
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 22, a Miracle and Valentine’s Day planning

So let's get started, I'll see ya at the end!

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Everything is still dark but I know I'm awake..

I feel my face to check my vision and I feel bandages.

(They took my mask?)

I pull some of the bandages from my eyes and look around my Surroundings to see I'm in some kind of medical center, medical beds are lined up with some people laying on them. It's not packed but there's still a decent amount of people around.

I look out a window, It seems to be late in the morning probably around five AM. I look below the window to see a nurse who seems to be scared to death

I wave my hand at her, "if you think I'm undead I'm not don't worry~" that seems to calm her down as she lets out a sigh of relief.

I look at my arms to check them and just like I expected the burns are covered with bandages. I'm not complaining about it though I still haven't had professional doctors look at them, Iv just been bandaging over them my self and eating antibiotics for the past two years, at the end of the first year after getting burnt I was not completely in the right mind set, I was going on mass Slaughterings of the infected and looting. Like A LOT of looting.

The nurse stands back up well picking up her clipboard. She's actually kinda pretty if you don't count her skin being purple and her hair being pink, She wears a open nurse jacket with a regular dress shirt with flowers, jeans and long boots with stockings. She walks right up to me and stares me dead in the eyes, "HOW?"

I look at her confused and respond , "how what?"

"How are you alive!? You have third degree burns on your back, arms, neck and legs along with slight first degree on your face! Just How?!?"

I shrug and give the best response my smart ass can think of, "bandages and drugs"

She face palms almost immediately. She sighs and takes a second to fix herself before speaking again, "well how ever you did it I consider a miracle you survived what ever happened to you. But besides that my name is nurse Aizza and I'm the one that did surgery on you."

Im in semi shock, "did you say surgery?"

"Yes along with the burns you have had some kind of concussion that cracked your skull, but it seems extremely old how long ago did it happen?"

I put my hand on my head and feel a bit of extra bandages on the spot," about three years ago at the beginning of the apocalypse"

"It's a Miracle that your alive Diran, now I believe it's only right to let you know what we did to fix your dead ass. First removed most of your burns except from the ones on your back and face, sadly those were to dangerous to remove. Second we fixed the crack in your skull."

My thoughts are going nuts, it won't stay in one spot. How did they remove burns?! How long have I been out for? Where is Mina? Where am I?!

I look her right in the eyes and ask, "how did you do all that?"

She puts her clipboard on a small table next to my bed, she starts messing with items on the table before she starts speaking, "I consider Medicine amazing, most people don't realize it but somehow most medicine made before or made with special equipment still has has the effects of the people who made it. So what some pills from recovery girls quirk and some precise medical work we had you fixed in only twenty for hours."

(That's recovery girl for ya, being amazing even after death. Is she dead? Doesn't matter right now I need to know how long Iv been out for)

I pull the covers off me and put my legs off the side before I speak, "how long have I been out for?"

"Only two days and just to let you know it's Valentine's Day"


The nurse flicks a pen at me off the table she's messing with, "language"

(Time for some sass) ," Japanese, American , Islamic and Russian "

She raises a eyebrow at that, "impressive, most people only know one"

She picks her clipboard and hands it to me, "you should be able to leave today so sign this and get out, I have other patients to see"

I take the clipboard and sign it. I look right at her as I give it back, "where are my clothes?"

She points towards a door at the end of the room that suddenly swings open to reveal a pissed bakugou with a concerned Mina behind him. He immediately points at Aizza before basically yelling, "where is he!?"

She sighs, "first you need to be more quiet around the patience's, second I'm believing your talking about Diran so he's right here"

She points at me as she walks away

They both walk up to my bed

Mina grabs me by my shirt collar and starts shaking me, "Don't worry me like that!!!!"

I put my hand hands up, "sorry I'll try not to let it happen again".

All three of us sit there and talk for a bit about what I plan on doing now. I say that I'm going to leave the market and attempt to find kirishima and midoriya.

After about another hour we get up to leave, as we're walking towards the door bakugou stops me and shoves a bag into my chest. I look at the bag in confusing before he says, "clothes, your not walking around in hospital dress"

"Ya your right, just give me a minute"

I quickly walk away and find a bathroom to get changed in.


So I'm proud of you all, this small community is growing so much. I love you all and I hope you have a great Valentine's Day and next chapter might have a surprise for you glorious people~
