
MHA: A Casual Inventor

A day like any other, only the sounds of the iron hitting iron in the Kowalski's Bunker. A tall bald man knocks on his young daughter working place's metal doors to deliver news incoming in the shape of a letter delivered from an unknown source under the bunker's entrance door. Somehow she was invited to attend the current year of UA's first years in Japan. Not understanding why she was recommended, her father persists that she goes and leaves the war-of-place so she can be more free. Now she is met with a new objective of trying to become a hero but for her own selfish desires of creating even more advanced things to end the conflict that surrounds her motherland. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ (A/N: Dondon! Yo! If ya know me, WAZUUUUUP~! If not.*Coughs*. Welcahme Strangeh! Cringe? Maybe. I lost what it meant to be cringe after writing A Saiyan Owl. Mumei did unspeakable things to me..... Anyways, new fic. Dunno how well I will perform in character interactions here since I don't know them that well like in my DB one, but I'mma a try. Hope you enjoy my now Inventor girl. She isn't OP in a conventional way, but compensates for it. And like Kobo's story, it has no connection to Hololive other than the main MC, I like their designs okay? And each of them has so much behind them to work and adapt to a story element. That's about it. Ciao!~Ye

ReyKale · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chap 6 – Wheels on the Road; Part 3

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩 𝟔 – 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝; 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑









{ 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐚, 𝟏/𝟑 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞; 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐯; 𝟔:𝟒𝟔 𝐏𝐌 }

Riding through the now appearing to be infinite roads, Kaela has her head supported onto her father's back as the day finally starts to darken itself.

A trail of drool went down her mouth to her chin, her face resting sideways giving the blonde a way to see their surroundings as a way to try and pass the time.

But that entertainment wasn't that much of a help. Only establishments, houses, and any type of regular thing you would usually see day by day, all decaying and destroyed, be it by Villains or time itself.

" Hei… Papo… I know it'sh not the besht time… But can ya tel' me about Mama again…." - Voice a bit sleepy and very muffled given half her face was sore from laying on the motorist's back.

Her eyes held a very distant look while asking the question out of nowhere.

She heard many stories about how her mother would play with her… All until she was two years old… Sumass never got further than that as it was around the time when she disappeared from Kaela's life.

To Kaela's sadness, she doesn't remember anything given her extremely young age at the time…. These bits her dad gave about the unknown woman she should call mother handed the blonde some hope of meeting the last one day… If she was even alive at the moment that is….

Though Sumass never specified anything, she just seemed to go away for some reason… Such a reason the young blonde hoped to be big enough to leave her daughter behind and vanish…


Changing gear before speeding up and humming to himself, Sumass tries to think of something he hadn't told the one almost dozing off… His face went through a million emotions as he was attempting to find something.

" Wel', as I told you many times, your Mama was rather of a genius. Her Quirk wouldn't be much in the hands of someone whose will to yearn for more was weak, but paired with a tenacious personality like hers, gave the damn woman' everything and then some to go up in life… Sadly, ya know the place we live'in Kukla… There was a limit to how much she could improve. Through I think you know how she feels given you too have the same characteristics all over your face Ehehe~"

Speaking holding a longing tone to his voice, the father's eyes widened slightly, getting hold of a part he spoke that his daughter may misunderstand. He waited patiently, ready to put the right idea across.

Kaela's eyes stared at a passing destroyed potato field, and immediately a cannon that shoots potatoes crawled its way inside her head making her grin at how silly it would be and breaking the heavy thoughts she was having.- ' They aren't too much of a headache some times….'

" She didn' leave because of that, correct'? To… yearn for more', I mean... *looks down at the road*... Similar to what I'm doing right now…" - Not really changing much from her usual calm stoic self, Kaela already had a good idea of how the woman was. A mind image of her personality after hearing each and every story.

Laughing at how tired the blonde looked and the nonchalant tone, Sumass shook his head being careful to not get his eyes off the road as he turned to another side of the road to dodge a few fallen parts of some random falling apart cars.

" No, don't ya worry. Whatever she is, she probably has some seriously significant reasons to be there away from our little Yellow Iron-Ingot head behin' me." - Beaming a smile Kaela couldn't see, he pulled the throttle handle, finally speeding away from the fallen potato farm at full speed.

Not moving from her position, Kaela only hummed while closing her eyes. She wasn't one bit tired and more so bored from playing with that cube so much until a few minutes before. Napping would be way better than going back to that.

She had a lot to think about before going to the other side of the planet. And one of those was the objectives she wished to accomplish along the path she was about to take.

'Maybe…. I need a list of those… written down…*yawn*... Hmm…*small nod*...'

These were the last thoughts she had before falling asleep deeply, only allowing soft breaths to leave her drooling mouth.

Feeling the soft breathing, Sumass smiled. - ' That took' me by surprise… She rarely ever asked about her Mama after starting to focus most of her time in the Forge…. But I'm shure she'll meet that beautiful Lavander flower eventually… '

Driving through the road he continued, going and going until the sun finally settled and leaving them in the twilight of the night, only illuminated by the bright beautiful moon.

At some point around 8:15 PM, they finally reached the place Sumass had marked as one of the checkpoints. They were a bit late given the old father had to be more careful while driving this time because of a certain sleeping penguin.

*𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤* - Turning the bike off and kicking the support pedal down, Sumass is quick to stretch both arms up, tired.

They arrived in front of a clothing store that was beside a forest, behind the same store seemed to be a wooden red house where the ones who worked in the store probably lived back then. Their objective was the second behind it.

" Kaela'….. We've arrived…." - The old man tries nudging the blonde to wake up, and after a few seconds he finally is able to as she pushes both hands onto his back to use as support to jump off the bike in a very strange zombie-like way.

" I…. Wher'…" - Eyes practically closing and drool still not cleaned, she started to walk around the parking lot they had stationed at. Wobbling around like a drunk zombie, not even knowing where and what was going on.

Sighing loudly, the dad observed the blonde go towards the road yet again seemingly without any sense of direction while uttering something about putting a minigun on a helmet.

Sumass did wake her up, yes….

But this was also something he experienced before, Kaela was in the most empty-headed moments she could ever be found in. A side effect of sleeping a bit excessively more than she was used to and way too early as she still had 𝑳𝑶𝑻𝑺 of energy, causing her to act strangely fizzy for a few minutes after waking up. It wasn't anything major and only happened before because he wanted her to rest more… Resulting in…well….. this.

" Haaaaa….. I'mma create a fortified rocket and go weeeeee~ to the su- Uh?" - Walking over to her after settling the motorcycle inside the store which had its front glass windows broken, Sumass grabbed the blonde who started to wave both arms towards the sky randomly.

Carrying her like a sack of potatoes as she wobbled around like a worm, he turned around and walked towards the store. From the outside one could see all the old and dirty rags that used to be clothing scattered around the rotting wooden floor.

" Roooocket go… Uuuush~ *silent wheeze*..." - Eyes appearing to be lines as her mouth smiled strangely, Kaela didn't have one single drop of idea of what she was even doing.

" I'm really happy you probably won' remember all this…" - Stopping his scrolling in front of the store's counter and gently putting the girl sitting on it. - " Stay ther', okey?"

Head almost wiping back and forth a bit too extremely sending drops of drool flying, she gave him a strong nod while wheezing silently, leaving Sumass to go find someplace to hide their bike wondering what was so funny… And cleaning his face from the stray 'shots' that hit his face.

Keeping the silent laugh going, Kaela's eyes started to lose her derpy look and regain her calm look.

The first thing she noticed was the unknown place she was sitting on before wiping away the drool running down her mouth… And next was how the moon shined through the storefront's glass-broken walls.

Said Moon brightness was reflected from the inside of the store as if there was a mirror somewhere in it…

But no, her eyes met her father who was looking for something around the place, hand on his beard while humming pensively.

Holding her smile the moment she realized where all that light was reflecting from.

" Ah- Shiny Head. "