
MHA:Broken God

----------------------- They betrayed him, they hurt him, they broke him...but they went too far ----------------------- Contains Cursing, torture, child abuse, rape, domestic violence, gore, self harm, drug use, alcohol consumption, etc. so if you are uncomfortable with any of them then don't read this No harem or yaoi Don't expect daily or weekly updates I would try to update as much as I can but it will most probably be 2 episodes per month I own nothing other than my OCs Cover is not mine but the artist is damn good. This is a fanfiction but webnovel decided to be a dick and out it into the novel category so i'm not even reaching my target audience ;-; hence if someone asks for an mha fanfic with op mc, then reccomend this shit to them. -----------------------

Good_Boi_5726 · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 8 Heroes don't exist but monsters do

After an unknown amount of time I regained consciousness and woke up to an unknown roof.

My whole body was aching due to being electrocuted.

As soon as I tried to get up from the chair, horrifying amounts of pain attacked my system, I looked down and saw something that sent a chill down my spine.

My hands and feet were impaled by metal spikes to a metallic chair, I could feel the cold metal inside my hands and feet but the pain was to much to pay it any mind.

In an act of desperation to get awat from the pain, I subconsciously converted the metal spikes to air causing rivers of blood to flow out of my wounds, I realised if this kept up I would die of blood loss so I quickly willed the blood in my hands and feet to slow down as much as I could giving me more time to think up of a solution.

I accelerated the repair of the tissues nearby the wound but it was still too slow so I plugged the gaping hole with gauge and bound my hand and feet tightly waiting for the wound to repair itself.

A few minutes later when the wound was almost closed up I heard footsteps and quickly took action fortifying the door by destroying the knob, increasing its thickness and merging it with the wall.

This set of actions bought me a few more minutes allowing my wounds to completely heal until a loud explosion shook the room.

I looked over to the door only to find it on the ground along with a part of the wall and about a dozen men in armoured suits armed with assault rifles rushed in escorting a blonde woman in a buisness suit.

Behind her was man I recognised, Hawks, one of top 10 heroes.

I had a lot of questions but right now I needed to know their intentions.

"What do you want?" I snarled at the woman who looked to be the highest ranked among the ones present here.

"You." she replied simply then signalled one of her bodyguards, he stepped forward and stated.

"Ever since quirks were discovered there always people misusing these quirks, they were given the name of 'Villains' and to combat these villains and protect the innocent civilians the 'Heroes' were born.

But this game of cat and mouse between the heroes and villains has been going on for too long, too many lives have been lost because of this useless war, hence we decided to create a hound, a hound that will be loyal to us and will put an end to this war for good and you, are going to be that hound."

"And what if I refuse to be your dog?" I asked

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." This time the blonde woman spoke up.

"And who are you?" I asked her

"You don't need to know that." she said as her pale blue eyes were locked onto my purple ones.

"I quickly tried to make my escape by first creating a wall of stone between me and the men, as soon as I did that I heard gunshots from the other side of the wall.

I used the air to sense their locations and though about diggin underground to escape them but I didn't have enough energy to go through with that so I came up with a plan, a dangerous one but the only one I could think of.

I created an airtight suit as fast as I could straining my brain more than it already was

and got to work, first I converted some of the air to carbon and hydrogen and fused them to make ethylene then I treated it with hypochlorous acid and sodium sulfide then finally I heated the mixture with hydrochloric acid.

This filled the room with a gas commonly known as sulphur mustard, a banned chemical weapon used by the Germans in the world war II and again in world war IV in my previous world.

A moment later screams and coughs of pain could be heard throughout the room, I Peeked from behind my stone wall and saw all the guards were on the ground coughing and scratching themselves aggressively with blisters all over their bodies, hawks and the blonde woman were nowhere to be seen so I swiftly went out the now blown up door.

I slowly peeked my head out and gazed down the hallway, it was empty and silent, too silent.

I limped down the hallway searching for any exit I could find, but the only thing that greeted me were locked doors and empty hallways, I didn't forget to destroy any cameras I came across.

After a few minutes of walking through the long lifeless hallways, I sensed some disturbance in the air behind me but before I could react someone was pinning me down on the floor.

I caught a sight of red feathers from the corner of my eyes.

"I though you were a hero, why are you doing this?" I questioned my assailant

"There are no heroes in this world kid, there are monsters and then there are even worse monsters.


Author here

Hey guys I hope you all like it so far, I have a general blueprint of where I want this story to go but I'm always open to suggestions so if you guys have any ideas feel free to tell me.