
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 19, let’s talk

So we're at 11 thousand people now and I just realized that a book that has one page has 45k, I'd say I'm jelly but I don't really care.

Just enjoy the chapter, I love you all.

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Mina-San is hugging Bakugou well he's currently dieing Coughing. If I had something to record this with I definitely would. It's like watching a soldier coming home from war.

Bakugou regains his composure and starts talking with his voice full of surprise, "Mina!?! How are you alive I lost you when the bus flipped?! I thought you were dead!?"

"Well I almost did die but midoriya fought off the ones that tried to kill me but after I got away I lost everyone… I was so worried!" She starts tearing up and hugs Bakugou tightly, (is it weird that I feel jealous?)

Bakugou try's to pull her off but falls, "ok raccoon eyes but that was a year ago how did you survive until now?"

Mina let's go, "well it wasn't easy, for the first couple of weeks I was looking for everyone but I didn't find anyone. So I started looking for food and somewhere to live for a while. Eventually I found a abandoned house and stayed there. Surprisingly people found me and robed me. So I went back to UA to check the stash of food and supplies we had to see if there was anything left behind-" she walks over and hugs my arms and continues talking like she presenting a trophy, "and well I was there i found Diran! He's been protecting me since we found each other "

(Well thanks for being honest)

Bakugou looks me up and down, "Mina he looks like a villain, you sure you should trust this guy?"

"Well of course, he did save my life multiple times, on more than one occasion he could have left me but he didn't"

Bakugou sighs and says," ok if you trust him so do I"

Bakugou puts his hand out to shake my hand, I gladly take his hand "thanks for keeping her safe, I know she can be a little crazy but it's just how she is"

I talk "you can say the crazy part again, but she has saved me to" I look back to the bar she woke me up in to warn me of the zeds busting in. "If I wasn't with her I'd probably be dead by now"

Bakugou stares me dead in the eyes for a minute, "well you obviously came here to talk so follow me to my office, its upstairs so follow me." He waves his hand in a follow me motion and we follow him down the hall and up some stairs and down another hall. Along the entire way to his office Iv seen twelve guards in similar suits to Okumura Kira.

Eventually after going through multiple halls we end up in front of a table with a woman behind it, Bakugou calls her batty, another metal door is off to the right. She presses a button and the door opens. We follow him inside.

(Mary mother of joseph)

The room bestowed upon my lucky eyes would make every gun person cry a tear of joy. The wall behind his desk in the middle of the room has two windows and between the windows are 12 Unique and rare weapons rating from a belt feed revolver to a AK with a broken stock replaced with the handle of a shovel. Not only that the tables that are against the wall all around the room have weapons laying on them, most of them are rifles. Just doing a quick look around the room I count at least 50 weapons, the best part of this… all the weapons in here makes a loud bang.

Off to the right and left are different doors, the one to the right is lightly open and I can see a bed. I think I see some movement but I'm not completely sure…

"Welcome to my home! Take a seat" Bakugou suddenly basically yells as he points to the two chairs in front of his desk. As me and Mina sit down Bakugou looks in the open door and closes it.

(I wonder what your hiding you angry pomeranian)

He walks over to his seat and sits down, "ok so I have some questions for both of you"

I say, "and we might have answers"

"I'm going to guess your looking for our class to?"

Mina talk with a very serious tone, "yes but your the only one we've found."

Bakugou looks to Mina, "have you shown your friend here a picture of the class or a list of names? Maybe he's meet someone?"

I reply, "no she hasn't, that's actually a great idea"

Mina has a look that basically says how'd I never think of that

Bakugou opens a drawer on his desk and looks through it for a minute before putting a peace of paper on the table, it has a picture of every student from 1-A on it with their names below them. He slides it over to me and I pick it up. Most names I barely remember, mostly because of my past life but none of my current life's memories say anything about most names.

As I'm looking through I notice on most of the names the word "missing" is written above. Expect for two, Mina-San and Rikido Sato, above Mina's name the word missing is crossed out and found has been written underneath, but for Rikido-San… it says deceased….

"What happened to Rikido sato?"

"He got bitten, in the neck. He slowly kept getting sicker and sicker until he passed and turned into one of the infected. Kira put him down for me. . . I just couldn't do it myself"

Mina puts her hand out and touch's Bakugou's hand, "you can't blame your self, things happen and there's nothing we can do"

I keep looking through the faces and names, it doesn't take long to see a name I know all to well. eijiro kirishima. When I see the name my head hurts a little trying to send me a memory but the memory isn't a large one so I don't fall over, the memories literally just me and kirishima watching a video of his favorite hero crimson riot. At the end of the video he jumps up and yells "I want to be just like him!". Good times.

I put the picture on the table and point to the now red head marvel known as kirishima, "I know him, me and kirishima were childhood friends."

Bakugou looks at me intrigued, "really? I didn't know that shitty hair had any friends other than in the class"

"Well that's just mean" Mina says

Bakugou asks, "anyone else"

I immediately point to Deku and both Mina and Bakugou look at me surprised, I feel like I just did something forbidden.

"When was the last time you saw them?" Bakugou asks

"About three years ago on Christmas Eve , they were being surrounded by infected well they were on a bus, both of them were on the roof kicking them off"

Bakugou slams his hands on the table and almost yells at me, "YOUR THE GUY FROM THE MALL"

I yell right back because I just remembered, "AND YOUR THE OTHER GUY ON TOP OF THE BUS!"

Mina looks surprised but suddenly hugs my side, "so you've been saving us even before I knew who were. Thank you"

"No problem" I say

Bakugou looks at me and says, "so you know the nerd?"


"So you should know what this is"

He pulls out a notebook and looks through the pages until he reaches a certain page.

(Why does that book seem familiar… ) I read the cover when I have a chance (hero analysis for the future num-) a sudden strong pain In my head, (fuck) I try to stay still as not to worry them but it doesn't last long. As the pain gets worse I fall from my chair

Both Bakugou and Mina panic, mostly Mina, she starts shaking me as I slowly pass out….


as always I love you all, I hope you have enjoyed and I'll see you all next chapter.
