
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 21, waking up

So let me tell you all that at this point Iv just said screw my own schedule and I'm just putting chapters out whenever I'm done with them. But hey at least that means you won't get any small chapters.

If anyone has any questions please let me know, it always makes my day when I read your comments. But I won't take much of your time see ya at the end. I love you all enjoy the chapter!

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


As everything fades to black again I can't help but think

(Why am I remembering this.. I hate that memory. Why am I remembering something like that to begin with it doesn't help..)

Soddenly the darkness shines bright, white light. It's almost blinding.

I feel my legs moving as if I'm walking so I start walking myself, slowly the light dissipates and I'm walking down the busy streets of pre-apocalypse Musutafu, Japan.

(Another memory, great)

I'm walking with someone, I try and get a better look. I'M NOT EVEN SURPRISED ANYMORE! It's Deku,"so your telling me you just left the l orphanage and nobody stoped you?"

I shrug, "ya I'm as surprised as you are, I never thought I'd leave that place.-" i knew that was a straight ass lie, that place was a literally prison teaching people to never use their quirks. I had to escape no matter how many people I had to go through. "-but that doesn't matter anymore, because I was able to find you again!"

Izuku looks at me as he walks by my side, he's wearing some casual clothes nothing special, "that actually remains me, how did you find me?"

"Oh I can explain that, I literally walked to auntie Inko's. I was lucky enough to remember where you used to live and from there I just walked up to the door talked to her for a bit and she told me that you were living in the UA dorms."

Izuku scratched the back of his head, "so that's why she called and told me that a old friend was waiting for me outside the school"

"Exactly! now be happy because we have a full day of Catching up to do!"

As I say this I see two cops at the end of the block talking to a lady. They have a picture in their hands and I can barely tell it's my face.

"And that day of catching up is going to start with us ducking through a alley!"

"Wha-" before Izuku has a enough time to respond I pull him into a alley way and start running down it.

I get a little ways in front of him and turn around and yell back at him, "remember when we were little and we used to play tag! I was always faster than you so I think it's only fare if we have a rematch! Catch me if you can!" With that I started running.

From behind me i hear a confident, "your on!" From Deku

When I was talking to Inko she told me that Deku's quirk finally formed, so the best way to find out what it is is to make him use it, the shoes I'm warring have two small holes near the heels and one near the front that some of my quirks crystals are pushed into, it lets me use my quirk from my feet without destroying perfectly good shoes.

I snap my finger and push myself into the air using the crystals in my feet, towards the right wall, I bounce off it and wall jump, using my quirk, all the way to the roof. As I reach the roof I look back down and see Izuku, blue lightning is sparking around his body.

(Interesting quirk, let's see what it can do) "well? You coming up or what?!"

He takes a step back and jumps from wall to wall almost faster than I did. (I should probably run) I turn and start running from roof top to roof top, we continue the chase for five miles. At some point we ended up in a old construction yard.

I skid to a stop in the middle of the open, I'm breathing hard. Deku doesn't take long to catch up.

"That.. was a good workout.. nice job keeping up!"

He scratches his head, "it was nothing, I'm surprised you have more control over your quirk"

I give him a sassy look, "what, you think I just sat around and did nothing for the last nine years?"

"Well no of course not it just that usually orphanages teach their children to never use their quirks nevertheless let them practice with them, some even do horde things to children to further push their quirks away from th-"

I reach into my pocket and grab a bunch of dust, "Pocket Sand!!"

"AHHHH MY EYES!" Deku start rubbing his eyes, it doesn't take long for him to get the sand out of his eyes. "What was that for!?!"

"You were ranting"

"Ah ya sorry about that"

I grab his shoulder and look him right in the eyes, "so you've gotten stronger. Remember when we were little we said that we'd see who is stronger when we go older?"

He looks at me with concern, "ya I remember"

"Well I think it's time to find o-" suddenly the ground starts shaking, violently. Suddenly the ground starts to crack, a large opening forms in-between me and Deku making me fall over. some kinda metal drilling machine comes out of the ground. Deku runs around to check on me

"You ok Diran?!"

"Ya I'm fine, what the hell is that thing?"

Some clicking starts coming from the machine, slowly a door slides open and a man and women stop out wearing red cloaks and golden masks. On their backs seem to be some kind of fumigation machine strapped to their backs.

I stand up and look to Deku, "go get help."

He looks at me like I'm nuts so I shove him and yell at him, "RUN!"

Both the villains that stepped out of the digger look at me and grab some kind of gun and start spraying some kind of fog at us, Izuku starts running as I make a wall in the way of the gas. It starts forming like a fog and seeps around the wall. I hear one of them jump and land on my wall, I look up a see the woman pointing he gas gun at me, I rase my hand up and fire a crystal at her. She jumps off the wall and I quickly pull the wall back in and start running, (I have to get away!) suddenly the man is in front of me and points his gun at me, I slide under neath his gas blast and I crouch just to jump up and punch him in the face. As I land on my feet I shoot a crystal at him throwing him across the area. Suddenly I'm getting tased from behind, I stay standing for a whole minute before falling to the ground, the woman is standing over me and starts kicking me in the back and head.

She starts talking as the man starts walking back, "what should we do with him? Should we let him be the first to turn?"

The man waves his hand, "he doesn't deserve it, just knock him out and leave him in a alley for the horde."

The woman with out another word stomps on my head.

As she stomps down I wake up, suddenly leaning up with a yell.

Just a dream..


That should not have taken as long as it did I'm so sorry. Iv been very busy with life and other things but rest assured I will not stop writing this, also we're very to 100 people who have this book in their collection, please collect my book. You'd make my day!

but as always I love you all see you next chapter!
