
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 20, past memory’s


Now that I write the warning I realize it will probably make you want to read it more and let's be honest, that's why you're here~

Now I won't keep you long enjoy the chapter

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


I'm dreaming again….

Imagines flash by….

The first image is a woman covered in blood, kneeling over her loved one, his legs are missing. She screams in grief.

The image changes….

It's car on fire, a body leans out the front window. A quiet,"your fault" can be heard

The image changes changes to a small market place, everything seems to be in slow motion, bullets are flying every which way. American soldiers fire back but they don't seem to know what is happening, civilians are running away, some are struck and fall, lifeless bodies before they even hit the ground. The voice is a little louder, "your fault"

The image changes…

A civilian picks up a RPG as multiple other people with cloth covering their faces start passing weapons around to each other, a image of a soldier raising his rifle and firing, again the words your fault.

The three images start flashing, the woman screaming, the battle, the mistake, it flashes back to the woman, she points at me and yells, "ITS IS YOUR FAULT, YOUR FAULT, YOUR FAULT.

Everything goes black, suddenly the sound of a car starts, and he can hear a voice that sounded like it was coming from a radio , "ok everyone listen up, this is for everyone who didn't hear the briefing, we're going to go down to a nearby village and protect the people there for a couple of days" suddenly a blinding light as I slowly become able to see, I I can't control my body.

"the people there agreed to give us information in exchange for protection from the local group in the area known as the splicers. I'm sure you all have heard of them, but don't threaten we have a black hawk on stand by if it gets to hairy"

(The man talking… I remember him quite well, his name is Sargent Sampson. He lead my division during my time in Afghan…..) Diran looks around his surroundings, he's in a Humvee driving along a road, a light sandstorm is blowing outside. several other vehicles are driving along the sandy road with the convoy, there's seven vehicles in total, only five vehicles have top mounted MGs. One of the seven vehicles is a large truck used to move supplies.

The radio starts talking again, we once again hear the Sargent, "ok men, we're about to arrive. I want everyone to stay calm and let me do the talking. I want everyone to know we're being joined by the 67th today, their new to the area so let's make sure they don't screw anything up. I'm looking at you Danny!"

The person in the front right seat of the Humvee Diran is in and taps a button on the radio and says, "screw of Sampson"

(Corporal Danny… I never liked him, he says he earned his rank fighting but we all knew that it was bull, he barely knew how to fix his rifle when he first got here. he got his rank because he's one of the higher ups son and now he's leading the new 67th a fifteen man strong group well my group the 57th is twenty strong. That makes the convoy 35 men strong.)

The convoy slows down and pulls into the village of Libbby, population of 27. I will never question why it was called that. We pull into the center of the village and start dismounting. I look at my watch, 12:34 pm, we left base at 11:00 am.

I walk up to Sampson, he's a 5,9 African American, his voice is ridged and strong. I grab his shoulder and talk into his ear to be heard over the storm, "sarge! What are we doing now?!"

He grabs my arm and points to a building that seems to larger than the rest, "the leader of the village lives in there, follow me" he looks at Danny, "and your coming to! Follow me!"

All three of us walk up to the door and knock, after two minutes a very old looking man opens the door, the man wares a white robe, has a hunchback and a long white beard. When he sees us you can see the surprise in his eyes. He waves his hand for us to come inside.

We enter and he closes the door behind us, the sounds of the storm quiet down but can still be heard. The old man walks towards a chair in the corner of the room, as he walks he speaks," the storm should calm down in half a hour… i honestly didn't expect you to show up. But I'm great full that you did" the old man sits in his chair with a grunt. As he sits he asks us to sit in front of him, we do.

The old man looks at us with a very serious look on his face "So let's get straight to business. The splicers usually attack at night so you should get settled in before night falls, we also managed to get help from a Neighboring village. They should be arriving soon."

Danny looks at the old man "So you already have a plan I presume?"

The old man leans back into his chair, "I'm not a fighter, I don't know any tactics of war. So that's your job. I leave you in charge, Now if you can do my a favor and let me get some much needed rest that'd be appreciated" with that the old man closes his eyes.

"Welp we won't be getting anything else out of him" Danny stands up and starts walking towards the door. We follow behind and leave the building.

Sargent Sampson talks to Danny "Danny, radio to the men, tell them we have friendly combatants entering the village very soon and no one is to harm them."

The wind has dead down to a small gust, sand still hits my clothes. I walk over to my squad and we find a position to hold

Later in the day I'm talking to a civilian, we're talking about the town trying to find a way to protect the people better. One of the newbies in the 67th has been Stations with me, he's a young kid about 19 maybe 20, joined right as he got out. We were told to guard the south-east entrance into town.

Well me and the civilian are talking the civilian starts dragging me to a little store thing they have and start showing me some Jewelry, I remember thinking that my mother would probably love something from over here so I buy a silver necklace, Nothing fancy.

I suddenly hear the sound of engines. I quickly start sprinting towards the newbie. Three trucks had pulled up at the entrance and weapons were being distributed to the people getting out of the cars, all of them wear face covers. The newbie Obviously doesn't know what's going on, he raises his rifle and everything goes from calm to a shit show..

I jump behind a Humvee as Billets are flying by. Civilians are running away as both sides start fighting, two sides that were supposed to be working together.

Suddenly a rocket hits the Humvee I'm behind and I'm thrown to the side, my vision gets hazy.

I try looking around a I look straight at a female civilian covered in blood, a man dead at her feet, she points at me and starts screaming, YOUR FAULT THIS IS YOUR FAULT, YOU WILL ROT IN HELL, YOUR FA-" a bullet strikes her head, blood splatters on my face. she falls dead.

frantically looking around, a peace of shrapnel in in my leg, well Bullets are wizzing over my head I crawl slowly towards cover, I pull my 9mm Pistol out and start firing at the people shooting at me. Someone grabs my by my bag and starts dragging me back. A sudden explosion happens and I feel myself getting thrown.

I black out…

I should have stayed with the kid and that wouldn't have happened….

Maybe Sargent Sampson would still be alive…


I'm going to be completely honest, It really should not have taken my this long to finish this, but it's finally out so that's what matters.

I once again stayed up until midnight to finish this so I hope you all enjoy.

I love you all and hope you have a great day, see ya next chapter
