
MHA: A Ghoul’s Cover

A quirkless boy in the world of heroes and villains suffered constantly from the torment of his parents for his “disability”, it all changed when he awakened something that was horrifying and out of his control. Forced to take a decision of what to do with this “curse” he decided that becoming a vigilante might be the best idea, but it’s not that easy as it seems, as he will face constant struggle to control his curse and escape being hunted down by everyone at the same time. He also managed to get the attention of some unwanted individuals who might be plotting something dangerous. (AN: I got the cover from Pinterest from a user called zeina, I know it’s not a ghoul eye but who cares.) (This is my first story so please let me know what I can improve and I’ll try to learn along the way, english is not my first language btw.)

Linn_Guistick0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Problems and questioning

In Japan, there was one special police car which received a seemingly normal notice. Inside this police car, there was a woman driving the car, and a man currently sleeping on the passenger's seat.

They completed their nightly patrol but nothing special happened in the whole day. The woman was about to stop patrolling and conclude their shift but the radio in the car was turned on, waking the man immediately.

The man who was startled by the loud noise of the radio, tried to listen to it but he was feeling very groggy and his senses hadn't come back yet. The only thing that he heard was "noise complaint" and to go there as they were a few minutes away.

The woman was very happy to hear this as she was bored from this monotone day, the man wanted to sleep more but he just pinched the upper side of his nose and waited for him to fully be awake.

"I told you that we would have at least one job to do, now you have to buy me dinner" The woman said jokingly.

"I don't recall ever making a bet about something like that, stop saying stupid stuff and let's just go there." The man, who was now fully awake, replied with a bored expression on his face.

"Come on, don't be like that, even if it's just a noise complaint, you should at least honor your words if you're a man."

"Fine, I'll buy you dinner… next week."

"Hey!! You're just telling me that with the hopes that I forget about this conversation right! Give up because that'll never happen, next week it is!" The woman said excitedly.

The man just rolled his eyes and waited to arrive at the place. After a short four minutes they both got out of the car and knocked on the front door. While they waited, the woman joked about the above average neighborhood and how she wanted to live somewhere like this.

The man paid no attention to her and knocked again as it had been more than 15 seconds already, "This is the police please open up, you're not in trouble" The man said calmly.

After receiving no reply, the woman looked at the man and asked "Now what? We don't have a warrant so we can't just barge in, the lights are turned on so there might be someone home."

"Honestly, there might be an emergency happening like maybe someone is hurt, we should at least see if it looks like there's no one in danger, we can always talk later." The man said before trying to open the door.

To the surprise of both of them, the door didn't have a lock and was currently open, the woman looked at the man and warned him that if the residents of the house found out about this they could proceed with legal actions. The man ignored her and took a peek inside the house, and what he saw… it almost made him vomit.

"Gag!" The woman looked at the man weirdly and tried to look inside but the man stopped her just in time, "Aika, get out your gun and be ready for anything" the man said seriously whilst he took out his gun.

"What did you see Kenji? Should I call for backup?" The woman asked whilst she simultaneously got out her gun and had her hand ready to call for backup.

"Yeah, call for them, after that let's go in" Aika called for backup before they entered the house, when she saw what was inside of it, she froze and held her gun tightly before advancing.

There was a mess in the living room, overthrown furniture, broken tv, ripped paintings, but most importantly, there was a woman's head looking straight at her with immense terror. Her torso was laying a few feet from the head, there was no sign of the arms and legs.

Kenji looked to the right and there he saw the remains of a man consisting of his guts, legs, arms, and brain matter all over the kitchen, he seemed to be cut to pieces mercilessly.

After checking every single room and not finding anything, they cleared the first floor and moved on to the second floor, they checked the bathrooms and the room of the victims but they found nothing inside, now they were on the last door.

Kenji and Aika looked at each other at the same time before nodding quickly and slowly opening the door. There seemed to be nothing there, it looked like it was a boy's room, when they were about to head back, they heard something inside the closet, it sounded like someone breathing.

They quickly got serious and took their positions, Aika took aim at the closet while Kenji was about to open the door from the side. He slowly opened the door and when it was finally open, Aika relaxed and lowered her weapon. What she saw inside was an 8 year old boy hugging his fox plushie, the boy wasn't crying nor was he looking at them, he just held the plushie closer and tighter to him.


(25 minutes later)

Outside the house in which the incident took place, the ambulance and the police appeared, Oki was currently being hugged by a blanket to avoid the cold whilst he was being nicely questioned.

"Hey little guy, can you tell me what happened here, we promise to do our best and solve the situation" A detective said with a smile. "My name is Sadao, what's your name?" He continued.

Oki stayed quiet for a few seconds but he finally answered the man, "Oki… my name is Oki"

"Okay Oki, I know that it's hard to lose your parents but I need you to be strong and tell me what happened so we can make your parents rest in peace."

Oki stayed silent, he knew what the detective was trying to do, he watched it in his favorite detective series. Sadao was making him feel comfortable to try getting information out of him. Oki didn't want to be found out, so he kept his words to himself no matter how nice the detective seemed to be.

The detective finally gave up and decided to wait till Oki felt more comfortable to get information out of him. Sadao left to talk with some police officers that were there, leaving Oki with a single nurse.

"This may be the actions of someone taking revenge, having a grudge, or maybe they just enjoy this, we need to wait till the kid gives us some answers" Sadao informed Kenji.

"Could the kid have done this? he may have a powerful quirk, it may have been an accident, there's also the blood stains on his shirt" Kenji asked.

"No, there's no way for the kid to have done this, he's quirkless, he probably was just close when it happened"

Kenji looked surprised for a few seconds that the kid was quirkless but he calmed down quickly, "I see, is the kid injured?"

"You should've checked for any injuries when you found him and the answer is no, the kid is not injured."


(Inside Jaku's general hospital)

Oki was currently sitting down on a hospital bed whilst he was being questioned by Sadao. "Can you please tell me what happened?" He said in a soothing voice

Oki was conflicted inside but he clenched his fists and finally opened his mouth to tell Sadao his version of the story. "I-it was a huge monster, it had long claws and he killed mom and dad" Oki said before thinking of how his dad beat him and started to cry.

Sadao allowed Oki to finish crying before he continued the questioning, "How did this monster look?"

"It looked like a brown wolf."

"Did this brown wolf appeared to be an animal or do you think it's someone with a quirk?"

"I-I think it's someone with a quirk because he said that my parents did bad stuff to him."

"What did he say your parents did to him?" Sadao said with before focusing on Oki's words.

"He said that they stole something from him."

"Did he say what they stole from him?"


"Okay, I will stop asking you questions now, go take a shower and rest, you need it for tomorrow" Sadao said before leaving the room.

Oki stood up from the bed before heading towards the shower, he seemed to be conflicted with something. The moment that the warm water touched his hair he finally relaxed after the horrible night. Oki stayed there for half an hour before changing to some clothes the nurses gave him and went to sleep.

Oki laid down on the bed, he took his fox plushie that was besides him and hugged it tightly before thinking, 'Is everything going to be alright?'