

After their respective deaths, Gojo Satoru and Retsu Unohana find themselves in a world unfamiliar to either of them. As they come to terms with their situation and navigate through the new world, they find themselves thrown into the battlefield once again in order to keep their new homeworld intact. The cover belongs to electricblue572 I own nothing but the changes in the story

3_dyansmurf · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Time skip and first confrontation

Gojo POV:

After our talk, we did exactly what we discussed. We had officially gotten married, and Retsu became Retsu Unohana-Satoru. We had also started a technology company, which is going really well. With my creativity and Retsu's management skills, we have managed to build up a company that, not too far into the future, will be able to rival Stark Industries. We had also invested in stocks and managed to build a net worth of over 100 million dollars in just under a few months, which was quite shocking for the world. We had also moved into a luxury house and bought a few sports cars, but that's unimportant.

In the past few months, Fury hadn't called Retsu for anything, but a few days ago she had gotten a call from him. He had asked for assistance to track down a man called Loki. He had given us a picture and description of the guy and asked her for assistance in capturing him. So she took the dirty route and threatened me into helping by saying that she wouldn't cook food for me if I didn't help.

And that's how I ended up in this office chair, waiting for the phone call to tell me where to go.

"I'm bored," I stated, and I looked towards Retsu who was reading on a sofa not far from me.

"Who told you to do nothing while waiting? You could read a book or whatever," she replied without even looking up at me.

"I still think threatening not to cook for me is a little bit overboard, is it not? At the very least, I'm asking Fury for money to somehow heal the wounds my heart has suffered." as I finished talking, the phone finally rang. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"We've got him. He is in Stuttgart, Germany. Get there as soon as possible." the call ended just like that.

"Stuttgart, Germany," I said while buttoning up my suit jacket and putting on my gloves and sunglasses. These are the same pieces that I first found when we travelled here because, as it turned out, they are magical clothing that doesn't get dirty or crumpled.

"You wanna come along?" I asked as I looked at Retsu, who looked up at me and just shook her head.

"Alright then, see you soon, darling." with that, I teleported to Stuttgart and levitated in the air to get a look at my surroundings. As I was looking around, I heard a voice shouting 'Kneel'. I teleported to where I heard the voice come from and looked down at a weirdly dressed man who was giving a speech to a group of kneeling people.

I teleported right in front of him and backhanded him away. He flew into the side of a car and gave a slight groan.

"I assume you are Loki," I said.

"You would be correct, and who might you be?" he replied.

"Gojo Satoru" I replied, and his face lit up as if he had gotten enlightened just a moment ago.

"Now I know why you looked familiar; you are the one who they refer to as the Duke of Destruction. Why don't you come to my side and I can give you a good..." before he could've finished his speech, I teleported to him and started giving him a beatdown. I didn't give him even a fraction of a second to retaliate, and while I was at it, I heard a plane fly above us. I assumed that the escort for this bastard had arrived, so I gave him a final left hook that sent him flying into another car. After that, I just put my hands into my pockets and watched as he lay there unmoving.

"Who are you?" I heard a voice behind me ask, so I turned around and came face to face with a man wearing a tight blue suit.

"I was asked to help you guys capture him, but it looks like you weren't needed," I replied, smiling at him before looking at the man in iron armour.

"Hey, Stark." I greeted

"I didn't know you were going to be here Satoru," he said while looking at the bloodied face of Loki.

"I didn't either, but Fury called my wife and she told me to come. I pulled my punches a little bit because he would be in a far worse condition if I didn't, and you need information from him, so be grateful and please put another $50,000 on my paycheck for helping." I smirked before turning away from them, but before I could do anything I heard a familiar voice calling.

"Please wait, Mr. Satoru!" I turned to the redhead who had just called my name.

"What?" I asked; my job here was done, and I desperately wanted to go home.

"The director has requested that you help with the escort as well," she said, and I looked at her, annoyance clear on my face.

"Tell him that it will cost him dearly. So far, $250,000 should do, but if there are any more annoyances showing up, I'll charge more." I said and walked into the plane and took a seat.

Tony POV:

"What's his deal?" asked Steve clearly not liking Satoru's attitude.

"He hates us," replied Romanoff before putting Loki in a pair of handcuffs and leading him into the plane, leaving me and Steve behind.

"And why's that?" asked Steve again, but this time directed towards me.

"I don't know, capsicle. But I'm certain he has a reason for it." I answered before boarding the plane as well. Steve still looked confused, but he also got on the plane, and with that, we were on our way to the S.H.I.L.E.D. headquarters.

Gojo POV:

"So, what exactly are you supposed to be, you reindeer wanna be?" I asked Loki, who just stared daggers at me, either for the beating or the nickname. Maybe both, but I couldn't care less.

"I'm a god from Asgard," he replied with pride in his voice.

"You call yourself a god, but you still got beaten into a pulp, and I didn't even break a sweat. I remember you were talking all that good shit to the people; where was that might against me?" I said to him, then closed my eyes and leaned back to try to enjoy the rest of the trip.

For Gojo's current power level, there really aren't many people active this time around who could threaten him. I know that Loki was beaten very easily but I didn't want to take away Gojo's strength just to make the fight last longer with Loki. Gojo is not the type to prolong the fight but go for victory as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Also, Gojo Satoru(family name), because I like Unohana's name more with Satoru after it rather than Gojo.

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