

After their respective deaths, Gojo Satoru and Retsu Unohana find themselves in a world unfamiliar to either of them. As they come to terms with their situation and navigate through the new world, they find themselves thrown into the battlefield once again in order to keep their new homeworld intact. The cover belongs to electricblue572 I own nothing but the changes in the story

3_dyansmurf · Anime & Comics
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Plans and stories

We drove back to the house where we woke up because it seemed the perfect place for such a conversation. After we arrived, I parked the car and turned off the engine. I used my senses to see if there was anyone trying to spy on us. Since I didn't notice anything suspicious we got out of the car and went inside the house. We both took off our coats, and I also took off my suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of my shirt. After that, she sat on the bed where we originally woke up, and I sat on the chair where I found my overcoat.

"First of all, do you have anything against the two of us staying together and thus planning that way?" Retsu asked and locked her eyes on mine.

"I was just about to propose that we stay together instead of going separately." I chuckled and continued speaking.

"I think we should make this house our temporary residence. Then what I would do next is start some kind of business or invest in stocks to make more money because I feel like living a high-end and carefree life. My reason for that is that I'm 99% sure that I will somehow still get dragged into that superhero stuff despite my clear refusal, and who the fuck wants to think about rent and stuff like that when they expect me to... I don't know, square up against a god or something." I said and waited for her response.

"What you said makes sense, and I agree with everything you have said, so that is what we are going to do. On the other hand, I had another idea that might be beneficial for both of us, but this would do the exact thing you hate and bind you," she said.

"Explain," I replied, and I waited for her response.

"What I propose is a marriage. This is what I meant by binding you. You would be bound to me. Now let me explain the reasons why I proposed this idea. Firstly, our looks are exceptional. While I do not like to boast about my own looks, this is a fact. This would make it easier to ward off unwanted attention. Secondly, it would spare us from answering questions such as 'Why do you two live together and have everything under one bank account?'. Of course, this would mean that we do not pursue other people and do everything that would be expected from a married couple. Such as touches, kisses, and affectionate words; this also contains so-called pet names for each other. I hope this doesn't cross any boundaries for you." she said while looking at me the whole time. Her idea honestly shocked the shit out of me. If I were to guess she came from a world where contract marriages are common.

"This is certainly unexpected, but I can see where you are coming from. Correct me if I'm wrong, but where you came from, contract marriages are not unusual, right?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"I accept; we can officialize everything tomorrow including the rings and papers. If you want to, you can take my family name after your own, or not; that is up to you. I also think that we should share our stories so our meagre knowledge about each other won't raise eyebrows." I suggested, and she nodded.

"Then I shall start it. As you know, I go by the name of Retsu Unohana, but that wasn't always my name. Once upon a time, I went by Yachiru Unohana and, I was the first Kenpachi. I was one of the most diabolical criminals in the Soul Society but was defeated and recruited into the Gotei 13 as a captain. After that, I switched my name to Retsu and started healing people instead of harming them to atone for my sins. To understand the meaning of my death better, I should tell you this; Kenpachi is not a name but a title given to the strongest Shinigami fighters, people who live for fighting. The person who took this title from me sealed most of his strength away in order to prolong their fight with me because I was too weak. Then there was a very bad war, and in order to unseal his power, I fought him and was finally killed by him when he completely unsealed it. That's basically the gist of it." she said, and I was surprised as hell. This gentle-looking woman was a battle junkie and criminal? I needed to see her like that at least once in my lifetime.

"Certainly unexpected, but not unwelcome," I said, and she looked at me confused.

"Personally, I love strong women. And you are strong in more than one way." I explained and then began telling my own life story, summed up.

"I was born with the two most powerful abilities. And went on to become a sorcerer. The most notable event then was when I was stabbed in the torso, multiple times in the leg, in the throat, and then in the forehead, but I survived it, and that's when I awakened the last of my untapped power and killed the guy. From then on, I went on to be a teacher and trained the new generation while trying to change the higher-ups. They are a completely corrupt group of people by the way. It would have been easy to kill them, but massacres aren't exactly appealing to people. Then the only enemy who could match me came back and took over Yuji's body; he was one of my students, and I had to hold back during our fight. With my last few breaths, I managed to seal him and save my student's life, but I died in the process. That's pretty much it." I said and looked at Retsu, waiting for any kind of reaction.

"In the end, we basically both died for our heirs," she said, and I nodded.

"Then let's get started with our plans before we are dragged into some bullshit," I suggested, and she nodded so that's what we did. I looked at my phone and said,

"04/12/2011 is the date today. Let's make it some kind of anniversary for the both of us to remember our arrival here." I said, and Retsu only hummed in agreement.