
MHA : Evolving : Chapter 26

' Aizawa '

"This is going to get intense." Aizawa leaned forward as he stared at the screen declaring the next fight to be Mina Ashido against Setsuna Tokage "I've been curious what the six remaining could do given how often they train with Midoriya."

"It'll be something." Hizashi nodded "But at least we can trust these six to keep the fights respectful. I…Kan, what are you doing?"

"Turns out there are already Memes about the Calvary battle." Kan was snickering as he looked at his phone.

"You're a teacher damnit, act like it." Aizawa gave Kan a look as the blood hero put away his phone to focus on the fight about to happen, their job to introduce the fighters done but they were still expected to add commentary if truly necessary or to observe and be ready to intervene or have Midnight do so.

As soon as Nemuri gave the signal the two girls started moving, Ashido sliding around, damn near skating as she secreted acid from her feet. Tokage however, while staying fully joined together, took to the skies and started flying about.

"She can fly now?!" Hizashi gaped, having not seen the girl do so while still joined together yet.

"Yep!" Kan gave a boastful laugh "She might just win this whole thing for Class B so get ready Aizawa." The competitive barb was said with a playful grin at least.

"And did you teach her that or did Midoriya?" Aizawa didn't even bat an eye as Kan sulked miserably.

"Damn, those girls are acrobatic." Hizashi noted the fight, "Ashido seems faster and has more range with that acid, but it seems she's having trouble getting it to go up high enough to hit a moving areal target. Tokage has the areal mobility, but she can't get close enough to strike without risking the acid."

"That seems to be what she wants Ashido to think." Aizawa corrected, noting a small bit of color moving "Looks like Ashido is trying to avoid AOE sprays, probably to avoid any risk to the referees and spectators. Meaning Tokage has an advantage to exploit."

"That a hand?" Kan narrowed his eyes to focus in on the small speck.

"Yep." Aizawa nodded, his quirk granting him better sight than most so he filled in his colleagues.

"Looks like Tokage is working to keep Ashido focused on her main body, notice how she's been careful to keep one arm angled so Ashido couldn't get a clear look at it with how fast Tokage's moving? She's keeping Ashido in the dark about the hand."

"Working on weaker AOE sprays might be a good idea for Ashido." Hizashi noted as Tokage finally managed to grab Ashido by the back of her shirt's collar, unbalancing the girl as the pink skinned acid sprayer staggered back, leaving an opening for Tokage to fly in and slam her out of bounds.

"I'll bring it up." Aizawa nodded as the girls got up, laughing and sharing a hug to show there weren't any hard feelings, the crowd cheering for the good sportsmanship.


' Yanagi '

"I'm still gonna get you for that later." Mina pouted at Tokage as the two rejoined everyone, the stadium waiting for the next pair of fighters, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, to arrive for their bout.

"You can try!" Tokage blew a raspberry at Mina "But now we'll see whose moron is stronger! I-…what are you doing?"

"Holy shit you guys are a meme!" Mina, who'd gotten distracted by her phone, quickly showed it to the rest of them, a picture of Izuku in his powerful transformed state, herself on his shoulders while Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were being held as clubs, the standard meme text over the picture.

"Seriously?" Tokage's head separated to get closer to the phone "Let me see, let me see, let me see!"

"Keep your pants on girl, no need to give Zuku a heart attack." Mina teased as Izuku let out a protesting whine, unable to keep the corners of his lips from twitching in amusement regardless.

"But come on guys, let's see." Mina got her phone out and started scrolling through the Memes for their group to see what the captions were.

'When you've got to beat a mother fucker with TWO motherfuckers.'

'There are four brain cells there and she is three of them.'

'High Schoolers, dense enough to be a weapon.'

'In Soviet Japan, YOU are whooping stick!'

'When you take 'my body is a weapon' a little too seriously.'

'How to do a calvary battle when nobody's allowed to touch your girlfriend but you.'

'Relationship goals.'

"Ooooookay that's enough!" Izuku, red faced, swiped away Mina's phone as the pinkette cackled merrily.

"And our boys have hit the field!" Tokage bounced excitedly in her seat as they saw Kirishima and Tetsutetsu take to the field, Midnight calling for them to begin.

Still amused, and admittedly flustered, by the memes, Reiko glanced over at Izuku with a playful smile, clearing her throat as she prepared to keep her worse succinct "Go Kakuna! Use Harden!"

Izuku matched her grin "Metapod, use harden as well!" Izuku shouted.

"Kakuna, use harden harder!" Reiko tried not to giggle.

"Maximum hardness!" Izuku was barely containing his sniggers while the rest of their friends gaped at them.

"Knock it off!" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu turned towards them, shouting at the same time before turning towards each other "Stop copying me!"

"Sorry!" Reiko and Izuku apologized with sniggers as their friends rolled their eyes good naturedly and went back to the fight.

"In all seriousness how're they doing?" Mina looked over at Izuku "I know Kiri's quirk, but I haven't seen much of Tetsu's."

"Well for both of them it's a matter of attrition." Izuku summed up "Kirishima in regard to his stamina, Tetsutetsu in regard to the reserves of Iron he's eaten.

They're both great fighters and have been improving the use of their quirks while we train but at this point it just depends on who can hold out longer." He wasn't exactly sure how they're 'reserves' stood so he couldn't tell.

"That's fair." Mina nodded as the two juggernauts continued to whale on each other.

"But don't those two train SPECIFFICALLY to improve their stamina?" Tokage piped in.

"Yeaaaaaah…this is gonna take a while." Izuku admitted sheepishly.

"I'll order snacks." Hagakure pulled up an app to call for concessions to the competitors won't risk missing a fight they would need to study.


' Izuku '

"Can't believe we need a tie breaker after this." Kirishima sulked, he and Tetsutetsu both looking exhausted from their endurance battle.

"At least you're both memorable." Izuku patted their arms, eyes continually flitting down to the arena where Hagakure and Yanagi would soon be entering.

"And have memes of just you two now!" Mina showed her phone which showed Kakuna and Metapod memes about the two hardening quirk users along with the calvary battle memes. The joys of the speed of the internet.

"Yeah, the memes." Kirishima rolled his eyes before giving Izuku a teasing grin "So, you and Yanagi huh? Who's gonna give you the shovel talk?"

"I'm sure I could get Mr. Kan to do it." Tetsutetsu offered, grinning just as broadly at a chance for payback. Given Izuku's flustered flailing and their laughs he guessed they got the payback they wanted.

"Still, as much as I want to root for both of them, I don't think Hagakure will be able to win this." Izuku tried to change the subject back to the fights.

"Her quirk, and more importantly her skillset, just aren't built for this kind of fight. If this fight was in a covered area and she was allowed to," he coughed.

"wear her 'hero costume' then I'd say she'd stand a decent chance, but she's not allowed to strip down. The rules stated that the only reason you're allowed to be disrobed is if it's from them being destroyed or a side effect of a quirk.

With no cover she can't use that to her advantage since her style is very stealthy hit and run. In an open ring Yanagi, who has telekinesis strong enough to pick up a person, is going to be able to beat her without much issue."

Just as he said, the second the fight began Yanagi grabbed Hagakure with her quirk, gently picking her up and removing her from the ring while the invisible girl tried to break the grip, even succeeding in using her quirk to create light like a flashbang somehow, definitely something to look into, but all that succeeded in was getting her dropped to the ground out of bounds.

"And that's the end of the first round!" Present Mic shouted.

"We'll have a short break before the tie breaker and then start the second round! Who's ready for combaaaaaat?!"


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