our first competitors are…!" Hizashi hit the randomizer button as a large screen above the arena flashed through various images, finally selecting the two fighters "Hitoshi Shinso and Togaru Kamakiri!"
"One of your students is up first Kan, your Master of Blades, and they're facing the Dark Horse of the General Studies program. So, let's see what they can doooooo!"
Hizashi called out before flipping off the microphone as the two students started heading to the arena while the rest of the competitors moved to their viewing booths.
"So, Kan, think your kid'll pull through?" Aizawa observed them, pulling out one of his many juice pouches.
"I want to say he'll make it, but I know better." Kan sighed, "Kamakiri is a hot head and easily goaded. I can't see him keeping his mouth shut when that Shinso kid gets going."
As Kan finished his reluctant admission, the two competitors finally stepped into the arena, Midnight gesturing for them to begin while they had the arena microphones ready to hear what Shinso said to Kamakiri.
"So, this'll be easy. That blonde Pomeranian thug did most of the work during the second event." Shinso snorted with a smirk, "If all you could do was carrying around his ego, then I have nothing to worry about."
"You little son of-" was all Kamakiri got out before he went slack, eyes glazing over.
"Good. Now turn around, and walk out of the arena." Shinso commanded as Kamakiri did so, the crowd and students all confused and trying to figure out what was going on.
"Told you." Kan sighed sadly.
' Izuku '
Firming his resolve, Izuku started walking up to the Arena, his friends cheering him on as he climbed the steps. From the other end he saw his opponent for the first round, Neito Monoma.
The blonde had seen how his quirk looked in the second round, but unfortunately for the copy quirk user he didn't know how Izuku's ability worked while discussions with Yanagi, Tokage, and Tetsutetsu had already informed him of the copy ability long ago.
"Ready boys?" Midnight asked as he and Monoma took their places on the concrete platform, the sounds of Izuku's classmates in 1-A as well as his friends from 1-B all cheering him on, Monoma sending a dark scowl to those from 1-B cheering for the greenete.
"Ready." Izuku narrowed his eyes at Monoma, not liking how the blonde was looking at Yanagi and the others.
"More than ready to get rid of this 1-A Cur." Monoma sneered.
"Then begin!" Midnight raised her riding crop as Izuku charged, going just slow enough that he knew Monoma would get a chance to tag him.
"Hah!" Monoma cackled after the lightest of touches, the two now on opposite sides of the arena from when they'd started "Let's see how you handle me now!" Monoma charged at Izuku, both of them transforming in tandem.
As he changed, Izuku grew, bulking up as his skin darkened to gray and hair paled to white. Bone growths that he was sure would one day become spikes rising up. Letting out a primal roar, Izuku reared back his arm and threw a punch at his approaching enemy.
As he charged, Monoma activated the stolen quirk. But while Izuku grew several feet and bulked up massively in terms of muscle, Monoma grew barely an inch.
They both had grey skin and white hair, but Monoma lacked the bone growths or air of ferocity, his punch meeting Izuku's as his arm buckled. Monoma might have copied his quirk, but he'd never built-up resistances.
Yanagi and Tokage had told him before that that Monoma could copy a Stockpile quirk but not the stockpiled resources that made it viable. He'd figured that Monoma would get his Quirk at how it was when he first used it and he was correct.
"What?!" Monoma was whimpering and clutching a potentially broken arm, having rolled and rag dolled from Izuku's punch.
"A Cur, am I?" Izuku narrowed his eyes as he charged at Monoma, slamming a punch down as Monoma hastily rolled to dodge, eyes frantic as the blond realized he didn't have any other quirks he could copy and the one he copied he couldn't use.
"Then what does that make you?" Izuku cracked his knuckles "So what will it be Neito Monoma? Will you surrender or will I have to eliminate you by force?"
"D-don't talk down to me!" Monoma charged, trying to land a kick as Izuku gripped his leg.
"Then make me." Izuku swung and threw Monoma bodily from the ring "And never look at my friends the way you did again."
"Winner, Midoriya!" Midnight declared as the medic bots took Monoma to Recovery Girl. If they were quick enough then they could get Monoma, there before the copied quirk went away meaning Recovery girl could heal him easily.
"And the next round we have…!" as Izuku got off the stage, he looked up at the screen to see who would fight next "Katsuki Bakugo and Ochaco Ururaka!"
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