
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 Valentine’s date

So Diran is probably doomed and I'm not even surprised anymore, I hope you enjoy my attempt at love writing~

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


As I walk out of the building I realize really fast that it is indeed Valentine's Day, there's hearts everywhere and some places are decorated with extra flowers. For being in the apocalypse the people here have done a

very good decorating the place.

It's around six AM, people some people are just getting up and the night guard are switching out with the day guards.

Suddenly Mina hugs my arm, "happy Valentine's Day! I believe you owe me a date~"

"What?!" I say very confused

"As payment for worrying me half to death and other things~ I believe you owe me a date~ add on its Valentine's Day" her smile is completely genuine and full of sass

I face palm and sigh, "fine, I owe you that much at least" (it's not like I could say no bakugou is giving me a death stair that makes my senses feel like I'm about to die. Ether way I most definitely would say yes, it's Mina for god's sake! who wouldn't go on a date with her)

She squeezes my arm and starts dragging me away, "it's decided then! It's date night!"

I do a sarcastic wooo and I get joking punch to the shoulder

"Oh come on it'll be fun, there's going to be a feast tonight and we're going to it~ but before we go you need a shower, you smell like medicine"

I sniff my self and she's not wrong. bakugou grabs my shoulder to get my attention, "I'm heading back to the town hall, if you need anything come and find me. Oh and it was great to see you again pink face, I'll see you at the feast" with that he walks off leaving me alone with Mina Ashido.

She drags me away back to the hotel room we had at the bar..

It's been three hours, it's now nine AM.

We would have been out and about by now but when I tried to leave wearing the clothes we had just bought before our meeting, she grabbed me by my shirt collar and pulled me back into the room.

She immediately handed me some clothes and told me to put them on. It was just a regular gray t-shirt with black jeans. I would have told her hell no but it felt like someone else was making me listen to her…

But besides that we finally left our room, I decided to wear my original jacket with the clothes she gave me. Apparently she had washed it. When I asked her how she said that the market has working generators and water so she found a small building that they had hooked up washing machines and dryers and washed our stuff.

I personally think that the fact that the people here manage to have working power and water is just amazing.

I look around and see that the place feels even extra crowded then it usually dose. But I don't mind, I usually don't like being near large groups of people but when I'm near Mina i feel safe. It's like nothing bad will happen with her around.

Speaking of which Mina is looking good right now~

She's waring a white button up shirt with a shirt and black stockings and a yellow jacket with a ribbon design to it-[Picture]

As we walk she's hugging my arm, i honestly can't tell if she's trying to be the cutest thing left on earth. People give us weird stares as we walk past but I don't care.

As we're walking Mina pulls me into a random store before saying, "i want this~" before showing me a pink knife with a pink handle with a heart on it.

And we'd keep entering one shop after another for three hours! I don't know what I expected, it is Mina Ashido.

We leave the shop and it's around noon so we decided to look for something fun and of course we find some people doing a betting game in what seems to be a blocked off alley, Three cups one ball, you know the game. I sit down

The old man running the game looks at me and Mina who sits next to me, "So you've come to try your luck~ what's your name stranger?"

"It's Diran, and this is Mina."

"Well Diran, Mina it's a pleasure to meet you~ you know the game, I'll double what you put down if you win, so how much?"

I check my wallet and realize that I only have three thousand left. You might think that that's a good amount but it's the apocalypse, if I need money I just kill a bunch of infected and check them for wallets. Iv actually done that quite a lot. Iv started collecting driver's licenses from the dead and putting them in the glovebox of my car, I don't know why, maybe I just feel like no one deserves to just be forgotten. Nevertheless I take out five hundred and hand it to the old man.

He nods at me before putting his hands above the cups. He says begin and starts moving the cups at what appears to be

moc 9.

I have no idea how he does it but in ten seconds Iv completely lost it. He finish's and dose a fancy wave with his hand.

(How the fuck is anyone supposed to beat this guy?! No normal person could have kept track of that!)

I look to Mina, "I'll let you pick, I lost it so fast"

She looks at me and says "I lost it to, my friends in middle school would play this during lunch for snacks and I always picked the middle one! Try that!"

(Lady luck be on my side) I grab the middle cup and lift it up with my eyes closed.

"Congratulations you got it"

Mina starts cheers and gives me a hug.

(Thanks luck quirk. Never let's me down)

The old man hands me the thousand he owes me, he's Obviously up set about it but what ya going to do. Me and Mina stand up and walk off.


I'm sorry for how it took so long to get this chapter out. I'm not really the best at romance but trust me the date will get better!

Nevertheless I'll see all you glorious people next chapter~
