
MHA: A Casual Inventor

A day like any other, only the sounds of the iron hitting iron in the Kowalski's Bunker. A tall bald man knocks on his young daughter working place's metal doors to deliver news incoming in the shape of a letter delivered from an unknown source under the bunker's entrance door. Somehow she was invited to attend the current year of UA's first years in Japan. Not understanding why she was recommended, her father persists that she goes and leaves the war-of-place so she can be more free. Now she is met with a new objective of trying to become a hero but for her own selfish desires of creating even more advanced things to end the conflict that surrounds her motherland. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ (A/N: Dondon! Yo! If ya know me, WAZUUUUUP~! If not.*Coughs*. Welcahme Strangeh! Cringe? Maybe. I lost what it meant to be cringe after writing A Saiyan Owl. Mumei did unspeakable things to me..... Anyways, new fic. Dunno how well I will perform in character interactions here since I don't know them that well like in my DB one, but I'mma a try. Hope you enjoy my now Inventor girl. She isn't OP in a conventional way, but compensates for it. And like Kobo's story, it has no connection to Hololive other than the main MC, I like their designs okay? And each of them has so much behind them to work and adapt to a story element. That's about it. Ciao!~Ye

ReyKale · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chap 7 – Wheels on the Road; Part 4

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩 𝟕 – 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝; 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒:












{ 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝟐/𝟑 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞; 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐯; 𝟖:𝟑𝟐 𝐏𝐌 }

Inside the long abandoned clothing store, the father and daughter duo look around for something that could cover their motorcycle.

On one side was Kaela who walked around slowly while carrying around her newly trusted crowbar in her macha arm, already having her goggles lowered to see better as she looked around the ground full of glass and molding clothes.

Each of her steps was followed by the dull noise from the wood floor cracking each time weight was pressed upon it.

Seeing there was nothing in the front part of the building she sighed, strolling back towards the bike and freeing both bags that belonged to herself and Sumass.

Showing her regular right arm's partial exoskeleton strength by lifting both bags using solely one arm before turning around to look at the tall man who was still looking around holding a flashback of his own. Scratching his bald head in thought of what to cook later.

" Papo, I'mma go find a place to set our things. Call, if you need somethin'." - Waving her crowbar while pointing it at him then the exit door that led towards the house behind the store.

Humming, he gave her a thumbs-up before finally settling into something. - " Little Kukla, peel of som' potatoes I still have in my bag. Gonna grill us some crispy ones."

Smiling looking at the blonde, his eyes held a happy gleam seeing how Kaela's mouth opened into a small 'o'.

" ALREDY ON'IT!!" - * 𝐁𝐀𝐌𝐌! * - Then a second later she broke out in a small happy hop, then a full rush that resulted in her kicking the door a bit too forcefully as she made her way out, the star in the blonde's eyes hidden by those red goggles she wore.

Hearing the hasty heavy steps on the rocks ground outside the store, Sumass breaks out a small rugged laugh, coughing a few times at the end of it. - " Oho….Ahhh.*sigh*… Age's finally catching up ey…."

Stretching up his arms he felt how his body had become way stiffer than what he remembered.

Though, that wouldn't hold him back one bit.

The body he honed over the years was still very much capable of kicking anyone's asses if they were to mess with his daughter in his presence.

Now, he walked towards the motorcycle, being quick to kick up the resting pedal and start to push the bike by the handle towards the door Kaela had kicked open in her joyous moment.

Luckily it was just large enough for him and the motorcycle to pass through.

Now outside, he sees the old red wooden house. It was a regular one with two floors and a small balcony by the entrance.

The old wood around it gave the place a very haunted look.

Continuing towards it he pushes the motorcycle a few short steps that stand before the balcony, getting up and getting to an already open door.

Smirking and going in already knowing who was the one responsible for leaving it open.

As he went in, the blonde that had run inside was already far deeper inside the place.

After Kaela left both of their bags on a couch by the living room, she took off a plastic bag full of potatoes and a pocket knife her father told her to peel and walked deeper into the house.

She scouted around the place discovering a dusty bathroom and a kitchen beside the living room where the entrance was located at.

The other rooms seemed to be up a staircase on the kitchen's side. Though she wouldn't go up there after hearing how the wooden floor was cracking under her feet while she was still on the first floor.

Now she made her way back towards the kitchen after having found one last door that had a couple of stairs heading down to some sort of basement.

Using her goggles she gave a look inside, seeing that there were some boxes around there that might hold useful things for them. Humming, she closed the door and walked off.

" Gonna wait for Papo, tomorrow we better give' a look, hmm.*nods*...." - Resting the bag of potatoes on the kitchen's counter, Kaela turned the faucet on to see if she was lucky to have the water pipe system still working.

To her happiness, after a few weird noises, some did come off, very dirty at first but she let it run for a few seconds until it became clear and good to use.

In a fast hand movement, she tossed the crowbar she had in her Mecha hand to another place above the counter, close enough she could turn around already swinging the thing if needed.

She displayed a small smile as she started to clean the potatoes and then peeled them using the small knife shortly before depositing them back inside their bag once more.

This kept going for another five minutes, the only sound she heard being the humming and creaking loud noises coming from the living room. All she did was shake her head already knowing her father was up to something.

And sure he was.

When Kaela stretched her arm to take another potato, a piece of strange music started to play, then after some radio noises, it finally settled into a song from one of the old famous singers her father liked to listen to.

" Papo…." - Finishing peeling off the last potato she popped it together with others and took hold of the bag in one hand and her crowbar into the other.

Walking towards the living room the only thing she saw there was Sumass's old radio singing some old Russian and Ukrainian songs.

Noticing how her father was nowhere to be seen as she glanced around Kaela walked outside, seeing that on the rocky ground that was in between the store and house her father had crafted a small campfire.

Pushing her goggles up and then slapping her face, the girl couldn't believe he planned to do things this way. - " Papooooo… Didn' we still have 'nother three cans of fuel for the portable stove?.. Why do it like that?" - She finishes off by pointing towards the campfire bearing a look of confusion, not that it was a real nuisance in her eyes.

More so not seeing the 'why' they needed to do so if they had an abundance of fuel for the tiny stove she saw inside her father's bag.

However, all she got back was a low chuckle while Sumass ignited the campfire. Watching as the flame started to burn from the small sticks and slowly made its way up toward the tougher and larger ones.

" Kukla, sometimes jus' becuz we can go down the easier path, doesn't mean that we should….. Also *wide smile*, don'tcha love how the sky is today? Cooking inside would be a waste." - Motioning using his head upward, he sat down next to the small campfire, slapping the spot next to him still smiling.

Feeling like she was lost, Kaela sighed before a small smile made its way onto her face.

Walking to his side and giving him the bag as he hurried her up to sit down already, she crossed both legs after taking her seat, finding the rocks slightly uncomfortable. Then finally looking up to see what her dad was bragging so much about.

Her eyes widened seeing the thousands of stars and strange colors that were spread through the skies where a full moon flew on, brightly shining down on their faces and surroundings.

Ruby red eyes almost glowed with how awed she was, the spot was different from where she was used to seeing the sky at night.

Now that she was far away from her home, the sky was completely unknown in Kaela's eyes.

Ignoring his daughter's frozen state, Sumass started to shove the potatoes into some sticks and rest them on the campfire sides.

His eyes never truly left the fire as he watched how it turned stronger with the resources it ate. Hoping that with this new opportunity that has opened the blonde by his side would also turn stronger.

The silence stretched for another few minutes, the radio's songs coming from inside the house and the sounds of the crickets and nocturnal animals being heard giving it a very peaceful vibe.

*𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈* - Hearing the fire give a loud, Sumass nudges his daughter while holding a stick up to her.

Kaela's attention is brought back to earth finally and literally.

Those red eyes stared at her father's own just a child who just saw something cool and wanted to tell their parents.

" Told ya, now. Take the potato before it gets cold."

And so she did, eating slowly and almost shouting at how hot it was. Only to hear her father's laugh every time she would do so.